VN - Ren'Py - Completed - City of Broken Dreamers [v1.15.0 Ch. 15] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game with a brilliant plot, amazing animation and top tier background music.

    It almost feels like watching a movie it's so good. The characters are well fleshed out with their unique backstories and MC isn't some brainless kid like in most other games.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.70.

    I loved the last PhillyGames entry, Depraved Awakening...but I thought I'd wait to play this one until it was more advanced in the release cycle. I was not disappointed. Philly doesn't make your typical adult games and I mean that in the best way possible.

    The Main character is a "Ghost." A paramilitary-type that is contracted to do extractions or hits. But he's not a total hardass, he actually has a heart. He's flawed and conflicted. He has nightmares from his past. The other characters are also not perfect. There's some good humor between characters. The antagonists are equally bad for their lack of heart. There's sex in this game with amazing stills and animation, but it isn't the objective. It happens more organically in service to the characters and the story.

    My only complaint is that most of the female characters suffer from BTS (Big Tits Syndrome). I was hoping for more variety like Depraved Awakenings where you'd have a character with a B-Cup in addition to the C, D, E and F's. It's a minor quibble because honestly, I wasn't focused as much on the sex or the renders...but the story.

    I've often talked about how important it is for these games to tell a good story, have good characters, and have actual stakes. If characters have stakes, you're more invested in the story. PhillyGames has done it again with another remarkable entry. My only regret is that now I'll have to wait until it's finished.

    Graphics - 10/10
    Animations - 10/10
    Story - 10/10
    Characters - 10/10
    Fun - 10/10

    Note to PhillyGames: Perhaps you should be selling screenplays...because your stories are better than most of the movies we see these days.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of the previous game and this game is even better. I can't say anymore praise than others already have in their reviews, so I'll just say, that I'd recommend the game to anybody. The quality of storytelling, renders, animations, scenes, it's just the best. And the best thing is, that Philly delivers and doesn't have you wait a year for an update. No other game on this site can compare in my opinion.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    What else is there to say? This game is easily top tier and legendary. It is definitely top 2, it’s a toss up between this and Being a DIK for number 1. The graphics are probably the best I have ever seen, fantastic animations (sex stuff and not sex stuff). But the reason it’s so great is the story, it actually feels like you’re watching a movie while playing this game. Definitely 10/10
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Best art, story, universe created and asses.

    Oh need 200 characters? Ok forgot to say that the music is also very awesome in creating a nice atmosphere.

    Ah, also, this game is made to play during night-time and it fits so perfectly. First Renpy game that I found like this, loving every second of it.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent story, if it were a movie, I’d watch it on the cinema; if fact I can't wait to see its continuation. Beautiful graphics and no bugs, at least as far as I can test. What more can you ask from an "adult" game...? I recommend it for everyone.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    To me, closest thing you'll find out to FOW's work... There's a job being done here and nothing lazy.
    Story is good, charismatic characters and top notch animations. Go for it. Also, Ellen best girl. Next to Kleo!
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Not just a porn game, it has an actual story, and a good one at that. Far and away better than most of the click simulators here, and that's damn rare. One of the few with a good enough story that if there was no sex in it at all, it could stand on it's own thru pure storytelling, the sex and attractive characters are just icing on the cake.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    City of Broken Dreamers has the best production value and story of any game I've played on this site. I honestly didn't even care about the lewd content... after the first hour, I ended up binging through the whole game just because the story sucked me in. Top notch game.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply brilliant.
    This game has more than fap material, it has an ENGAGING STORY.
    Crazy i know.
    But jokes aside this game is actually one of my favourites now, written with such high quality, actual depth to characters, good renders and scenes, and i cannot wait for more updates.
  11. 5.00 star(s)

    Yuno Gasai

    Philly_Games really outdid himself with this one. I loved Depraved Awakening but this one (so far) looks so much more promising (both the visuals and the plot). Animations are the best in this genre :love:, the game doesn't even look like it's built using Ren'Py (i mean this as a good thing). Not a single game comes near it as far as Graphics are concerned. The story is appealing and unique enough to keep the players interested in the plot (more than the lewds). Anyway,
    Keep up the great work dev, you're making masterpieces here (y)(y).
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game, not only are the renders amazing, some scenes are genuinely so cool to look at. Like MC in the car with the mask or him in the elevator with the reflection of his mask. There are also fantastic animations, (not just sex scenes) which just add so much character and depth to the game. It feels like Cyberpunk 2077 came out early when I'm playing this game.

    The game just looks so amazing. The story is engaging and keeps you wanting for more. There are plenty of girls and pretty things to look at and more importantly things you can do to them. And all the characters actually have personalities. It is interesting trying to figure out each character and learn more about them. The game has a glossary which is really helpful understanding some of the story and the background, a gallery, and secret pictures you can unlock which just round out the game and make a more complete product.

    If you haven't tried it to for some odd reason, do so immediately.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Story is amazing, textures and models are so good it almost looks real (nipples are kinda off) personalities are diverse and believable, and the only downside is that it isn't finished yet. Deus ex type world, but with mutants just starting to show up.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far the game with the highest quality on this site.

    PhillyGames proves every update that there is still something he can do even better. The animations in all previous updates were insanely good, but in v0.7.0 they were just out of this world. PhillyGames attention to detail and the render quality are simply the best.

    The story is very interesting and there are consequences to actions in previous episodes.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Regis NEX

    We're at chapter 7 when this rate was done so keep that in mind.

    A very thought out VN and everybody's story is entangled to one another, there is no off shoot characters that feel unwelcomed. There are many women here that are beautiful and definitely some that you can get intimate with. Main girl Katie is shy, Victoria is the high class. Ellen is the wild one. Wife is dangerous but loves you. Gloria is the magician. That one rich, masochistic, freak who calls you dog and you prove to her that you're a lion. Yo main boi Henry who's a one man army. A druggie that wants you for your body. Last but not least, the untouchable, yet hottest of all the pussy, pimp master Betty. A girl i still want to make love to, maybe an easter egg if possible. But all in all, I definitively loved this game since it started. All because of the mystery and Katie was such a hottie.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly this game is just amazing. I only got into VNs relatively recently. Around the beginning of the year, now with so much time to play them I have a long list of games in my library.

    After about the 10th game I played I stared to rank them. Every game I play gets ranked on my list. Right now I'm at 44 total that I have played through till completion or latest update. I found City of Broken Dreamers only after playing through Deprived Awakening. Which I absolutely loved. This game far surpasses its predecessor. Though I recommend playing through DA before CoBD due to the easter eggs in the latter.

    Anyway I bring all of this up to say that City of Broken Dreamers is ranked #5 on my list of 44. It is very high up there and it has earned these five stars. The story is next level, as are the models and renders. I love the camera moves along with the models. I am a huge fan of the setting and the way the author has handled their world building. The characters feel like actual people. Kate is just so sweet and amazing that it makes me fall for her every time I play this game.

    I started playing back at Chapter 5, I played 6 when it came out and just continued on through 7. I am already so hyped for chapter 8. If you haven't already, do yourself a favor and play through this game. You won't regret it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Phillygames is a seriously under-rated animator cum story-teller. From Depraved Awakening to CoBD, he crafts such amazing scenes that rival many mainstream games. The stories are classy and the noir look (or cyberpunk in this case) are so cinematic that i wish more people would give this a chance, instead of the countless harem drivel you see here. Truly Inspiring.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I feel like right now, if not the best, PhillyGames is one of the best game developers out there.
    what I really like about this game:
    -The story is very very good, it really draws you in, the more you play, and almost always stops at a cliffhanger, to make you even more excited for the next episode
    -The renders are quite stunning, whether we are talking about the pictures or the animations, some of them are very close to real-life in the level of details, and if you didn't know you were playing a game, it could have fooled you
    -The UI is pretty nice, I know it doesn't matter that much but trust me, you will feel the difference.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally getting around to reviewing this, seven chapters in. In my opinion the dev of this game has improved massively from their previous attempt. While DA had impressive renders the story seemed a bit messy to me, especially near the end. This one though, seems carefully constructed and surprisingly engaging so far.

    Set in a cyberpunk city, which seems to be a trend these days, this game world is very immersive, considering we are still talking about a porn game. The characters are well made, with distinct personalities. Seems that the dev wasn't content with just creating boring dolls for the protag to fuck but actually bothered making them different and interesting. The story itself is engaging and not just a break between h-scenes like many of these games do.

    As for the visuals, the dev has improved on that part too. Their previous game was already good looking, but CoBD knocks it out the park. Beautiful models and post work and the environments contribute a lot to the cyberpunk atmosphere.

    My only pet peeve is the point system that actually locks you out of certain scenes. While having different paths is very welcome, missing a single point in a random conversation shouldn't be locking you out of content. For example, you could have a generally respectful disposition towards a character, with more score points than lust points , but the game would still lock you out because you didn't have the exact amount. Of course the solution to this, would be to blindly follow the WT but I prefer playing engaging games without one for the first time. Tracking the general disposition instead of the exact point number would be better for me but I've seen AAA games making the same mistake so it's no big deal.

    Minor annoyances like the above are not enough to detract any points, simply because the overall experience is among the best you can have in a game of this type. It's one of those rare cases where the dev actually used the experience and resources gained from their previous attempt to improve their next offering in every way. And they produce decently sized updates on a consistent basis. In the era of half-assed cash grabs and Patreon milking, this is something refreshing that deserves recognition.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    PhillyGames is a master. Similar to his last game, Depraved Awakening, this game has consistently outstanding graphics and a semi-interesting story. For those who enjoy the cyberpunk genre, I know of no adult game better than, or remotely comparable to, this game. A 10 of 10, without question.