v156a_varmod: the game with a variable editor on the character page, as well as stats cheat on phone
v156a_fullmod: varmod + timetravel. This ports the 121a mod over, and does not support timetravel on the last day yet. Expect bugs, but should be fairly stable.
v121a.zip contains the latest version (121a):
v121a_varedit.html: the game with a variable editor on the character pages.
v121a_fullmod.html: variable editor plus time travel mod
mods.zip contains (107b) of the following:
variable_edit.html: the game with a variable editor on the character pages. Now also comes with botnet mods of both
full_mod.html: variable editor plus time travel mod
botnet_prinplup_mod.zip contains a modified version of botnet's mod on 107b. Unzip it to run full_mod_botnet.html and variable_edit_botnet.html.
Added variable editor mod for 156a (bugfix: Kayla's page)
Added alpha version of timetravel on 156a.
156a updated to fix some bugs
Full version of 156a released