
Sep 18, 2017
As expected, it ends uncompleted after so many promises...
Ciri Trainer, or actually, not a trainer but a visual novel with 1 training chapter where your character isn't here.
If you ever make another game, spend less time to animate the spank mini game, and more time on developping more sex scenes, even if not animated.

Such a wasted potential.


May 26, 2018
So I'm supposed to get her to gather foglet's ashes but I have no such dialogue option among tasks any ideas what the problem might be?


Dec 3, 2019
They should make a new game, and just titled the thing "Chapter 3" and make Leo the main dude and follow that dude around and have him be the trainer for the entire game and train whatever bitches he comes along. That would be an excellent game.
Yeah... Or just devs should stop copying Akabur's "Witch Trainer"and "Princess Trainer", and find another different formula for training and corruption games.
I don´t know, maybe the MC could stop being an old fart and could stop using magic, lies and/or force. That's a pretty lazy way of writing. Maybe the MC could be young and handsomen, or a woman, or something different, for a change. And over all, could use personal appeal and charisma to get his/her way. Problem is, obviously, it's easier to say that a reluctan character does something naughty because of a spell on her, hypnotims, being extorted or something like that, than to write some good lines of dialogue to convince the reluctand charater to do what the MC wants.


Jun 19, 2018
Yeah... Or just devs should stop copying Akabur's "Witch Trainer"and "Princess Trainer", and find another different formula for training and corruption games.
I don´t know, maybe the MC could stop being an old fart and could stop using magic, lies and/or force. That's a pretty lazy way of writing. Maybe the MC could be young and handsomen, or a woman, or something different, for a change. And over all, could use personal appeal and charisma to get his/her way. Problem is, obviously, it's easier to say that a reluctan character does something naughty because of a spell on her, hypnotims, being extorted or something like that, than to write some good lines of dialogue to convince the reluctand charater to do what the MC wants.
No, the premise is NOT the problem. Its the horrible execution. Its like dev had no idea what game hes trying to make. Theres way too much focus on useless crap like minigames(with their own graphics and animations), re-building Kaer Morhen, RNG exploration, earning money etc. and not actual slut/slave training and sex scenes.
Like others have said - the only decent portion of the game was Chapter 3 and i had hoped it would only get more kinky from there... but nope, it went back to being lame, tame and boring.
Dec 21, 2019
Chapter 3 is a good example of where the game needed to go in terms of sex and corruption. Even if you took that chapter out and pretended it wasn't there, the last legs of the game should have been full of content like that. That's what it was always building up to, or pretending to anyway. Instead you get a floppy finish with some vanilla sleep creeping, and a bunch of kinda gross cg stills of other characters THUMP THUMP THUMPing away. If the game wasn't called a trainer, maybe it wouldn't leave you with such a sour taste and could be enjoyed for what it is. And maybe if they spent their time more wisely. Over a year of building the world, introducing characters and features, setting everything up only for that great foundation to go... nowhere.


Dec 3, 2019
No, the premise is NOT the problem. Its the horrible execution. Its like dev had no idea what game hes trying to make. Theres way too much focus on useless crap like minigames(with their own graphics and animations), re-building Kaer Morhen, RNG exploration, earning money etc. and not actual slut/slave training and sex scenes.
Like others have said - the only decent portion of the game was Chapter 3 and i had hoped it would only get more kinky from there... but nope, it went back to being lame, tame and boring.
Really, you don't realize that all that problems come from the initial premise from Akabur's games this one is imitating? All that grinding for earning money and stats, rebuilding buildings, getting clothes or other elements, etc. is already in original Akabur's games as well as the premise of the old fart using magic and other crappy lazy writing resources for getting his way on the girl.
You want a kinkier game? It's OK. I like kinkier too. But it doesn't mean the initial premise is good. It was good five years ago for Akabur. Righ now, is old an boring since there are a lot of games like that.


Engaged Member
Jun 28, 2017
to write some good lines of dialogue to convince the reluctant charter to do what the MC wants.
The magic personality changes, "aphrodisiac" potions, hypnotism or other zero agency type coercion is the hallmark of corruption games where writers arent up to par.
Descent or A Dance With Rogues have pretty exemplary writing for how to do corruption.
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Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Really, you don't realize that all that problems come from the initial premise from Akabur's games this one is imitating? All that grinding for earning money and stats, rebuilding buildings, getting clothes or other elements, etc. is already in original Akabur's games as well as the premise of the old fart using magic and other crappy lazy writing resources for getting his way on the girl.
You want a kinkier game? It's OK. I like kinkier too. But it doesn't mean the initial premise is good. It was good five years ago for Akabur. Righ now, is old an boring since there are a lot of games like that.
I wouldn't say that it is a bad formula, but at this point, it is an unoriginal one, and far too unoriginal. It's entirely possible to take an unoriginal idea, and then breathe new life into it and make something new and wonderful from it. As can be seen in the animated Disney cartoon (circa 1994) The Lion King. An obvious retelling of Shakespeare's Hamlet (circa about 1600?). Nearly 400 years passed, and it was remade as a cartoon with animals, something the kids can enjoy. If that was that, then it would have been great... The problem is it didn't stop there. It went on... They turned the thing into a Franchise...

Soon enough Lion King 2 was here with Simbas Pride... Then Lion king 1 and 1/2? A series of animated films ug... Then they also made it into a television cartoon series. A timon and pumba series, and a lion guard series...

Eventually they even made a cgi remake in 2019 which was a direct ripoff of the 1994 cartoon, but with worse music and a dreaded uncanny valley. The problem is that this absolute garbage remake that disney loves to shit out... It's profitable. It sold over 1.6 Billion dollars worth of tickets...

That's not the only time that they pulled that exact same shit with Alladin... NO Will smith is not the fucking Genie fuck that... That was Robin Williams! no no no.... but hey it made a billion dollars so whatever.

Then you got the Star Wars Franchise... The original 3 were great. Then Lucas sold things to "White Slavers" as he put it, and that was that... but hey that franchise makes billions of dollars too.

Adult games are sometimes pulling the same shit as Disney. A remake of a reboot of a remake of a prequel.

The fact that these absolute garbage remakes are some of the highest-grossing films of all time makes me have great disdain for humanity as a whole. I feel like one of the few sane people in an insane world. Are the great masses of people truly such imbeciles?

I hope for fuck's sake that adult gaming doesn't go the way of Hollywood, and people actually have more originality.

Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fuck on a rant, but if this image makes sense to you... There is hope.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2017
One can see there's a lot of work hours in this project. I just wish it'd be more consistent and focused on lewd art/scenes. It feels like the developers didn't really know where to go with the player character and what the overall tone of the game was supposed to be. Chapter 3 came out of nowhere and whilst the mechanics and art were nice I didn't like how the game couldn't decide if going hard- or softcore. Instead it tried a weird mittle way. I wouldn't say it's a bad game, not at all, some (very few) scenes are well done and even animated but like a lot of games it had way(!) more potential than what we got in the end.

Maybe I'm just a grumpy old fuck on a rant, but if this image makes sense to you... There is hope.
It makes sense to me but ... there is no hope.
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Congressman Weiner

Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
I agree with a lot of what was said above, and clarify that it's not just this particular game we're complaining about.

Tricking women into doing sexy things with magic or lies is kinda rapey to me. And that's the part I don't like.

Akabur, in his latest one, even shies away from that. The women in Star Channel decide to do the sexy things on their own for rewards. Jasmine wants the popularity; Hermione wants the study time; Lara wants to explore more ... yeah, that kind of makes them prostitutes in a way, but it's their choice. They could say no and leave at any time and the coercion isn't the same.

The Four Elements Trainer does this well (if you ignore the "slave" route).

One of the things I liked about Witch Trainer (even though Genie is being deceptive) is that it's clear that Hermione LIKES what she is becoming -- she is enjoying it by the end and looks forward to it, being an aggressor herself for what she wants. More of that in these games would be very welcome.


May 26, 2017
If the game wasn't called a trainer, maybe it wouldn't leave you with such a sour taste and could be enjoyed for what it is. And maybe if they spent their time more wisely. Over a year of building the world, introducing characters and features, setting everything up only for that great foundation to go... nowhere.
i was thinking the same... remove the Trainer word of the tittle to not mislead people and so they could enjoy the game more without the constant expectation of what Trainer games usually offer.

Like i went full obedience, lewdness and Evil alignemt (usually full slut/slave path lol) and at the end Ciri just becomes a normal Witcher... i guess we just gave her a really good Witcher Training XD

i'm not sure but i heard Devs had some troubles dealing with the NSFW side and Patreon bullshit so i guess they leaned towards a more tame and safe side ? Like the cat scenes they are cute an all and, but kinda pointless and a waste of resources for a porn game.

Deleted member 2738

So is this actually complete or has some imbecile marked a finished chapter as "Complete" again?
I've seen this happen a few times in threads for chapter releases because technically a completed chapter deserves a complete tag.
By complete I mean the final version of the game with all chapters finished and no future chapters or updates.
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