Antagonizing? You find these goofy posts as antagonistic? I can honestly say that is not my intent. Speaking as a non-patron, I'm not really bothered if progress updates are posted or not. If one does get posted, great, I'll check it out. But, it's not like non-patrons are in the dark with this game. Philly posts regularly, you can visit his Patreon page and get an idea of how things are going, and his games are consistently updated. I could understand getting annoyed at someone taking the piss out of people when it comes to a game that is inconsistently updated and a dev with very little communication... neither of which apply to this game/dev.
I work 5-6 days a week surrounded by uptight, humorless pricks and then go home to an almost as equally humorless house. I sometimes entertain myself by occasionally posting goofy mess on a few forums. And we are on a forum dedicated to pirated. porn. games. So, not exactly a topic as serious as say, solving the problem of Western governments taking advantage of their own citizens. Like I said, I don't intend my post to piss people off, but if that is what it's causing then I'll refrain from it.