
Mar 30, 2021
I guess he deleted his post, because I don't see it, so I'll just reply to you, but I'm talking to the other guy and people who think like him.

I'm pretty sure I didn't mention trump at any point during my game. You associated the redneck, racist, meth heads with trump. Not me.

But yeah, I'm a super-gay, bleeding heart liberal and I don't like religion or conservative politics and that's going to come out in my writing.

I'm not making my game for you. I dont care if you play it. I dont know why you would want to play it. Just like I wouldn't play a game that was about hunting or Jesus.
Just throwing this out there, but you have an opportunity here that I think you're missing. You could make the MC religious and Conservative and through his interactions with the other characters, he changes his stance and becomes more accepting of those that are not like him. He can start to fall for people that normally he would never even consider for a romantic relationship. Or, he can choose only the characters that he finds similar to himself. This would allow you to tell your story and push your politics, but give the MC and thus the player the option to go along or reject and yet still enjoy the game. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and you changes hearts and minds through the right approach. Bashing someone over the head with your politics doesn't make them any more accepting and most times turns them the other way. People want to play your game for the story of the MC searching for his father and the beautiful graphics and the assortment of partners he can choose. By all means, write for yourself, but keep in mind that you don't want to alienate anyone. It's a razor's edge you have to walk, but it can be done.

Deleted member 2744688

Come Home
Game Developer
Aug 18, 2020
Just throwing this out there, but you have an opportunity here that I think you're missing. You could make the MC religious and Conservative and through his interactions with the other characters, he changes his stance and becomes more accepting of those that are not like him. He can start to fall for people that normally he would never even consider for a romantic relationship. Or, he can choose only the characters that he finds similar to himself. This would allow you to tell your story and push your politics, but give the MC and thus the player the option to go along or reject and yet still enjoy the game. You catch more flies with honey than vinegar and you changes hearts and minds through the right approach. Bashing someone over the head with your politics doesn't make them any more accepting and most times turns them the other way. People want to play your game for the story of the MC searching for his father and the beautiful graphics and the assortment of partners he can choose. By all means, write for yourself, but keep in mind that you don't want to alienate anyone. It's a razor's edge you have to walk, but it can be done.
How is writing a story about a conservative who changes his ways LESS political than what i wrote?

I'm literally just writing about people like me. I'm not pushing any politics at all. I'm writing about people who think the way I think.

I will never write about a conservative hero, because my mind cannot invent that.

I dont care if I alienate people. Im not writing a story for everyone. If you like it, cool. If not, go play something else.

I'm not sure why people online want to bully creators into making every story exactly what they want. Just go play shit you like.


Jun 8, 2017
Is there any way to play it on windows 32 bit ?! :(
i hope not, even microsoft have stopped coddling people with that obsolete shit now with windows 11 and it only took them 18 years. to me asking this is as exasperating and silly as asking for a way to play a playstation 5 game on waffle iron


Feb 8, 2017
And now for the post I actually came here to make: Bai's being weird ever since we double teamed Tammy. It looks like the game thinks we're dating now but he's still set to just friends.


Devoted Member
Mar 25, 2021
I did the Whitney Jewelry store heist
And am going on dates with her but the option for sex Isn't there
Only blowjob & Cunnilingus does anyone know what could be wrong

I hope I didn't refuse her advancer earlier and have forgotten.


Mar 30, 2021
or you could, you know, make your own game and do this
I'm a writer, not a game developer. I don't have the patience to deal with any type of coding. I enjoy all types of games and this is one of them. No skin off my nose if the developer wants to alienate fans. It doesn't make sense to me to do it, but it's no skin off my nose if it's done.


Engaged Member
Jul 27, 2020
I hope the next version has a few of those repeatable sex scenes with both Suzy and Tammy, with both of them in the house i can't see why not.


Mar 30, 2021
How is writing a story about a conservative who changes his ways LESS political than what i wrote?

I'm literally just writing about people like me. I'm not pushing any politics at all. I'm writing about people who think the way I think.

I will never write about a conservative hero, because my mind cannot invent that.

I dont care if I alienate people. Im not writing a story for everyone. If you like it, cool. If not, go play something else.

I'm not sure why people online want to bully creators into making every story exactly what they want. Just go play shit you like.

It's less political if you keep the politics out of it. They don't have to be spelled out to be there. A background image is usually all it takes. A Gadsden Flag (Don't Tread On Me) or Molon Labe, a Blue Lives Matter flag or cap, an NRA or Support Our Troops or as you did, the MAGA hat. All point to political leanings without a word being uttered. As long as it's not done in ridicule (as you did) and it's not being used to push anything, then it's not political. A background image is just window dressing when it's no attention is called to it.

Good for you to write about people that think the way you think, but there's more than just those types of people in the world and you can't help but interact with them.

You can't imagine a Conservative hero? Why not? They're all over fiction. It doesn't take much, you just take a person that you like everything about and give them a different political opinion from yourself. How is that hard? Unless you mean that you can't find any redeeming qualities in a Conservative person. Which says more about you than them. Here, I'll help you. Green Arrow is an avowed Lefty. He's the most Liberal and Left leaning member of the Justice League and always has been. He is a hero. He gets along with the more Moderate members of the JL and the more Conservative members of the JL. Now, a more Moderate member of the JL; Batman. There's no arguing that Batman is a hero. I'm sure you could create a Bruce Wayne type character. Now for a more Conservative member of the JL; Superman. The most iconic superhero of all is very Conservative but also very Libertarian. As Superman he's Apolitical, he does not endorse any political party or movement, but he's from a small rural town, grew up on a farm, raised cows, pigs, chickens, doesn't trust the government, supports the troops, works with the police and has the types of arms and armament that the NRA and the US military would salivate over... by every stretch of the imagination, he's Conservative, but you say your mind can't invent that. Nobody can claim that Superman/Clark is anything but a great guy no matter how you slice it.

I'm a writer myself, so I understand what you're saying, but nobody truly writes just for themselves unless they don't let anybody else read it. When you pour your heart into a project and spend hours creating characters and interactions and crafting dialogue that means something to you and you publish it for others to enjoy, then you are not doing it for yourself. You're doing it so others can enjoy your work.

It's not bullying to comment and critique a published work. As I was told by an agent, when you publish your work, you have to take the harsh criticism with the praise. You have to have thick skin and just smile and thank the person for their comments and critique. I'm not being harsh or bullying, it was offering a different viewpoint that I thought you may have missed.

But, I will continue to play the game, or I won't depending upon my mood at the time. I was just interested in having the conversation. Good luck with further development and updates and I wish you the best in your endeavors.


Well-Known Member
Dec 5, 2017
It's less political if you keep the politics out of it. They don't have to be spelled out to be there. A background image is usually all it takes. A Gadsden Flag (Don't Tread On Me) or Molon Labe, a Blue Lives Matter flag or cap, an NRA or Support Our Troops or as you did, the MAGA hat. All point to political leanings without a word being uttered. As long as it's not done in ridicule (as you did) and it's not being used to push anything, then it's not political. A background image is just window dressing when it's no attention is called to it.

Good for you to write about people that think the way you think, but there's more than just those types of people in the world and you can't help but interact with them.

You can't imagine a Conservative hero? Why not? They're all over fiction. It doesn't take much, you just take a person that you like everything about and give them a different political opinion from yourself. How is that hard? Unless you mean that you can't find any redeeming qualities in a Conservative person. Which says more about you than them. Here, I'll help you. Green Arrow is an avowed Lefty. He's the most Liberal and Left leaning member of the Justice League and always has been. He is a hero. He gets along with the more Moderate members of the JL and the more Conservative members of the JL. Now, a more Moderate member of the JL; Batman. There's no arguing that Batman is a hero. I'm sure you could create a Bruce Wayne type character. Now for a more Conservative member of the JL; Superman. The most iconic superhero of all is very Conservative but also very Libertarian. As Superman he's Apolitical, he does not endorse any political party or movement, but he's from a small rural town, grew up on a farm, raised cows, pigs, chickens, doesn't trust the government, supports the troops, works with the police and has the types of arms and armament that the NRA and the US military would salivate over... by every stretch of the imagination, he's Conservative, but you say your mind can't invent that. Nobody can claim that Superman/Clark is anything but a great guy no matter how you slice it.

I'm a writer myself, so I understand what you're saying, but nobody truly writes just for themselves unless they don't let anybody else read it. When you pour your heart into a project and spend hours creating characters and interactions and crafting dialogue that means something to you and you publish it for others to enjoy, then you are not doing it for yourself. You're doing it so others can enjoy your work.

It's not bullying to comment and critique a published work. As I was told by an agent, when you publish your work, you have to take the harsh criticism with the praise. You have to have thick skin and just smile and thank the person for their comments and critique. I'm not being harsh or bullying, it was offering a different viewpoint that I thought you may have missed.

But, I will continue to play the game, or I won't depending upon my mood at the time. I was just interested in having the conversation. Good luck with further development and updates and I wish you the best in your endeavors.

Deleted member 2744688

Come Home
Game Developer
Aug 18, 2020
It's less political if you keep the politics out of it. They don't have to be spelled out to be there. A background image is usually all it takes. A Gadsden Flag (Don't Tread On Me) or Molon Labe, a Blue Lives Matter flag or cap, an NRA or Support Our Troops or as you did, the MAGA hat. All point to political leanings without a word being uttered. As long as it's not done in ridicule (as you did) and it's not being used to push anything, then it's not political. A background image is just window dressing when it's no attention is called to it.

Good for you to write about people that think the way you think, but there's more than just those types of people in the world and you can't help but interact with them.

You can't imagine a Conservative hero? Why not? They're all over fiction. It doesn't take much, you just take a person that you like everything about and give them a different political opinion from yourself. How is that hard? Unless you mean that you can't find any redeeming qualities in a Conservative person. Which says more about you than them. Here, I'll help you. Green Arrow is an avowed Lefty. He's the most Liberal and Left leaning member of the Justice League and always has been. He is a hero. He gets along with the more Moderate members of the JL and the more Conservative members of the JL. Now, a more Moderate member of the JL; Batman. There's no arguing that Batman is a hero. I'm sure you could create a Bruce Wayne type character. Now for a more Conservative member of the JL; Superman. The most iconic superhero of all is very Conservative but also very Libertarian. As Superman he's Apolitical, he does not endorse any political party or movement, but he's from a small rural town, grew up on a farm, raised cows, pigs, chickens, doesn't trust the government, supports the troops, works with the police and has the types of arms and armament that the NRA and the US military would salivate over... by every stretch of the imagination, he's Conservative, but you say your mind can't invent that. Nobody can claim that Superman/Clark is anything but a great guy no matter how you slice it.

I'm a writer myself, so I understand what you're saying, but nobody truly writes just for themselves unless they don't let anybody else read it. When you pour your heart into a project and spend hours creating characters and interactions and crafting dialogue that means something to you and you publish it for others to enjoy, then you are not doing it for yourself. You're doing it so others can enjoy your work.

It's not bullying to comment and critique a published work. As I was told by an agent, when you publish your work, you have to take the harsh criticism with the praise. You have to have thick skin and just smile and thank the person for their comments and critique. I'm not being harsh or bullying, it was offering a different viewpoint that I thought you may have missed.

But, I will continue to play the game, or I won't depending upon my mood at the time. I was just interested in having the conversation. Good luck with further development and updates and I wish you the best in your endeavors.
I absolutely don't need writing advice. My game is very successful, and I did it by writing what I wanted to write and not pandering to people who I dont like.

That agent was wrong. When you publish, you do have to take criticism and you do have to develop thick skin, but you don't have to smile and thank the person.

You can just tell them to fuck off.


Jan 9, 2023
For characters that stuck at 95% and have only convos to unlock, how to unlock it? Just wait?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2021
Won't do - the fact the MC's mom is dead and his father experimented with time travel to save/bring her back when he disappeared - is pretty much the thing driving the narrative.
Thank you! and sorry for the hasty opinion for your game Dev rjrhodes :)


Engaged Member
Mar 31, 2022
Oh yeah! I did make that dumb hat.
That hat! Hahaha:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO: You couldn't pay me to wear that fucking hat!

I'm an invalid, crippled old geezer but my dick still works just fine! It's just the rest of me that's broken...:oops::oops::oops::oops::oops: Hahaha:ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
4.30 star(s) 116 Votes