Uhm no it was Jaye who did that after MC made his first mistake and tried to make up for that and never forgave him after, leading to the whole shenanigans over the years between the two that finally led MC to deciding to break all contact with his family. Jaye kept him away as much with her actions as other way around, remember both also do not know how other really feels nor has been willing or comfortable enough to ever open up about that.
Now also I know females are slightly more open to touching eachother as males, but Tara and Jaye went way further as kissing and a grope or two at least a few times. Even if not always shown but more implied and Tara tended to impersonate Mc at least once.
Well that does start to straddle the uncanny valley of having full on sex with someone else however you wish to call it, besides that last being weird enough and kind of obsessive in its own right.

If a girl has done anal 20 times she is also still technically a virgin if only count penetration by a male in the pussy. It also would mean though any lesbian that has been active sexually for last thirty years with women since those are what turn her on and she has feelings for would still be a virgin.
Well I guess my definition of sexually inexperienced and a virgin differ from yours and is less technical.

Not that I care in this case, I think Jaye was well within her rights to do as she did, just the firm declaration they are not lesbian or bisexual for sure despite their actions, made me kind of laugh and shake my head. If you would not be, then why make such a point of it in the first place. MC and Jaye were not in a relation, promised each other or whatever. Exactly the opposite in fact, they may both want to and be jealous of the other but the setup is that they are not, just in my games I prefer not to see the action without Mc, but that is my preference.
Also if a girl in current times is still a real virgin at age 23 yo one does slightly wonder if she has any sex drive at all or something else is wrong with her in connecting with people. Now 23 is still believable in a way under circumstances like firm religious believes, but 35 gets really suspicious.