Im reallly sorry to bother you... I was playing your game when I see the scene where Kendra tells MC she have neurofibromatosis.
I was amazed bcs someone was talking about this disease... its pretty rare and I have it too.
But I wanna point the fact the normal chemo cant do nothing with the tumors and doctors when "remove" the tumors dont remove it interally(unless they remove the nerve too) to preserve the nerve.
I had the same problem as Kendra... funny enough I was a skateboarder too. I needed to make a surgery to remove the tumor, it was horrible, but it can be done and sometimes bigger the tumor, easily is the surgery.
Anyway, I love your game. Thanks to talk about this desease, its awful but at least for me, its pretty cool when someone talks about it. Keep working like that... your VN is amazing!