
May 30, 2021
Hey everyone. I'm having trouble with this game that I used to love and was addicted to.. It started with version 15.1.0 or whatever when the dev decided to fuck up the game saves.. So I've been coming back every now and then to see if the saves issue is solved but still to this day I can't import CK1 saves. Now the versions I'm using are CK1 - 1.4.13 (compressed version) and CK2 - 4.0.0 (compressed version). So I played CK1 till the end and tried to import only to get that error screen.. I saved on the page where it told me to save but it won't work. And when I tried messing up with the rollback and ignore buttons and finally managed to get into the game, I found myself returning to the Wolves house even though I'm an ape in that playthrough... So of course the save is fucked and so I didn't bother trying anymore and lost all faith in that feature. The thing is, I still wanna play and enjoy CK2 but coming from CK1, I can say that neither the recap option nor the path builder is enough to tailor the save to the details of CK1's save. For example, fighting Tom at the beginning of the game, or exposing Charli to Mr. Lee, or Inviting Emily to Europe. Am I missing something or am I right about that? Is there a way to solve the saves issue or have more control over the path building? Which one is better? Path builder or Recap? I can see that the path builder has more options that I'd like to control, but the recap feels more "original", like, If there's no other way, I'd finally choose to abandon CK1 and treat the recap as the only way to create the story from now on, accepting the fact that this is the only way to keep playing. It's been a long time and there's a lot of new content that I wanna experience but I have been holding off playing, hoping that I can continue from my original CK1 playthroughs. But alas, it seems impossible since it's been years and I still can't do it.
Your save won't work with all the rework and redos. Just iron man it through a new game or pray someone has a save you want. For me, the path builder is enough


Aug 29, 2018
Interesting, none of mine worked no matter where in the game the save was made. From scanning thread seems majority of people have same errors. 5.1.1 patch supposed to fix them.
with the new version (5.1.2) all the errors that I have had with this one (5.0.0) have been solved, either with past saves from CK2 or exporting them from CK1, especially the error with the “mood” property that broke all my saves.
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Aug 26, 2020
with the new version (5.1.2) all the errors that I have had with this one (5.0.0) have been solved, either with past saves from CK2 or exporting them from CK1, especially the error with the “mood” property that broke all my saves.
fingers crossed it gets leaked here soon then. really dont want to re-do everything.


Active Member
Dec 22, 2022
Steam version was released today, will that also be v5.1.2?
Let's hope so, and that the incompatibility bugs are fixed.


New Member
Sep 26, 2023
Are there any consequences implemented for sleeping around if you make someone your girlfriend? I've been doing just that without even knowing I made someone my girlfriend lol.


Aug 16, 2018
Kinda expected more of this double update(played v5.0.0 without bug fixing), played my Chloe(Apes) and Nora(wolves) routes with fwbs on the side but the chapters were shorter than expected? Yeah I enjoyed being the frat leader for once but for all the double update was teased it was a really fast play. The sex scenes were alright Nora's and Lyndsey's were memorable and Chloe's are seemingly improving not a dev favourite sadly still.

Liked the water boy feast far more than Aubrey's yatch thing as that one was extremely bugged from the mechanic girl side quest that you couldn't even do or the Ryan condoms that also auto repeated, full of bugs and no matter your actions seemingly Cameron and Grayson screwed up the whole gathering with Aubrey just being unhappy no matter what.

Still have to play through my Aubrey path but my general thoughts can be summarised in two words underwhelming update.


Apr 18, 2021
A lot of people seem to be having trouble loading saves which didn't happen for me personally so here is one of my save files, it is right before deciding if amber is drugs or no drugs. Samantha is also gf and it is on ape path sorry to teacher fans and Lauren is just a friend as is aubrey

Of course use saves from random people at your own peril you never know what kind of freaks are on here.
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