
keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
So got out of house, tried to earn some money and now my char is so weak willed that she is too afraid to leave market street and unable to play, great design lol I mean taking decisions away from the player like this.
btw. thanks for the bug report. game shouldn`t roll willpower after your character has already visit Main Street once. already fixed in the code and will be in the next patch
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
content is temporarily unavailable
in the public version of the game
0.05a Dev Build

Continued technical expansion of the build. Today's development day was particularly productive and the game has acquired several additional features that will become fundamental elements of gameplay.

A new GUI element has been added to the game. As much as i wanted to reduce the load of various UI elements, unfortunately the adding of this element was almost mandatory. The new menu in the upper left corner displays a small portrait of the main character, name and several important statuses: health, fatigue, satiety, pain and arousal levels. In addition, the menu displays the current strength of your character's attack and defense, calculated using the bonuses of your equipment.

The game is now able to calculate the exact time (previously the game counted minutes from 0 to 1440 minutes in a day). In addition, the game counts the current date. In the future it is planned to add simulation of seasons. In any case, some of the game's events may be time-based or even date-based. For example, some buildings are closed at night, and some religious events are only available in a certain month. (future patches)


A combat system is available. The opponent has a similar menu to yours in the other corner of the screen. In this menu you can observe the most important data about the opponent, such as his health, pain level and arousal level. Some fights can be ended not only by reducing the opponent's HP, but also by putting him into pain shock or arousing him and changing the combat into a sex scene. In addition, each enemy has its own attack and defense data, as well as attack and defense modifiers, which you can influence in the future.

In addition to simple strikes, the player has the ability to increase defense, use an available skill or item, as well as simply run away from the fight if you are not sure. In some cases, if you choose to escape first - it is guaranteed, and in some cases after the first move it is impossible to escape at all


also added:

- added a code to calculate a random event during a location change. in future versions the game will calculate a random event based on statuses, character fame or even recent events. at the moment, the main development time is aimed at finalizing this system and creating a variety of different random events;

- new guides have been added, that will be shown to the player at the very beginning. e.g. a guide to using the menu in the upper left corner has been added;

- added character satiety. i thought about adding this feature for a long time and realized that it would add more immersion and simulation to the gameplay. In addition, buying food will become an important and permanent way to spend the character's money, encouraging the player not just to run around the world, but also to get their character a job or beg for money;

- 20 diseases added in advance. this system will not be used at this time, but diseases have been added now to avoid conflicts in future versions of the game.

Game development continues, and i'm getting closer and closer to starting development of 0.10a Public Build, which will be the main sequel to the current version, filling the entire Eastern Distirct with story.


keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
сontent is temporarily unavailable
in the public version of the game
0.06a Dev Build

Unfortunately, i've had almost no time to work on the project since the previous post, but a few important changes did happen. First of all, the location system has been finalized and now in the closed build "Gypsy Gaze" Tavern with all transitions depending on the time of day is available;

System of calculating character statuses has been changed. Previously, the variables responsible for character statuses changed statically regardless of how much time had passed in the game. (e.g. the character's intoxication status depends on the blood_alcohol_content variable. previously, when moving to each location, the game simply took away a static value from the variable regardless of the passed time). Now the game has time_temp parameter, which is reset after calculating all math functions and reflects the amount of time that has passed since the last transition/event/etc. Changing character statuses is now directly tied to the time_temp parameter. e.g. character will lose 1 unit of blood_alcohol_content every 12 game minutes, which will allow her to sober up in 20 hours by 100 units (95 units - dead drunk);

Each NPC can now have their own inventory. This is one of the most important systems to make immersive trading. Characters who interact with items in the game will now have their own inventory. This will be reflected in some events:

- First and foremost, trade. NPC that have the ability to trade with the player have a dynamic inventory system. Once a certain time their own inventory is reset to empty and then replenished with things that they can sell to the player. Thus, you will not be able to endlessly buy food from the tavernkeeper, and will have to visit him regularly to replenish your stocks. There is also the possibility of not finding a certain item on a certain day, which will force the player to find another merchant or just wait for the next day. And along with this, merchants can sell unique items at random or predetermined times (e.g. once a month the blacksmith has a sword that is not on sale on other days);

- Combats. After winning battles, the player will be able to search the defeated enemy and get random items from their inventory;

- Stealing? The world of Abeia is populated by many people living in their cozy homes. With enough skills and tools, the player will be able to break into the homes of NPCs and steal things from their homes, which will also be randomly generated.

List of items does not represent the merchant's actual items



List of items does not represent the merchant's actual items

Trading is represented by a screen that displays each item available from the merchant. When you click on an item you like, you will see its description, its price at a particular merchant (the price depends only on the region you are in. This system is not relevant at the moment, but will be used in the future when opening new lands) and a buy button that will move the item to your inventory if you have enough money, or notify you that you do not have enough money and return you to the trade window;

A job system is currently in development. Each job will be unique with its own systems and events. Somewhere a character will have to spend her shift in a tavern, and somewhere she will have to walk the streets. My task is not only to write working code, but also to add an introduction to the job that will allow the player to understand its mechanics without much difficulty.

Why do I spend so much time on the technical aspects of the game?
I've answered this question before, but i'll answer it again for those who are just starting to follow the game. I'd love to do just the story expansion right now, but unfortunately - a lot of the events won't make sense without all the technical aspects that I'm currently developing. In fact, there are very few systems left to do before I can continue writing the first act story

And just to give you an example, i'm going to take the transition from the Market Street location to Main Street. In my idea there are several ways to get there for the first time. The way to pretend to be a prostitute is already presented in the game, but in addition to that it will be possible to pass already having a document and thus stop being a victim of guards, it will be possible to pass in clothes that do not cause attention or at all, being a famous person in the Eastern District quietly pass further without becoming a victim. Some characters will be able to escort Tessa to Main Street and introduce her to the guards, etc.
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
Celestial Intervention.
Development Blog.1

this is a long-read development blog. If you are
interested in the future of the game you might
find this interesting too

In this short time there have been several important changes to the closed build of the game, as well as I just want to report on what is currently in development and possibly get feedback.

First of all, the system responsible for the work in the tavern has been completed. This is the foundation for all other work, which will allow you to understand how each of the jobs available to the player in the game will work. There are currently three jobs available to the player in one location, which will unlock as they grow in confidence from the tavernkeeper.

- At first, a very simple system will be available to the player. The character will serve a random number of tables (maximum 6 and minimum 1. The game randomly generates the number of occupied tables in this range and it directly depends on the time spent and earned tips. For example, 6 tables may take several game hours and add a few dozens of coins to your paycheck, but by serving only one table the player will still get paycheck and will have the opportunity to do something else that day). In addition to a random number of occupied tables, each table has 4 unique events tied to it (so there are 24 of them). The events reveal the peculiarities of a particular city, the culture of the locals, and some of them even raise questions;

- After a few weeks of working as a waitress, the player will be given the opportunity to work as a kitchen assistant. It all depends on the character's skills - if the character can cook, she will be allowed to help with cooking. If the character doesn't know how to do anything, she will probably be sent to the shop to get groceries and then asked to clean the kitchen. While cooking, the player will have to face the crafting system, creating dishes from a limited number of available ingredients. The player's payment will directly depend on the efficiency of work, if you cook all the dishes correctly - you will receive all the promised money. If you make a mistake or several mistakes - it will be deducted from the salary and it will damage the relationship with the tavernkeeper. In the second case it will be required to actually leave the tavern, go to the shop, buy the ordered ingredients and returning - to give them, along with the rest of the money that was given for the purchase. This will also have its own special possibilities (such as lying and keeping some of the money);

- After some more time of such work, the player will be able to clean the rooms of customers who continue to live in the tavern or have recently moved out. Basically, the player will have access to cleaning, when will have to choose what and how to clean, as well as the possibility to steal something from a customer.

The game now knows how to count relationships between the main character and characters who can give jobs. In addition, the game knows how to count the cooldown of job time, preventing the player from working non-stop. My goal with the jobs is to create as many unique jobs as possible to make it fun for the player to do. In addition, i expect in advance that the jobs can be used in some quests and will not remain just a way to make money. For example, work in the tavern can take part in quests. (e.g. meet a character in the hall while working as a waitress or give something to a tavern customer while cleaning his room or poison some food).

I'm currently developing:

- Skill System. The game will have a list of open skills that will be available to the player always, as well as hidden skills that will be opened as you achieve certain goals (training, a certain level of another skill, etc.). I'm currently working on creating all the skills available in the next public build, creating descriptions for them, and creating a balance. To give you a basic idea, a high level of unarmed combat will allow the character to deal more damage with her fists, as well as learn new types of attacks. A high level of cooking skill will allow her to create better food from available ingredients;

- Creating all available locations. I don't think there's any point in putting this off until i start doing a particular location. I already have the design document of all available locations ready and i just need to add them to the game. Locations include streets and buildings. Some streets can be multi-level (e.g. Residental Area in Causham city) or represent a single location (e.g. Market Street), as well as buildings - they can be simple and include one room, or they can be multi-storey with many rooms and characters in them. For example, a tavern would have three floors and more than ten rooms available to the player;

- Notification system. I'm going to add pop-up notifications for events like getting a new character status, a new skill level, and other things that might be important. These will simply be windows that pop up in the middle of the screen with information about the new change and a short note about where the details of the change are located (e.g. open the Stats window and select Skills);

- I want to add a preset of the future game economy. My plans for the game will include a live economy system that the player will be able to influence. In fact, the whole system will be very simple, but that makes it no less interesting.

What do we have in the current version?

At the moment, merchant inventory is randomly generated every day cycle and is just a random list of items with no attachment to anything.

How would it look?

Each merchant will have their own full inventory including money, goods and personal items. Let's take the example of a tavern. First of all - the items the tavernkeeper sells will be stored on the kitchen shelves. You can steal a roast pheasant, but you're likely to be spotted, it will damage relations, and the tavernkeeper will report the crime to the guards. But if you manage to destroy (eat) that pheasant and you no longer have this item in your inventory - after your capture, the tavernkeeper will not get the item back and will not be able to sell it, which will damage his income. Let's move on to money. Each merchant in the game will get his own wallet. Some merchants will be able to buy up certain items they are interested in at their own prices. Some merchants will buy items from other merchants. In our example, the tavernkeeper will regularly buy groceries from Market Street merchants. The tavernkeeper will lose money, but he will gain groceries from which he will make dishes to sell. The Market Street merchant will lose groceries, but will get money for it. Next, this chain will go to the point where the Market Street merchant will buy groceries from local farmers to sell or he will be a farmer himself who sells his own produce. Back to the tavernkeeper. His earnings will be based on the margin he sets on his dishes. The idea is that cooked food restores more satiety than plain groceries. You yourself, or randomly generated customers will buy his meals and eventually eat them, taking them out of the game's economy.

The most interesting thing about this mechanic is the player's ability to affect the course of things. That's exactly what makes a sandbox game a sandbox game. Going back to the same example. You can steal the tavernkeeper's money while he's sleeping and he'll have to deal with it some way. You can steal the finished product. You can steal plain groceries, which will prevent the tavernkeeper from cooking his meals and earning money. You can buy all the groceries from the Market Street merchant in the early morning before the tavernkeeper has time to do it himself, leaving him without groceries, and the street merchant will make his money but the tavernkeeper won't be able to cook. You can buy all the groceries already from the farmer, leaving everyone else in the chain without their money. You can burn down the farm and leave everyone with no money at all.

And there's an even more interesting part of this system. A character's personal inventory. In this personal inventory, characters will be able to buy items from other merchants that they would like for themselves. This could be various jewelry, weapons, clothing, other things. You will at any time have a theoretical possibility to get into the character's home and either steal the item he bought. In addition, some purchases may lead to special quest chains. For example, a non-player character buys a treasure map and offers to help your character find it (just an example). Or some character who is in love with your character buys a precious piece of jewelry for her.

Early on, i plan to add just the basic features from this whole system. The inventory for merchants is already ready, what's left is to add their wallet and the most basic interaction. (e.g. in early builds the Market Street merchant will get groceries out of nowhere, but the tavernkeeper will still buy them from him.)

This has been my development blog during this time. Thanks to everyone who has been following my game. If you like something - talk about it, i'll be truly happy. If you don't like something - say it too, mistakes are worth fixing at such early stages. I`m still actively developing the game and will continue to keep you updated as often as possible <3
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
Celestial Intervention.
Development Blog.2

Unfortunately, IRL took longer than usual, but i still have a small list of changes that you might find interesting

- decided to leave the idea of dynamic economy. After a few tests it became clear that even balancing a few trade NPCs becomes a difficult task. Sooner or later one NPC either gets too much money, or vice versa - too little, even without interference in its work. Important clarification that the idea with NPC to NPC and player interaction remains, but will be done differently:

  • the dependence of NPCs on each other will remain, but on a simpler level. NPCs that could sell resources to other NPCs will receive a __supply variable, which will depend on the availability of that NPC's items at the end of the day. if __supply = 0, then the dependent NPC will not generate its items;
  • based on the past. basic NPC item generation will remain at a simple level where, when supplies are available, the NPC will simply generate a random set of items from a list of possible items and update it the next day without calculating each item separately;
  • regardless, special or key items will have their own generation system. i`ll not go into a long explanation, but just give an example. e.g. an arms dealer can make a unique sword, but for this the player needs to find a unique metal, sell this metal to the NPC metal supplier and after a while, the NPC arms dealer will create this sword and put it on sale;
  • player's actions will still have an effect on NPCs, but in a simpler way. e.g. stealing from a merchant's warehouses will indeed leave him without goods, but it will affect the ability to generate them, etc;
- selection system has changed. Previously, moving through locations, selecting characters to talk to or items to use was done using the normal renpy menu. All this functions have been rewritten to pop-up windows.


the reason for this was the realization that the renpy selection menu simply does not meet the technical requirements of the project. in addition, over time it will be possible to make more beautiful choices than just text (adding portraits of NPCs, icons of items, an interactive map on which the player can literally see location). But most importantly, the menu now allows to add an infinite number of choices. before everything was limited by the literal height of the player's monitor;

- code unification. i'm slowly coming around to unifying the code and fixing as many legacy elements as possible:

  • there is now only one available opponent for any combat in the game. Combat in the game is divided into two components. Stats and attack sets. Enemy stats work on variables and take up space in the RAM. for optimization, the game will simply put the necessary enemy stats into the common list before starting a combat. NPC attacks, skills and replicas during battle will remain unique to every enemy;
  • changing clothes, eating, and other functions are now unified into a single list that is called by the game when they are required;
- lastly, a very simple change. even now there are a lot of different statuses and other things available in the game. now, the player will receive a notification on the screen after changing the status of the character with an indication of what has changed; and an icon of an unread message at the Index menu after opening a new article.
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
Celestial Intervention.
Development Blog.3


Our development group is slowly starting to grow with other developers and other individuals. Regardless, development is still going on according to the basic idea. The new people involved in the development are just additional hands and additional ideas, not a rebuilding of the old

Development Update

- Pop-ups will now definitely close on a timer. You will still be able to close the pop-up window by clicking on the Hide button, but for the convenience of the player was realized timer automatic closing

1004 (1).gif

- Game Optimization. For the ideal at this point, we take the 200MB of RAM that the game used at the point where only the prologue and no game mechanics were available. At some point, it became noticeable that the use of computer resources was growing too fast and it was decided to start optimizing the whole code. For a simple example and understanding, adding inventory increased RAM usage by 200MB, and new game systems could easily add another 200-300MB.

BUT. We`ve reached the point that together with inventory, character statuses, NPCs, trading, cooking and locations, as well as updating game variables, the game still uses 200MB of RAM, as if nothing has changed since the project was almost empty. This`s a very important point at which we can understand that in the future the realization of all plans will remain possible;

- Cooking. The cooking system takes the main mechanics of crafting in the game as its basis. In cooking zones (e.g. kitchens) you have a list of available actions for one particular zone. Some kitchen may not have a roaster or even a fire source. Some kitchens may not have a knife and you can only chop vegetables if you have a sharp object (e.g. knife, blade) in your inventory.


Once in the right place, a list of cooking related actions will appear in the usage window. As noted, the list of actions is linked to the available tools. In a kitchen with a fire source and a suitable surface, you'll be able to roast something for yourself. In a room with a grain grinder, you might even be able to grind your own flour. In addition, the list of actions also depends on the character's skills. Some of the actions Tessa will not be able to perform until she becomes more experienced or at all, separately studied this particular skill.


Some ingredients can be bought from merchants, some can be collected in the open world, and for some ingredients you will have to spend a lot of effort and time. Either way - each ingredient shares one property. Ingredients are not food and cannot be eaten, but only used for cooking.


Using carrots and cutting produce as an example. The available ingredient will appear in the cutting window. You can choose a specific ingredient to slice and choosing carrots will add it to the craft in sliced form.


Once you add something to the craft - you can reset it. It`s worth considering that you can't return the products, you will only clear the work done and you can start it from the beginning.

The game world is filled with different food recipes that you can explore. Some recipes will only unlock after getting information about them, some recipes are available from the very beginning of the game, and some recipes will only work after a certain skill level. Following the order of the recipe is mandatory, otherwise it will only destroy the used products and produce nothing. In any case, the balance of the game is laid out in such a way that cooking will not be a requirement to progressing through the story, but will only make the gameplay easier or more interesting. In terms of balance, cooking is simply cheaper than buying cooked food from merchants;

- Books have come into the game. Expensive, rare and valuable. Sources of information about crafting, story, and more.



Books are just a basic title. Some books are really books. But it can also be a scroll, a huge old tome, a note, a piece of paper, etc. Books that can be used as a source of information about crafting are simplified for the player's convenience and key phrases are highlighted. On the example of our screenshot, in the porridge recipe the ingredients that are needed for its preparation are highlighted, and information about the order of cooking is located right next to the names of ingredients.

Books that immerse the player in the history of the world and others don't have such highlights and require careful reading;

- Notebook. It's already clear that there's a lot of information coming into play that's hard to keep in your head. A notepad is available in the game, in which you can freely write down important information for yourself, keep a log of quests that you are doing right now and so on. The graphics of the notepad are still being worked on, but it will be a multi-page notepad where you can write and delete text for each individual page;

- Work on the Eastern District locations continues;

- Combat system has been redesigned;

- Work on the balance of combats;

- Work on inventory changes and structuring;

Unfortunately, IRL takes just as long and the plan to release the first act in September was a failure. I and the other developers are trying to implement all the features as soon as possible and release the first act of the story as fast as possible. I would like to express my thanks to everyone who is following the project and a special thanks to those who have donated. Again, i`m not raising money for this project, but in any case i'm insanely grateful for the extra money that can be invested in, for example, buying an asset
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
is this abandoned?
no, development is ongoing. and ongoing very actively, at least as far as it can be
currently only version 0.04a is available for publicity and a few development logs. The next release will be the first act, which will cover all of the Eastern District content up to the point where the character can go through Lostgate. The story is ready and written in a structured script format. There's really not much left. Implementing a few more core mechanics, adding main and side story to the game itself and 0.07a release
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keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
View attachment 2980836
Lol didnt mean to cause uproar; i thought it was 2024. just hyperbolic time chamber shit.
i don't think it was actually uproar. just a situation that made a smile, at least for me
I mean, this really looks funny. funny not in a bad way, i charged well after that and with an improved mood i completed the cooking code ️✨


keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
A short development blog to share what has happened in the meantime

- Even more optimization. During development, it became clear that screens loading times aren`t to be ignored and can greatly affect the final optimization of the game. In addition, screens loading remained the most difficult option for the entire game's code. Previously, there were different action and conversation windows for each location and at this point it was taking 0.12 seconds to load all the screens. After adding 3k lines of code with new windows in the same scheme i got a load time of 0.23 second (272 lines/millisecond). now the game uses templates to create the screen, this allowed the game to speed up to 100k lines of code in a few seconds. Now it looks like the same result, but it's worth considering a very important thing - the game now won't have to create hundreds of repetitions of the eat action (just as an example) in each screen, instead the game will just take it from the template;

- Location system improved. Each location in the game is now indexed by a simple number in the format 0xloc0000000000. It just makes it a lot easier to move the player around locations;

- Achievements added.

Story update
- The characters inhabiting the Eastern District are almost ready, as well as their history and other data related to them;

- The Causham Guardia structure is ready and is being transported to game book/other information source format.

- The loading screens have been prepared and have already been introduced into the build of the game. The old black screen with game information will be replaced

In addition, the loading screen will include a brief introduction to the game for those who haven't played it yet. Also, the terms of use;

- Main menu changed. In the same style as the loading screen. Still a work in progress, in addition to this it is planned to add music to the main menu. Actual settings that affect the game. Updated about menu.

Work on the game continues. I'll try to keep you updated as often as possible, while not showing too much without giving spoilers for the entire game. I haven't talked about all the changes that have managed to happen, such as adding items or locations. That's for you to find out on your own after the first act is released



Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Is more popular the correct term still?
You have some kind of problem with it?
Currently 46k people play Destiny, not in top10 on steam but that is still a formidable playerbase.
That's more than double the amount that play Black Desert btw. :whistle::coffee:


New Member
Jul 17, 2018
You have some kind of problem with it?
Currently 46k people play Destiny, not in top10 on steam but that is still a formidable playerbase.
That's more than double the amount that play Black Desert btw. :whistle::coffee:
Its hard to compare by number as loads of MMO aren't solely on steam, just like D2 isn't just on steam. I just know there was a massive drop off of players recently due to a build up of controversies.


Forum Fanatic
Apr 14, 2021
Its hard to compare by number as loads of MMO aren't solely on steam
Nah, i'd say most that are still online are on steam.
If they aren't on steam then they're likely on Epic Store, like Genshin.

Dunno what 'controversies' you're talking about either.
There's basically 2 reasons why an mmo can see a significant drop in its playerbase:
1. A better/newer mmo came out.
2. Devs added some bullshit into the game that most people hate, like p2w. :whistle::coffee:


keep meow everyday
Game Developer
Aug 19, 2019
Celestial Intervention.
Development Blog.5

Development update
- Inventory System Overhaul. Inventory, items, and the way they are realized within the game have been an important element of development since its start. The system has now reached a point where it is perfect and there is no reason to change it on the horizon:

  1. We`ve returned to a personal inventory for each object or character that can contain items;
  2. Code performance is faster even now. In the future it will be even more noticeable compared to the old inventory system;
  3. Inventory sorting is many times faster;
  4. More interaction with the inventory, for example - abilty to use items directly from it;
- Item Rebalancing. The public update hasn't released yet, but test runs of the developers' build have revealed that some items are proving to be too strong and breaking some mechanics:

  1. The food became less nutritious. The balance used to be based on the fact that one day's work would necessarily feed the player character for 30 hours. This system had to be abandoned because of the availability of food in the first place. A player can manage to do several things in a day (e.g. work in a tavern and beg on the street);
  2. Added a multiplier from eating in designated areas. Such as taverns, dining rooms, etc. Food eaten outside will restore the standard amount of satiety, which is actually now very little. When starving to death and urgently need to eat, no problem. You want to be fully satiated, eat where you're supposed to;
  3. Items have weight. Read more below;
  4. Storage space makes a lot of sense. In the game world, it has become quite easy to lose your character's belongings. Including coins;
  5. Storytelling has been changed. Read more below;
- Weight of items. From the proposed community ideas (itch @ ). Bottomless inventory easily removes the need to use storage for your belongings. Even if you lose everything, you can easily load an old save and try again. Items now have their own weight, and the character has a carry weight limit:

  1. The real or approximate weight of the items is taken as the basis. This is the best way to avoid bad balance at the moment;
    1. the weight of food and many ingredients has been reduced from the original real values.
  2. Coins have become objects and so have their weight;
    1. coins are presented only in the form of copper coins;
    2. the copper/silver/gold calculation system remains in the currency format;
    3. 1g is taken as the weight of each coin;
      1. 100g every silver in the currency rate. 1kg each gold in currency rate;
      2. the reason these weights are chosen is that 100g of copper is commensurate with the amount of silver used to create a silver coin. the same logic applies to gold as well. in the game world!!!
  3. The balance of carried weight and its dependence on char stats is not ready yet.
    1. despite the lack of a finished balance, it's already known that outweighing will simply reduce character health and impose a timed status.
      1. when moving between locations, [3+each kg of overweight] will be taken away from the character's hp;
      2. no defense modifiers will affect the damage from outweighing;
      3. overweighting will not affect actions within the same location, allowing the player to conveniently move items around;
      4. overweight statuses will affect the character's stats temporarily reducing them. endurance and strength will be affected;
      5. the balance math isn't ready yet, but each move through the location will add time to the timer depending on the amount of overweight you do.
- Rollback disabled. Some events in the game story have a dependency on the falling out of random values. To preserve the balance and immersiveness of the story, the rollback feature has been disabled;

under review

- Saves Rebalance. Limiting saves is being discussed. The point of the whole idea is very similar to what was done in kingdom come deliverance, where saves are only possible when resting and using a limited item. Again, for balance and some challenge in the game.

Story update
- Causham developed even more. The structure of the city government and several sets of laws (city legislation, commercial law, tax law, and labor law) are laid out. All of this is now being carried over to the in-game books;

- The structure of the first act quests has been done. Now all dialogs are being written out;

- The game world has been developed more. Towbiglia Kingdom got its own cities and routes;

- Along with the rest, several books are also being created that will reveal the lore of the world;

- A structure for religions is being developed:

  1. Third High Beliefs is being developed first.
- A few more moments are developed. (e.g. gambling, ship classifications, etc.);

Graphic update
- Added loading screen. Launching the game will no longer greet the player with emptiness. While all the necessary scripts are being loaded, a loading screen will appear showing the actual loading progress;

- Sprites for key characters are being drawn at the moment;

- Icons for items are in development. (not guaranteed).

I can finally say that the technical development of the game is almost complete. The time to develop the plot, stories and stuff is getting more and more every day. Technically, the game works perfectly, just as it was originally intended. I and others involved in the development can now confidently state that the intended mechanics can be implemented without any problems

Thanks to everyone who just follows the project. Thanks to everyone who has played 0.04a. Thanks to everyone who donated. I'll try to keep you updated on the development as often as possible

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New Member
Sep 7, 2021
I really like the story setting. Your dystopian world where the MC has to struggle to survive looks promising. but plz try to minimize the number of bad endings or clearly indicate to the player what's coming with their next choices.

Although i think the RPG elements will probably be my cup of tea. Following (y)