Dev Blog 04/01/24
Happy New Year! I hope everyone had a great holiday season!
Mine was... well, you guys don't really care about that. lol!
News about the game!
I'm working on it. I'm making great progress too. Like I've talked about before, this game is an intro to my visions and a learning experience for me. I'm getting better and faster with each image and line of code. My eventual goal is to be able to make 8-10 renders each day. Just really crank them out. But right now, time isn't on my side. I can only get 4-5. I'm halfway there, and I am also currently living on a prayer.

Of course some days are more productive than others. Some poses are just near impossible to get right with my current skill level, and some days it's just all coming together. But I'm trying my best to get faster at this.
All of my computer issues are pretty much resolved. There are still some issues, but they're not worth talking about right now. So all that's left for me to do is just work. Sadly I can only devote about 4-5 hours a day on this for now. Just life things, you know.
Anyway, I currently have about 70 images left to go. If i can only get 5 a day then that's 14 working days (I need some days off guys, please!), so 3 weeks out. If I can increase that number I can get it out sooner. If I have a bad day or a sick day or just really difficult poses to work with, then it might take longer. What I'm saying is please don't have your pitchforks ready on day 15. If I'm late, blame Daz for being trash. lol! I mean, just the lighting system... if I tried to explain how trash the lighting system is to a non-dev your brain would shut off and you'd just hear static for the next hour. I hate it. Maybe some dev will respond and be like "no,
ACTUALLY, the lighting system is perfect and simple.
YOU'RE just trash." and I wouldn't disagree.
But I think everyone is going to be pleased with the story and where it's heading. You only got a hint of things in the first chapter, but Morgan isn't happy with Matt. They've been dating for a couple of years and she's thinking about her options. You'll learn some secrets about her, and you'll understand why the game is called what it is. Also, Jason isn't happy with Stephanie. You'll learn a bit more about him, but can you really trust what he tells you? He's not the most honest person, but he is crafty. He'll tell you lies or the truth if he thinks it'll get him what he wants - and you can guess what that is. The next chapter is told through Morgan's perspective, so you'll get her side of the story with her inner monologue and interactions with other characters. I really enjoyed writing it, and I hope you all enjoy reading it!
Oh, and something else about visual novels in general that i wanted to discuss - you know how you play a game and you're given an option, but the option is basically "see the sexy pictures or not" and if you choose not to, it just skips ahead. I've never liked that. i mean, time doesn't just skip forward does it? I wanted this to be closer to real life. If, for example, you choose to make out with someone, then that takes time. If you choose not to, the other person might try to seduce you more, or maybe just talk about something. So I've been doing that. You learn more about the characters if you take the other option, because they're still there and still talking. I mean, not with every option, but with a lot. I don't want there to really only be 1 way to play to see everything and learn everything. It's not going to make a huge impact yet, but eventually that's my hope with the story.
Ugh. Yup, back to work. Only 2 images so far today, I have plenty more sexy polygons to move around before I can take a break. Chat with you soon!