It's nice that people are still offended about Jaye staying with "Rapey" as you guys tend to call him while the MC had his games.
I'm pretty sure all of you only made only rational decisions in your teenage years when you were crushing on someone for whatever reasons and never did something that made someone with at least 5 working braincells think "Why the bloody hell are you doing that?"
Ah, well, I don't think people are offended
per se, more like annoyed that he appeared in the cliffhanger...
MC is telling the story so we only see things from his point of view and, frankly, his "games" are pretty mild and meek for someone who had complete freedom of choice for 5 years.
Can't say for others but my teenage years were anything but filled with rational decisions.
Raging hormones, tons of pretty girls, crushes, heartbreaks, and all that goes with it.
Of course, I got slapped and kicked in the nuts lots but... our MC and Jaye are not teens anymore.
So, what is the rationale here?