VN - Ren'Py - Completed - City of Broken Dreamers [v1.15.0 Ch. 15] [PhillyGames]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is great. I loved every minute of the story. The renders have some of the best lighting effects ever. There are also many paths to take which makes the game even more intriguing. There is a major cliff hanger at the end of the current version so be prepared.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    With a cyberpunk aesthetic, of which I am a regular follower, this well-written and interesting story is worthy of being called a "novel" and could well be the script for a movie. The character design is of extremely high quality, with a variety of personalities and visual beauty like I have rarely seen.

    As the story develops, several details emerge that describe the world of corporate conspiracies and social conflict typical of the cyberpunk style, adding depth and credibility to the interactions and dialogues between the protagonists. The choices made over the course of the story define the path (through a scoring system) that will lead to romance with one of the heroines, going through a variety of humorous, suspenseful, emotional or dramatic moments.

    The erotic scenes are abundant and very well represented, they are very hot! (I really enjoyed Shanlon's :devilish: and Victoria's :love: scenes). Sometimes you want the animations during sex scenes to last longer. The quality of the renderings is excellent, true works of art.

    I generally do not expect much from background music in adult games, but here the soundtrack is perfect with a selection of electronic music tracks and dark subgenres that fits very well in each scene and with the cyberpunk atmosphere of the game in general. My favorite songs are: "Burnin Star" by StrangeZero, "Cyber Twilight" by Hartwigmedia, "Visitors" by Linturaven, "Human Being" by Sublustris Nox, among others. The music fits so well with the scenes and some important moments of the game, adding emotion to them.

    Summing up: The renders, The story, The charismatic and lovable characters, The music, all of superlative quality and together make this visual novel a true masterpiece. I have played until chapter 14 and I am looking forward to the outcome of this game of which I already consider myself a fan.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Review of v1.14.0

    High production value. That’s the first thing you’ll notice when you start playing City of Broken Dreamers, and it’ll stick with you through the entire game. The effort put into the renders and animations is outstanding. But it goes beyond that; the game is a fully realised sci-fi thriller, convincingly told. So why did I find it so much of a drag?

    This is a long game (though it does seem to be reaching the ending). A high production value can only get you through so much; in order to make players stick it out for the longhaul, AVNs need to lean on their story, characters and hot sex. The story is well planned out, but it’s often unfortunately told rather than shown, and it drags with quite a lot filler. Once it gets going, you’re supposed to feel like the characters are constantly in danger, but it was too slow to generate a sense of action. The sex is decent, though too vanilla for me, and strangely I didn’t find as many of the models attractive as I usually do in AVNs. Though perhaps that’s a symptom of the main problem: I just didn’t come to care about any of the characters. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it was because of substandard writing. Maybe the mc didn’t do a good job expressing his emotions towards them. Jestur chose to never show his face, which has its pros, but requires stronger writing to establish emotion. Maybe the setting was just too gloomy. Most likely it was all of these factors and more, but the end result was quickly getting bored of the characters and just wanting to get to end. The mc was the worst; he was given next to no personality and little backstory, which is okay in games where you can shape the character into what you want, but in City of Broken Dreamers there almost no choices in which you can express yourself. You start as a blank slate but never have the opportunity to write anything.

    A few miscellaneous points:
    • At the start the music was impressive, but the looping tracks all sound the same and got annoying fast, so I had to end up muting it.​
    • Everything is crammed into a very short time-frame, which always feels odd in a relationship building game.​
    • The mc never does anything romantic for his LIs.​
    • Why do so many AVNs insist on wisecracks during sex? Leave the comedy outside of the bedroom please.​
    • FYI the walkthrough mod annoyingly steers you into a specific route with Victoria, so if you choose to use it I recommend supplementing it with the written wallkthrough. Not the fault of the game, I just wish I knew it going in.​
    City of Broken Dreamers is a mark of how increased funding and better hardware has allowed AVNs to achieve production values we could only dream about 8 years ago. But while I don’t know if the game is fundamentally flawed, I do know it wasn’t for me.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    Plausible story and I like the MC quite a bit. They even went with genetic engineering type stuff. I do wish there was more male domination play, but Shanlon and company was good.

    Overall, solid game, for what it is.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A verry good game, one of the best ones for sure and yes i played a lot of vn's !
    The renders are verry good, the story is verry well writen and has a lot of petential ! Dont hesitate a second go for it !
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    AVN with a mostly linear story and lots of romance options, told in a Noir style with a futuristic setting. The renders and the models are absolutely gorgeous. The story itself is thought-provoking and the characters are very engaging - it is extremely well written. The Dev typically does not write the story to allow for a Harem path, based on his previous work, and it doesn't appear possible as of chapter 14. You can, however, have multiple sexual partners and there are LOTS of high quality sex scenes. No real taboo content here. One of my top 10 AVNs, all time.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game without the visuals and some amazing sex scenes would be average at the most... It's a quite inmersive game too, to enjoy at night with lights turn off.

    Leaving those virtues aside, there is a certain battle, where someone dies, early on, after that the story starts sinking. So I found myself just skipping text to reach new hot scenes...

    Our MC becomes useless, so much blah blah blah Ghost duh duh.. but after all even the servant AI is more important for the story.

    Story gets repetitive: we running, meet problem, meet new girl, new girl save our ass, we running again.

    Antagonists are laughable.. the most "powerful" one just have a cool armor and stops fighting us after a few words, because some "honorable" shet..

    The super duper dangerous mechs and super dangerous some places are laughable too...

    So this is that kind of story where characters talk so so so much about something, but in the end that something is the opposite thing.

    But still,checking this VN is a must do. It has hot girls and a nice cyberpunk setup.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Very high quality AVN. Here are some of my impressions:

    -Story: It was interesting, intriguing, immerssive and engaging (couldn't stop playing it xD). Just fucking great. Only one complain with one plot "The PIT" because everyone mentions "hey, don't go there" "you're gonna die if you go there" but in the end it was just a freaking nightclub so It was dissapointing...
    -Characters: MC and the girls are very well written, so, no complains here.
    -Renders: Some of the best renders I've seen. Girls designs are fantastic. Once again, only one complain, I prefer AVNs that shows the MC's face I believe this way we can connect a bit better, but as I said this is just a personal preference. Luckily here the MC is pretty well written.
    -Animations: Most of them are great but a few of them were a bit clumsy.
    -Music: Excellent music. I've added a couple of songs to my playlist.

    Overall I'd give it a 9.5/10 so far. Phylligames sure knows his stuff when it comes to this type of AVNs. This is a great job. Definitely, It's worth trying for everyone.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Accidentally came across this game while browsing and gave it a shot. I am truly shocked at how much I love this game.

    The Renders are top notch, truly well done with enough animations to keep everything interesting and fun. The character models are attractive and vary greatly from the tattooed skinny model to the curvy models all are unique and attractive. There is even one Futa, it's not my jam but it is easily skippable but for those that are into it, it's there.

    All characters have well written dialogue all things considered. Each character has a different personality that comes through in the writing. I did not notice any grammatical or spelling errors during my play through, they may be there but if so I didn't notice them.

    The game has a great CyberPunk feel to it and if you like Bladerunner or CyberPunk 2077 you will feel right at home. The story feels like it is coming to and end but I hope it gets a spinoff if it does. The world and the characters are impressive and I would love to spend some more time with them.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Easy 5 stars, this is what all adult VN developers should try to go for when they make a game.

    Characters: Gorgeous characters, Victoria is above all... But every single one of the girls is hot.

    Story: It's the only thing that could get some polishing, it's not bad don't get me wrong it just needs a little something I can't identify.

    Graphics: Probably in the top 10 of all the games here.

    Keep going and give us more, I love it.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    I really tried to like this game, but in the end I guess it just wasn't for me.

    First of all, the renders are gorgeous. Some of the best I've seen and they really manage to capture a dystopian cyberpunk world

    But unfortunately, because of the high quality renders, my expectations were raised for all other aspects of the game as well. I was hoping the production quality would spread over the rest of the game.

    I'm not sure what it is but I didn't feel like I could get close to any of the girls, it feels like most of them lack any meaningful character development and depth. A lot of the sex scenes have zero build up. Appearances mostly range from average to fine.

    Animations are... fine, I guess. Very average

    Best wishes to those who do enjoy it, this wasn't for me.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    I don´t like this game, it looks like high production value, but there are some things like the short animations that are not good enough to put them there. For me it feels pretentious, it looks "good" but it is actually not that good, and the things that are good, or more than decent are stained by weird decisions, for instance having a 3some with Gloria, who was not built up at all in my opinion, and still, it happened to be a "dream about the past". If Gloria was properly built up, the decent sex scene would be better, but it lacked meaning. And then you get a vanilla scene later with her, but again, It happened pretty much after the previous one and I didnt see enough build up. I don't know if its a problem with the routes or what.
    For build up I dont mean the fact that she is pretty much the first character in the game and you can barely touch her for 60% of the game which gives her a higher "trophy" value. I mean that the story has established that she is a love interest and a full fledged character that you are interested in" and also the story has established a meaningful conection between her and the Mc, being her a main character.

    That is my main concern, since the game tries to be something, but in the end doesn´t live up to the promise.

    Visually the game looks good, good renders, but besides that and some hints of decent cinematography, the tools meaning DAZ , at least for the characters, seem to show just the same you would see in any game from 2015 onwards, but its not the best thing created with DAZ you can find.

    The game has a lot of girls, way too many for my taste, its too distracting, and maybe that is the reason why main characters lack buildup, cause you also need to account for the "awesome cyberpunk plot" (not really but enough for a porn game) that is also burning word count.
    I believe the game tries to be too much at everything, but in the end I only see the aspect, an illusion of greatness, but the core feels like any other game of any production value.

    If you have the time and you are less sensitive to these flaws, im sure the game will feel a masterpiece to you, specially if you haven't played many. Play it for Katie, and Henry, and the visuals if you are not picky.
    there will be some blueballing though
  13. 2.00 star(s)

    Obi Wanks Kenobi

    A cyberpunk themed, very generic and linear Visual Novel with boring click-to-see-next-slide gameplay (a.k.a powerpoint presentation) and no dialogue options.
    This VN is really no fun. It takes itself far too serious (not a single joke) and is not as interesting as the dev thinks it is. Writing is bad, pacing is off with constant change of viewpoints and the time it takes to actually start off. As most effort was put into graphics, somehow none of the characters are really attractive (same plastic and "too cute to be true" faces), memorable (no personality) or attention grabbing.
    Sex scenes are badly written, stiff and robotic (lacking in buildup, teasing, seduction, exposition and payoff). Implementation of the routes is really bad as it's designed to make you miss things (excluding choices where chosing one girl locks you out of another and you must load old saves and complete entire VN again to see content for more than just one girl).
    Story-wise this MC is supposed to be a bad-ass super-agent but barely does anyting at all and the contrast between what people are saying about him and how utterly unprepared he acts (when he finally decides to do something) completely kills any immersion. If there even was one, come on, you play as a super-badass agent James Bond - how is that original, unique, in-depth or immersive story?
    The whole game is linear and predictable, there are no dialogue options and very few choices (no branching story lines or multiple endings) that serve no purpose other than locking you out of sex scenes - if you chose badly (without a walkthrough) you will simply miss the sex scene (won't score enough love/lust points) which is really riddiculous (you will not only be locked out of other girls but also won't get a sex scene with a girl you have chosen.) Sex scenes could also be implemented much better (are all about clicking back and forth, selecting mechanically from "missionary", "cowgirl", "doggy" and "cum".)
    Some people think that -good graphics=good adult game, while the best graphics are in real adult movies. Adult games should be all about creating anticipation, sexual tension and presenting a fantastic payoff.
    And this VN is really far from it.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is just on another level.

    Everything is such a high quality.

    Great renders and animations with amazing looking women, also very different models which i really like.

    Intriguing interesting story and it is placed in a very well thought out world.

    Wish there was a show/movie in this world, i think it would be awesome if well done.
  15. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 6297007

    This is the pinnacle of VN gaming. The writing is immense, the characters are real and believable, but the world in which you inhabit is a cyberpunk vision of an Orwellian future.
    The game is more story than sex [as it should be] will suck you into it's depths, and make you genuinely care for those around you.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics and renders. The women are quite the hotties! Really enjoying the storyline of this game. Well thought out and easy to follow. Really like the amount of choices that the gamer is given as well. Can't wait until this game is complete and I get to finally finish the storyline.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    v1.14.0 Ch. 14

    28. Juli 2023

    renders - sehr gut 4.9-5
    movies - sehr gut 4.9-5
    girls - sehr sexy 4.9-5
    scenes - :love:
    size - :oops:

    28. July 2023

    renders - v good 4.9-5
    movies - v good 4.9-5
    girls - v sexy 4.9-5
    scenes - v hot :love:
    size - :oops:

    v good job devs

  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 3727657

    Masterpiece points:
    sex scenes

    Great points:
    Personalities matching the atmosphere of the game
    MC's personality
    Original story
    Simple story

    Average points:
    Sometimes the writing in MC's speaking is weak - that is, MC says sentences that do not match his character
    The faces of two of the models are copies
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Banger certified, soon to be classic!

    1. Writing is clean and has depth.
    2. Characters are gorgeous with their unique struggles and personality.
    3. Plot is FUCKING awesome. It starts a bit slow but picks up post ch5.
    4. Renders are some of the best in AVN business. This baby is beauty (Victoria is My fav <3)
    5. Animations, cutscenes, music are absolute top-tier.
    6. 10+ hour content and multiple branching in later chapters.
    7. Mc is badass but pretty good to LIs.
    My only issue is with pacing in early chapter but it gets better later so all good.

    Verdict: Abso-fucking-lutely pick it up! It a must for scifi-thriller-action infused story lovers. This is a piece of art and is definitely good work like the dev's last game.
  20. 4.00 star(s)


    Great game, almost everything you would want. I would rate five stars, but the story has slipped a little in recent updates.

    The renders and animations are amazing, as has already been said. The game maker is a pro in ever since of the word. The story has and original plot and idea, and the characters are very individual. Meaning they are not all the same thing with just slight differences.

    The amount of work that goes into this much be astounding. I would suggest for anyone to play this game if you have not already. I'm hoping I can raise my review to a 5, I think it's heading that way.