Really, you don't realize that all that problems come from the initial premise from Akabur's games this one is imitating? All that grinding for earning money and stats, rebuilding buildings, getting clothes or other elements, etc. is already in original Akabur's games as well as the premise of the old fart using magic and other crappy lazy writing resources for getting his way on the girl.
You want a kinkier game? It's OK. I like kinkier too. But it doesn't mean the initial premise is good. It was good five years ago for Akabur. Righ now, is old an boring since there are a lot of games like that.
I wouldn't say that it is a bad formula, but at this point, it is an unoriginal one, and far too unoriginal. It's entirely possible to take an unoriginal idea, and then breathe new life into it and make something new and wonderful from it. As can be seen in the animated Disney cartoon (circa 1994) The Lion King. An obvious retelling of Shakespeare's Hamlet (circa about 1600?). Nearly 400 years passed, and it was remade as a cartoon with animals, something the kids can enjoy. If that was that, then it would have been great... The problem is it didn't stop there. It went on... They turned the thing into a Franchise...
Soon enough Lion King 2 was here with Simbas Pride... Then Lion king 1 and 1/2? A series of animated films ug... Then they also made it into a television cartoon series. A timon and pumba series, and a lion guard series...
Eventually they even made a cgi remake in 2019 which was a direct ripoff of the 1994 cartoon, but with worse music and a dreaded uncanny valley. The problem is that this absolute garbage remake that disney loves to shit out... It's profitable. It sold over 1.6 Billion dollars worth of tickets...
That's not the only time that they pulled that exact same shit with Alladin... NO Will smith is not the fucking Genie fuck that... That was Robin Williams! no no no.... but hey it made a billion dollars so whatever.
Then you got the Star Wars Franchise... The original 3 were great. Then Lucas sold things to "White Slavers" as he put it, and that was that... but hey that franchise makes billions of dollars too.
Adult games are sometimes pulling the same shit as Disney. A remake of a reboot of a remake of a prequel.
The fact that these absolute garbage remakes are some of the highest-grossing films of all time makes me have great disdain for humanity as a whole. I feel like one of the few sane people in an insane world. Are the great masses of people truly such imbeciles?
I hope for fuck's sake that adult gaming doesn't go the way of Hollywood, and people actually have more originality.
Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fuck on a rant, but if this image makes sense to you... There is hope.