Since you are starting to add voice I suggest to partially follow Japanese VNs where the games allow you to set volume of each character voice separately, also having the ability to test the sound volume in that menu to set it to how loud you want, can even set sex voice from normal talking voice. Having volume normalized so things are always audible at the choice of sound level. Whispers can be noted with how they are said rather than volume, etc.
Small maybe text weirdness, having sex with Mrs. Mills and MC chooses to go for anal, but mentions she fucked him in the ass. I don't remember that happening so it was a bit out of place.
If you could, it would be nice to have the hearts be able to 100% even if you are anti-sharing or not gay. Like a friendship with Bai and Adrian heart instead of lovers.
I somehow have 9/8 scenes with Mrs. McGee and she is at 107%
Error below happened when asking Juliana about if she has siblings. (This is a continuation of an old save)
I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
File "game/Scenes/Lisa/LisaSex/lisakitchendoggy.rpy", line 100, in script call
call advancetime from _call_advancetime_344
File "game/Functions/processes.rpy", line 70, in script call
call checkavailablescenes from _call_checkavailablescenes
File "game/Functions/affection.rpy", line 3, in script call
call screen newaffectionscreen
File "game/Screens/New Affection Menu/Dana/danamenu.rpy", line 44, in script call
call screen newaffectionscreen
File "game/Scenes/Work/worknormal.rpy", line 24, in script call
call advancetime from _call_advancetime_17
File "game/Functions/processes.rpy", line 70, in script call
call checkavailablescenes from _call_checkavailablescenes
File "game/Scenes/Welch/WelchDates/welchmoviedate.rpy", line 51, in script call
call welchdateend from _call_welchdateend
File "game/Scenes/Work/worknormal.rpy", line 24, in script call
call advancetime from _call_advancetime_17
File "game/Functions/processes.rpy", line 70, in script call
call checkavailablescenes from _call_checkavailablescenes
File "game/Scenes/Micha/MichaDates/michawalkhome.rpy", line 25, in script call
call michainviteinside from _call_michainviteinside
File "game/Scenes/Work/worknormal.rpy", line 24, in script call
call advancetime from _call_advancetime_17
File "game/Functions/processes.rpy", line 70, in script call
call checkavailablescenes from _call_checkavailablescenes
File "game/Scenes/Micha/MichaDates/michawalkhome.rpy", line 25, in script call
call michainviteinside from _call_michainviteinside
File "game/Scenes/Welch/WelchDates/welchmoviedate.rpy", line 51, in script call
call welchdateend from _call_welchdateend
File "game/Scenes/Welch/WelchDates/welchmoviedate.rpy", line 51, in script call
call welchdateend from _call_welchdateend
File "game/Scenes/Juliana/julianaworkchat.rpy", line 9, in script call
call julianasurface from _call_julianasurface_3
File "game/Scenes/Juliana/JulianaConversations/julianasurface.rpy", line 20, in script call
call julianas7 from _call_julianas7
File "game/Scenes/Juliana/JulianaConversations/julianas7.rpy", line 20, in script
show juliana date nervous
Exception: DynamicImage 'images/juliana [datelocation] nervous.webp': could not find image. ('images/juliana cafeskyhill nervous.webp')