Now just hold on there one rotten minute. That's a horrible generalization and a grandiose opinion. But you do have the right to your opinion I suppose. Then again, I too have the right to an opinion, and my opinion is that you should have right to an opinion.
but since everyone who disagrees with you is a piece of shit - well that's pretty indicative of the social climate of late and why there are so many problems in the world. So many douche-nozzles spouting that "you're either with me or you're a horrible piece of shit that needs to be cancelled." That just about sums it up, sadly.
On another note, i rewatched that scene and I do see that it seems as much a punch as it was a push. It seems to appear or at least sound like a open palm thrust to the point of a "hit". Yes it was a push but more of a WWE push that really hurt. I'm not defending him hurting her, but I do also believe he didn't mean to either and she was definitely pushing his buttons, she didn't deserve that. But he didn't deserve to be accosted either - just like Chris Rock didn't deserve to be physically accosted. You can't solve disputes with physical violence or provocation. It just leads to more physical interaction and eventually someone will get hurt. Sadly in this case it was Nora.
And I firmly believe that the story purposefully left it ambiguous so that you can either choose to turn a blind eye and call it a push, or choose to side with Nora and claim it was a full on "punch".
But i'm not narcissistic to the point that I believe everyone who disagrees with me is a small sampling of rectal orifice excretion.