Edited save file for FMC to get trapped in a molest loop.
"Prog_behavior_list" : {
"__type" : "System.Collections.Generic.List`1[[EnemyBehaviorData+EnemyBehavior, Assembly-CSharp, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null]],mscorlib",
"value" : [
11 is strep restrain, 16 strip, 9 aphrodisiac , 10 restrain, 25 blindfold, 26 massager.
6 values means 6 enemies defined in Prog_enemy_type_list
"Prog_TP_state" : {
"__type" : "bool",
"value" : true
"Prog_TP_index" : {
"__type" : "int",
"value" : 1
"Prog_TP_duration" : {
"__type" : "float",
"value" : 63.3929024
If want to experience events, change TP_state to true, TP_duration to 1 and repeat and save.