
May 6, 2019
It's been known for a while that the game would end on chapter 5. And how's this a rush? The last chapter's been developed over 3-4 months.
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Oct 22, 2018
Well, I still don't know about the art. The original (main) art is fantastic, but it still clashes with the sex scenes of Priscilla and Lytta Neid (didn't she die at Sodden btw?). I understand the art is done quicker this way, but this disparateness really made me feel I'm playing two different games at once. Personally, I didn't find the secondary art style appealing, so I found myself in a weird spot where I was more turned on by stationary Ciri than actual H-scenes. And I dislike this level of ambivalence when fapping to a game.

Same goes for the writing - it is mostly simple (and sometimes bad) English, and then when scenes with Priscilla or Lytta come, it suddenly changes to a cringy attempt at Shakespeare or something. It reminded me of myself at 10 when I believed good writing means primarily sticking as much adjectives in the text as possible, resulting in a stylistic nightmare.

I don't mean to condemn the whole project for this - I enjoyed the game very much. But I would suggest aiming for a unified overall style for future projects. That and identifying what to focus on in games like this - Cwunt was fine, but when you can't really play it with anyone but Yen, what is the point? And the voiceover at the end...really unnecessary. It doesn't add anything to the game, and without a professional voice actor or at least a native speaker, it seems a little ridiculous.

Congressman Weiner

Active Member
Jul 29, 2018
The great art of this game would have deserved a better game (mechanics and story). Devs should stop imitating Akabur's corruption games. The formula of the old fart pretending to be a respected male character of a famous saga, corrupting a beloved young female character with magic, and lies worked for Akabur, but it doesn't work already. It's old and seen too much times. I think that the dev should consider this game as a test or a learning work, and next time try to make something original, even if inspired in "The Witcher" world and with the same kind of art.
Agreed. I'd also prefer a game where the woman becomes sluttier of her own volition, instead of being tricked by some unscrupulous male who is lying to her. I'd much rather play the good guy.
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Apr 21, 2017
Hi, is it possible to kill the wild hunt or are we going to lose everytime ? Axii does nothing and since their is only a few rounds to kill them i keep losing.
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Oct 30, 2018
Hi, is it possible to kill the wild hunt or are we going to lose everytime ? Axii does nothing and since their is only a few rounds to kill them i keep losing.
I typed it out here: https://f95zone.to/threads/ciri-trainer-ch-5-v1-0-beta-the-worst.18795/post-3034490
And axii does do something, it delays the charging up of an opponent's action for a turn. It's only real use is when the top guy casts the protection bubbles and the front guy isn't attacking so you can only use it once or twice.


Active Member
May 12, 2018
May be, taking into account the unfading demand, it would be worth continuing the project by using the method of DLC as it does EvaKiss with her "GGGB".


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Just played this game for the first time today. Played through it from start to finish. Here is my analysis.

In terms of production quality the game presents itself at a professional level good job there.
In terms of graphics / visual art the game is great. I can't complain about that.
In terms of the code when it comes to doing what it was designed to do, and not having bugs. It seems well coded.
In terms of the writing... Well, it starts out decent enough, but then starts going downhill.

The game is definitely missing an NTR tag. All of chapter 3 and the losing ending put it into that category. It's a trainer game where the actual fun training... Well that all happens when your girl is kidnapped. And someone else trains her, not you. I mean it is you, you take over that character, but it's not you... Since our protagonist is a SHAPE SHIFTER for fucks sake it would have been just as easy to write it so that we take over that as that Leo guy as the trainer in this part, but no that never happened. So we lose our chick, and then this dude goes and chains her up, and whips her, and toys with a dildo, and fruit, and lets fellas user her 3 at a time, and do some lesbian shit, and blindfolds and gags her and actually does some hardcore BDSM training... Then we gotta go back to playing Mr Cuck after this guy actually does some decent training? No... What the fuck why? Why go back to the shitty training portion after shoving a good training portion right in the middle of the game!? It's the equivalent of playing a first person shooter where you are stuck with a pistol for levels 1 and 2, but you get an assault rifle on level 3... but right after level 3 you go back to a pistol for the next and final two levels...

At the very start of the game we meet her as a 14-year-old, and can choose to read her a bedtime story and do chores and stuff. Then it's like flash forward 4 years all of the sudden? This intro part was too short I think. I'm not saying we should have boned her when she was 14, but the opportunity was definitely missed to build some sort of stronger bond with her at that age and it went by way to quickly.

The game itself feels like it was modeled after Witch Trainer. https://f95zone.to/threads/witch-trainer-silver-mod-v1-37-4-silver-studio-games.1697/ It's got a similar style of gameplay.

The minigames are not fun with that card battle crap. I guess some people like that sort of thing, but not me.

The grind is ridiculous... I mean you can cheat past most of it... Even on easy you are in for hours of grind. I don't think there is any reward for playing on hard or normal compared to easy. Also, you can cheat money, and items and stuff for free so that's nice even with the built in cheats and easy mode still has some grind.

Far too little of the game is actually based on Ciri is a big part of the problem. All of the other girls have there own little sex scenes. Which is fine, but it feels like that main girl was neglected and lacked enough scenes and deep enough training scenes. For instance you can night visit her, and you can mind control her a bit... Thing is it starts out with "Show me your tongue" then "Grab Boobs" and I'm like alright, we are going to be doing all sorts of fun mind control stuff... Nope... that little titty grab and stick out tongue is as far as it actually goes with the mind control... It don't mean you won't have to grind up your mind control abilities though. Sure you perv on her a little in her sleep but it's missing scenes with her badly.

My main gripe is the thing peaks in the middle, and not with the protagonist either... The fact that chapter 3 is the good training portion of the game kills the rest of the game. Chapters 1 and 2 are buildup, and chapters 4 and 5 are let down. Only chapter 3 is good stuff.

The thing is if you are into the hardcore training style you are going to want the whole thing to be chapter 3, and if you are not into the hardcore training style you are going to want to skip chapter 3 for the more "vanilla peeping tom / sleep molestor" crap. So either chapter 3 is going to ruin the other chapters, or vice versa. It's as if the creator(s) got board mid game went totally off the rails spiced shit up to the max... Then went Nah... but they were making something great when they did. Chapter 3 shits on the whole rest of the game though is the problem. The whole rest of the game feels like a turd when not in chapter 3. That Leo dude should be the protagonist not the shape shifter.

They should make a new game, and just titled the thing "Chapter 3" and make Leo the main dude and follow that dude around and have him be the trainer for the entire game and train whatever bitches he comes along. That would be an excellent game.


Active Member
Dec 9, 2017
Just flicked through the gallery and...wow. What a waste of potential!
A whole slot in the gallery dedicated to scenes with a cat that are in no way sexual. Seems like that sums up the game.

The presentation of the game is great, if derivative but the sexual content is awful and as people are saying it's good in chapter 3 and then trails of. Jeez.
I chose to ignore this game, thinking cool it'll be good in a few years and damn, not even worth a full fap to be honest.


Knockout Master
May 11, 2017
Just flicked through the gallery and...wow. What a waste of potential!
A whole slot in the gallery dedicated to scenes with a cat that are in no way sexual. Seems like that sums up the game.

The presentation of the game is great, if derivative but the sexual content is awful and as people are saying it's good in chapter 3 and then trails of. Jeez.
I chose to ignore this game, thinking cool it'll be good in a few years and damn, not even worth a full fap to be honest.
Ya, that cat... There was nothing wrong with the cat in and of itself, but it could have had more relevance. Here I'll write the cat into the plot as relevant and meaningful:

-Cat introduced as a kitten at the very start of the game when the girl is 14. That's her new kitty. An awww so cute moment to start out.
-Cat don't like you at first
-Cat stays in Ciri's room when she is kidnapped. Meows and meows and you gotta feed it... Petting the cat makes you think of her and gets you all sad.
-Cat wants out, and gets out. You follow the cat, the cat leads you to Ciri after her escape so you can rescue her.
-Cat eventually likes you leading Ciri to fall in love with you

Bam... cat now relevant to the story

but as you said as it was written it was more or less, "Here I drew the girl with the cat when I wasn't in the mood to draw pr0n pics"
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Yare yare dawa (ง •̀_•́)ง
May 6, 2018
Was expecting more actual sex scenes with Ciri (by that i mean penetration).

Lone Dog

Aug 28, 2019
I think it's "completabandoned". It means the dev got tired of the game and made it shorter that it was intended, but at least made a ending for it.
Oh my friend, a lot of games are like that, many of them are very renowned games and most of people didn't notice, I can make a list of "completed" games that aren't really finished, you can see that when some characters or stories are forgotten or the game have a rushed ending but I don't want to start a discussion so im not going to name them...The worst thing is when you do the grind and the game becomes interesting, then...The End!
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Apr 4, 2019
Oh my friend, a lot of games are like that, many of them are very renowned games and most of people didn't notice, I can make a list of "completed" games that aren't really finished, you can see that when some characters or stories are forgotten or the game have a rushed ending but I don't want to start a discussion so im not going to name them...The worst thing is when you do the grind and the game becomes interesting, then...The End!
I would like 2 see couple of this games

Unreal Bober

Nov 16, 2018
Good finally but i'll some kind regret that it's over) now i'am go and wait next game) For me this game is have all what i want maybee one thing is that most fun was in 3chapter)
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