How do you complete the ranger quest, I got stuck between two rangers that locked up the game. Can someone show what to delete in map 115 to get past them.Wait you can buy a bull? or did you mean you want to unlock the bull scene? i don't know anything about buying a bull yet but to unlock the bull scene you have to finish the horse scene with high depravity and earn breeding certificate II in valos, to unlock the horse scene just go outside of valos and head east until you see the ranger's outpost then go south to the woods, then head west until you find another town and go look for a store with a horse shoe logo, depending on your depravity you might have to comeback later with a higher depravity level.
You can upgrade depravity level after finishing the ranger's quest, which you need to do anyway because mating with a bull consumes 125 energy and you need to finish the ranger's wolves quest to have 150 energy instead of the default 100. Well, asuming you went to valos first anyway, idk if rathpike has a questline that upgrades energy/depravity or not as i'm still in valos.