It's a known bug, you went off-scale. But the fix for it has not been published yet. The same can happen on the villain side too.
I thought I had incorporated it in the public version though...
I see the lines
if evilness <= 0:
show goodbutton01 at posgood01
show goodbutton02 at posgood02
show goodbutton03 at posgood03
show goodbutton04 at posgood04
show goodbutton05 at posgood05
show goodbutton06 at posgood06
show goodbutton07 at posgood07
show goodbutton08 at posgood08
show goodbutton09 at posgood09
show goodbutton10 at posgood10
in the defaults_import.rpy script, so this should have fixed it, no?