Apr 28, 2020
Are the new scenes in the gallery? I can't find them
As this is an Early Access, not all scenes have been included, the Pigboss Ride as an example. The ones that were included were Stella Yuri, Pigman Deepthroat, Pigman Threesome (claire r*, claire willingly, mother r*) and Swogg Attack. They are not in the gallery yet, but if you access www/img/pictures in the game folder, you can see the pictures without text. The only way to really have the scenes and their text is by saving right before they happen...


Jun 28, 2020
As i played the Claire quest i found out that the game can be quite interesting for it has many paths that can lead the poor lady to her future, just like we decide every path in our life so does this lady. Our choices is what makes us human or in her case the wrong one can make her a love toy for other gentlemans, And for that i shall give it my final review:
- Gameplay: 3/5
- Story: 5/5
- Action: 2/5
- Can the fapp: 2/5 (if you like pictures)


Jan 28, 2018
- Gameplay: 3/5 for the cheat menu, why the hell u can't load the damn save?

- Story: 1/5 u whore around/get raped, f mc cliche. all creature (except man) evolved to fuck woman, how convenient.

- Characters: 4/5 well constructed (it's simple but u don't see it everywhere)

- Masturbation: 5/5 the art is nice and the gallery time savior.
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Mar 22, 2018
Yeah, that part is in-development. Just testing it out to see if there are issues making things impossible to go through under normal circumstances (the whole noob and BLIND thing).

Not going to mingle in their creative process and suggest anything, just asking if anyone else can get through that path without using cheats at all.

I have finished the whole part already, just wondering if I had missed out anything else. "Rope" for the well is also missing atm, at least for every possible places I have searched so far.
I finished Rivermont without any previous knowledge (but maybe i was lucky), i chose seduction as the first increase, then read what every stat does, then what blessing increase and for how long, i rescued Nicole by making a deal with the orc (i had three points of depravaty+1 point from dragon blessing), allways saved, both before an exploration and after a sucessfull return, and had 2 save-slots in case i needed to re-do something.
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Active Member
May 10, 2020
Yeah, as far as i could tell there was no rope either. There was one sparkly thing i could not get to in the mansion because of the pigman patrolling up and down the 1 square wide corridor (and i didn't have a murderknife), but aside from that i explored everything. Got the mace, saved the kid, busted Mother out untouched and even managed to save Marie. But no rope.

MAYBE the rope is a thing in case you don't have the Defiance and Seduction to talk to Washtubbers? After sneaking through the area right before entering, there was a little side path heading up and i triggered a flag that had Claire basically go 'oh shit, look at all these captives, i have to blend in' and autowalk further up to grab a set of breeder clothes i was already wearing from the shed there, so it appears to be in place. Can't really check to confirm though, as the rope vine was too slippery to climb up from when i tried to backtrack over there.

At the end, my stats were 4 Defiance, 3 Intrigue and Seduction and 2 Depravity.

As an aside, does anyone know what to use the Bandages on? You'd THINK i'd have to use them on Stella, but nope.


Aug 23, 2019
Yeah, as far as i could tell there was no rope either. There was one sparkly thing i could not get to in the mansion because of the pigman patrolling up and down the 1 square wide corridor (and i didn't have a murderknife), but aside from that i explored everything. Got the mace, saved the kid, busted Mother out untouched and even managed to save Marie. But no rope.

MAYBE the rope is a thing in case you don't have the Defiance and Seduction to talk to Washtubbers? After sneaking through the area right before entering, there was a little side path heading up and i triggered a flag that had Claire basically go 'oh shit, look at all these captives, i have to blend in' and autowalk further up to grab a set of breeder clothes i was already wearing from the shed there, so it appears to be in place. Can't really check to confirm though, as the rope vine was too slippery to climb up from when i tried to backtrack over there.

At the end, my stats were 4 Defiance, 3 Intrigue and Seduction and 2 Depravity.

As an aside, does anyone know what to use the Bandages on? You'd THINK i'd have to use them on Stella, but nope.
I also had the same issue about the Rope and the part where the pigman is patrolling & blocking the path to that sparkly part. I had tried using save-editor to add a code for having a Knife (which is item 56), it kinda works as I got 20 knives in my inventory. However, the bad news is that when I approach the pigman, it only ended up as a "Rape - Game over scene". It is unlike the "Easy Path - Shore" scenario where u can equip with a knife, killed the pigman permanently but go back to the safe zone. I believe the developers did not added the script code for that scenario in Rivermont, sadly.
Sep 12, 2019
I also had the same issue about the Rope and the part where the pigman is patrolling & blocking the path to that sparkly part. I had tried using save-editor to add a code for having a Knife (which is item 56), it kinda works as I got 20 knives in my inventory. However, the bad news is that when I approach the pigman, it only ended up as a "Rape - Game over scene". It is unlike the "Easy Path - Shore" scenario where u can equip with a knife, killed the pigman permanently but go back to the safe zone. I believe the developers did not added the script code for that scenario in Rivermont, sadly.
I was about to comment something like that, since you're not supposed to have a knife at this of the game (Since right now, Claire is still a 100% no fighter type of character)
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Dec 7, 2020
What are you on about? What leaks? 'Us'? There's more than one of you using Neo Nocturne's account?

Just have a one good look at the newest update, which introduced an alternative prologue path, basically is a dead end at the moment. Here:

View attachment 1667077

'Hello folks! It took us several months to develop this new totally unnecessary beginning of the game we started way back when, which currently leads nowhere (and in the future may create some continuity problems with the story presented so far). Sorry, not sorry. In the meanwhile, we'll post some sneak pics of the missing rope for our most generous supporters and run a poll asking you about possible uses for the shovel and bandages. See you in the next update, amigos!'

Do you really think I would support such lazy, uninspired, meandering creators? It's about time their patrons started demanding a finished product... unless they're perfectly happy with the way things are: twenty something and counting unfinished questlines and adding more plots and characters, while still rehashing the same themes and mechanics. Seems like Claire is never depraved/defiant/seductive/intriguing enough to wrap her story up, is she?

That's because this is what a real creator does - they seduce the audience with their own uncompromising vision, without succumbing to the public's wishes. Creation is a solitary, non-democratic, authoritarian process in essence, even if it is teamwork. Music bands take breaks from touring and public appearances to shut themselves from the outside world and record new material. Writers become reclusive. Only after the work is complete the public have their say. That's what separates an artist from an artisan.
You're spot on man. I've supported them sometime back but updates and content have really slowed down and they keep introducing more and more questlines without finishing the others,which are already generally fantastic content.

I kinda wish for the next few updates they'll buckle down and start to finish up the other questlines.

Currently as far as adult games go, they're doing the wide as an ocean,shallow as a puddle approach which doesn't bode well for the longterm.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2018
This is a question about & hopeful dream of future content.

Is there any plans for maybe Claire gets a job as a maid for a spoiled bitchy hoity toity BBW nobelwoman, which could end 1 of 4 ways? The ways could go like this.
#1:- Claire gets sacked.
#2:- Claire becomes her loyaly mindbroken sex slave. (Game over ending)
#3:- Claire becomes her most loyal sex slave & maid, but still keeps her freedom.
#4:- The Nobelwoman calms her spoiled bitch nature and becomes a possible real lover to Claire.

What can I say, I LOVE big women, regardless I hope Dystopian keeps up the great work.
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
I also had the same issue about the Rope and the part where the pigman is patrolling & blocking the path to that sparkly part. I had tried using save-editor to add a code for having a Knife (which is item 56), it kinda works as I got 20 knives in my inventory. However, the bad news is that when I approach the pigman, it only ended up as a "Rape - Game over scene". It is unlike the "Easy Path - Shore" scenario where u can equip with a knife, killed the pigman permanently but go back to the safe zone. I believe the developers did not added the script code for that scenario in Rivermont, sadly.
Well, that's everything I have tested for the other prologue.

Guess I won't be back till 2 years later. Chill.

Thanks Grex and Penitensary too. LIKED your replies.
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Active Member
May 10, 2020
I also had the same issue about the Rope and the part where the pigman is patrolling & blocking the path to that sparkly part. I had tried using save-editor to add a code for having a Knife (which is item 56), it kinda works as I got 20 knives in my inventory. However, the bad news is that when I approach the pigman, it only ended up as a "Rape - Game over scene". It is unlike the "Easy Path - Shore" scenario where u can equip with a knife, killed the pigman permanently but go back to the safe zone. I believe the developers did not added the script code for that scenario in Rivermont, sadly.
There is a little trick one could use, though in tight quarters it can be a little finicky.

Get seen by the patrolling pigman and lure him east. Run fast enough and he'll lose track of you, and start walking back. If you time this right you should have a small window where you can zoom past him and by the time he sees you it'll be too late for him to grab you (as you can stand right next to an enemy and remain unspotted).

He'll chase and grab you in the room, of course, but by then you'd have read the pickup text and find out what the item is. My guess is it's jewelry, there was a set of silver jewelry i found in another place as well so it's probably just sales goods like the gems past prologue.

Edit: Yup, nailed it. Screenshot attached.
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Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
You're spot on man. I've supported them sometime back but updates and content have really slowed down and they keep introducing more and more questlines without finishing the others,which are already generally fantastic content.

I kinda wish for the next few updates they'll buckle down and start to finish up the other questlines.

Currently as far as adult games go, they're doing the wide as an ocean,shallow as a puddle approach which doesn't bode well for the longterm.
First of all, kudos to your donations.

Your opinion is spot on too. CQ is currently opening many branches and none of them is progressing as much as we wanted to see. It is worrying in long-term.

Which is why, my first rule for purchasing games: NEVER PRE-PURCHASE any games that don't have a FIXED release date and a money-back guarantee if launch fails. One less worry in life, one less thing to care about.

Not saying madchef is definitely wrong on the "milking" part though, what we need is evidences to prove they are genuinely "milking" their customers. Otherwise, this is just "he said, she said" thing with pure speculations. Like CQ, that won't go anywhere and like its current progress: WORRYING as for the long-term.

For fans, they are scare that they may be backing the wrong horse for years, yet most of them do hope CQ will be completed by now like you are. So either we get solid evidences that say the developer is just here scamming money, or we wait for the slow development to work its way till completion.

Throwing false accusations without solid evidences is not going to help CQ at all, instead, that could easily stall development to a halt since they may get a financial setback. But it's good to know even their paid supporters are worrying that terrible accusation might be true.

(Fun fact: another developer on F95 has to work on their finished project and DLCs so as to gather enough fundings for the other on-going/on-hold project. From what I have asked, the animation part in the on-hold project cost them too much. I did warn them in advance about the cost, you can dig it up on F95...so yeah, which is why I am not saying madchef is definitely wrong on that part. It is possible...for the worst...

My speculation: Maybe that's what CQ developers are doing too? Obviously I don't have contacts with them, so pure speculation. Who know the budget went into graphics, audios and programming?)

No need to reply. I won't be back to this thread till 2 years later. GL and enjoy the ride.

Neo Nocturne

Aug 13, 2019
There is a little trick one could use, though in tight quarters it can be a little finicky.

Get seen by the patrolling pigman and lure him east. Run fast enough and he'll lose track of you, and start walking back. If you time this right you should have a small window where you can zoom past him and by the time he sees you it'll be too late for him to grab you (as you can stand right next to an enemy and remain unspotted).

He'll chase and grab you in the room, of course, but by then you'd have read the pickup text and find out what the item is. My guess is it's jewelry, there was a set of silver jewelry i found in another place as well so it's probably just sales goods like the gems past prologue.

Edit: Yup, nailed it. Screenshot attached.
I tried that eventually. Yeah, it wasn't the rope.

I was replying to someone else so I couldn't post that in time.

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May 20, 2020
for some reason in this version this thing appeared on the bridge in the town with all the farm animals


Active Member
May 10, 2020

Wondering what the point is of placing that item there though, since you can't get to it without a Game Over happening immediately afterward. Maybe at some point you can try to make the crossing during the day as well, when there's (as mentioned by the game) more enemies out but far less in the Keep, and areas such as that should have less enemies in them as well?

On a somewhat related note, the 'hide in high grass' mechanism is something i recall having seen before, in the Goblin missions for the Rathpike mercs, so it's good to see it get added to the prologue sections now as well. Here's hoping for a wider implementation (where it makes sense, obviously!)

There is one thing i disagree on though. Backing a Patreon means you aren't paying for a full game, if you want to spend money on a completed product there's Steam. What you're paying for is updates and progress, and if it results in a finished product then hey, congrats. I know it's a mentality thing, and it's just my personal opinion, but it's all about expectations, you know? And sure, if they're scamming they deserve the backlash, but when i look at the Patreon i'm seeing weekly updates, Sneak Peeks, polls and an HD art pack every two months, so that doesn't exactly scream 'zero effort'.


Sep 13, 2020
I play this game on joiplay and some of quest always black screen and I can read the quest is anyone have solution for this issues? Yeah I know I should play this game on pc but play on phone is more flexible for me I mean I can play with one hand


Dec 19, 2018
I play this game on joiplay and some of quest always black screen and I can read the quest is anyone have solution for this issues? Yeah I know I should play this game on pc but play on phone is more flexible for me I mean I can play with one hand
If u play win version on pc u've got the same issue. It's an old bug. Just ignore it and try to avoid these pages in questlog


New Member
Dec 31, 2021
I'm in the occupied rivermont and am trying to find the rope to go down the well, where can i find the rope though?
4.30 star(s) 109 Votes