This is for those who don't know how yet.
For the first main quest, go to the plains and keep heading north until you reach the boss. Return to the guild and you will get a new party member. Go to the boss again and another party member will join you, defeat the boss. Go home and use the alchemy pot. In the alchemy menu; select the third tab from the top, the one with the book icon(I'll call it the quest tab). In the quest tab, craft the item 3 times. Return to the guild and receive your reward.
For the second main quest, the girl in red clothes and the dark skin girl need to be in your party. Go to the plains and defeat the boss again.
For the third main quest, you will need the beast girl in your party(the one with black hair and black clothes). Go to the caves and pick up any ingredients you can find. Navigate your way to the boss area. You will find a stone doorway that leads to the boss area, you cannot go through the doorway without the beast girl in you party. After reaching the boss, defeat it. Go home and use the alchemy pot to craft the item in the quest tab. Return to the guild and receive your reward.
The rest of the main quests are straightforward; enter the new area, find the boss, kill the boss, return to the guild.