Claire's Quest version 0.23.4:
• Progression in Rivermont is now done! You should be able to progress the entire Rivermont storyline and end up in Valos after completion. Took awhile to untangle and find various story clashes (due to characters and stories appearing at the same place from different timelines) but should work now! However if you find any continuity errors do let me know. No penalty is in place for late-rescuing mother (yet) but the rest of the Rivermont section is ready!
• New scene: Marie x Pigboss. This only occurs if you infiltrate Castle Rainier too long (day 3 and onward in Rivermont), which will remove the ability to rescue Marie and leave her at the mercy of the pigboss instead. This scene is also viewable in the Gallery after completing any Prologue section!
• I wasn’t very satisfied with the Castle Rainier Pigman Deepthroat scene and have completely rewritten and overhauled it! Alongside the “Rivermont Pigman” and “Fallwater Pigman”, the “Castle Rainier Pigman” is now it’s own scene, featuring the initial deepthroat + a special ‘slutty pigslave’ ending if you are gameover’d from that part of Rivermont. All pigman scenes are viewable in the Menagerie.
• Big overhaul to the stealth system; enemy’s detection AI should now function properly, and they will be able to pick you up correctly if you are in their line of sight as well as their peripheral vision. So no more silly stealthy Claire walking right beside a Swogg who somehow can’t see her.
• Fixed a bug where Stella is not unlocked in the Gallery if you unlock the Prologue section.
• Broadened the interiors for Rivermont so that the pigman patrol routes are no longer impossible to pass through and the key items can be collected
• Fixed lighting issue in the Hazy Clearing
• Fixed Camping Kit item not being consumed after use
• Fixed continuity writing with the pigman ending for Rivermont (colour palette swap on the pigmen was not a mistake, just mistaken writing)
• Skip option added for gameover scenes for Swogg and Rivermont Pigman due to popular demand