Why does this say female protagonist, where there is NO FEMALE PROTAGONIST?
Perhaps after hours of tedious trans and futa searching and trying you might be by the end of the no guide no hints no walkthrough or suggestions...
Main protagonist is a DUDE no character creation no option for female protag. Obvious work put into game, but absolute BULLSHIT tagging.
from OP:" with a clean slate -- but even your gender is up for grabs"
total fucking lie. It's not a clean slate YOUR a HAIRY dude!!!
Your first stumble play through to homeless geni, "Stay where you are?" A MAN for both options with no SKIP OR NO
question in game, "Speaking of gender, did you ever have any trans or non-binary friends?" YES FOR BOTH WITH NO OTHER OPTIONS HAHAHAHA
In game, "Whats your characters name?" ... Uhhh Sarah because I want to play female protage... JOKES ON YOU HAHAHA YOUR A MAN!!!
Just read a dozen pages, downloaded and unpacked 2gigs, got an extra program to run, check and read cheats
All you need to do is be honest in OP! It's a great game I assume if your a man transitioning into something else, but what not say that?