VN - Ren'Py - Abandoned - Come Inside [v0.2.1] [ttll]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very pleased by quality of this game. Amazing renders with an attention to details, intriguing plot. nice characters with unique personalities. No any crashes, error screens and only few minor bugs - and this is dev's first release! He definitely has got golden (or even platinum :D) hands.
    I hope we'll get another rising star of adult games. Cannot wait for a next updates.
    P. S. u should play with incest patch, it has very important details for the entire story.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This Review is based with my personal experience with the actual Version 0.1 of the game , with my specific opinions and feelings .

    I've never made a review of a game after only the first release because I usually prefer to wait for some more contents , to understand if the developer is reliable in next updates with quality and contents. But this was not the case for two specific reasons : the first is because this game completely strokes me for the so high quality of the graphics and second reason is because all this so big quality work was made by the developer with very scarce resources and with really insufficient hardware . This really not only wonder me , but immediately bring me the decision to pledge him and to give trust on his project.
    The Story of the game it's pretty original and interesting and to underscore the plot during the game it's really nice ; the idea to be an Artist that come back to live in the city where he lived his best teen years with a full of nice memories , it's the thing that will link all situations in the game , with a continuous reference to current characters and memories that reach the protagonist from the past .

    -Plot: already since first release you can see the potential that this work can have , the connection with the memories from the past and the actual time line , give to the plot the necessary depth also for next release
    -Characters : all girls are absolutely beautiful warm and original , completely different between them not only in the physic expect but in the behavior ; also the sex aspect will be so different with one girl that with another
    -Choices : The choices have a good impact in the story since this first release ; some choices can open different paths and different sex scenes , with others one you can chose to avoid some contents , so the player have a complete freedom in the game to make what he likes more
    -Graphics and Renders : only one word : AMAZING! This is without doubts the best part of the game ; a player can stay completely astonished from the big quality of all renders and from the skills and abilities that the Dev shows in this work ; here the photographic work with some picture it's something that i've never seen in a first release or only in a few games.
    -Music : finally one game where the music it's not at second place , but it's a completion of the game , playing together listening the soundtrack gives to player a complete immersion
    -Originals ideas : The Dev introduces some nice and original ideas in his game like the mobile phone , that can be with sound or vibration modality , that could bring the player to different situations , depending how the mobile is set ( same than in real life)
    -Memories Album : it's in my opinion one of the best part of the game ; the idea to have some minigame that opens some nice memories on the past of the protagonist for me is superb

    -I don't like Sex scenes in sleeping mode ; this is a thing that it has already been abused from so many Developers and I really hope that Ttll will not use anymore in next release
    -Animations : there is no animations in the game ; this is not completely a cons because the graphic quality it's so high that compensates this lack , but I hope that Dev when he will afford to buy a better Gpu , can introduce also animations in his game

    What I can say more ? Are you still reading my poor words and you are not going immediately to pledge this project ? This first release has completely conquered me for all reasons I wrote before. For sure the dev have some skills in photography and immediately you feel it ; at the same time you can feel the passion and the love that he is putting in his Opera.
    This game it's not only worth to play but it deserves a full 5 star review ; I'm so eager to see next release and to see in which way the Dev will be able to raise the bar of is quality more and more .
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    OZ (TeddyBear)

    5 STARS!

    I will make this short ...

    Visual art is excellent. Fantastic custom work on the Girls... everything seems fresh, warm and beautifull.
    BG music is fitting and it supports the overall mood very well.

    Story seems like the usual stuff ... at the beginning... but unfoldes beautiful.

    Everyone who is out for a nice fap should try this ASAP.

    Like always ... if you like it ... dont forget to support the dev :-D

    Have fun!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    really good game, the graphics and the chicks are very good,especially the chicks are so hot.Looks very promising and interesting as the story goes on.Has really good animations and the story seems decent for the time.Guess we will see what happens next.Anyway this game sure needs some support cause it has some good things about it
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very interesting game. Renders are great looking, I find the whole "unlocking memories" idea pretty engaging, I appreciate the feeling of bittersweet nostalgia. The whole game gives off a bit of "Life is strange" vibe. Plus, contrary to most I really enjoy mini-games and how through them you unlock lewd(ish) bits of an otherwise down to the ground game.

    The story, and the dialogues could use some work but the game's still in an early stage so I'll stand by and see how it unfolds. Also, if some choices lead to NTR content there should always be a warning before them.

    In general I really enjoyed the game until now and I'm intrigued to see what's to come.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I love the game so much, and could not forget to leave my words here. It's no doubt that this game is one of the best I have ever played. The graphics quality is amazing, the story is intresting. The characters, the mother,sister and others are sensational. I look forward to the development of this story. Oh, the mom, the beautiest one, I can not wait for the new version.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    v 0.1

    Great game with outstanding artstyle and renders.

    I cant imagine how this game will work without that patch tbh ^^

    Cant wait for the next update ... really awesome work, only with some small spelling mistakes. The minigames are a but to hard - I like the creativity in them, but sometimes the timelimit is a bit to harsh or the amount of clicks to much. No one wants to do such a minigame more than 1-2 times.

    Good amount of content for 0.1 version too.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    V0.1 shows enough content to warrant a "preview": excellent renders, pleasant music, slick GUI. The characters and overall mood are promising, but is still too soon to talk about plot.
    There is multiple-choice dialogue. and a mini-game driven backstory - really liked the concept of recovering memories. No smooth animation (no biggie imho), or rpg elements yet.

    Definitely worth checking out!

    *Edited: found the mini-game, nice ;)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    very nice back ground story,playing those mini game , just remind my tragedy parent.Any way im very impressed by those high quality graphic and those beautiful mature charater.and i didnt care about how weird mc in because it a pov game im actually immerse in those charater's beauty.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Hmmm. Good stuff here. Renders are incredible, definitely in the top 3-4 I've ever seen. The first day though seems a bit saturated though with the brightness, not a bad look and it is understandably day for most of the VN so far. While it has some points for style it the dev continues with this through all scenes, it can get a bit samey as it does drown out color to some extent. The story is interesting enough and the backgrounds for the characters are hot, sexy, and varied. English was passable, could use some touching up by a native though if that's possible. The sex scene was nice, but hoping it will get some real animation love instead of the usual 2-4 frames for each motion. The renders really deserve it imho. All in all a great start and going on my watch list and Paetron. Could use more love fellas, hop on the hype wagon.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of content for the first episode. Here is what i liked:

    -A lot of type of sex, you can choose what you like to see!
    -Super nice rendes
    -Story has a solid base and a funny side too!

    Here is what i disliked
    -The fact that it's just the first episode!

    Keep up the work! 5 stars
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders and careful story line! If you like big tits, this one is a must!

    This is the first game I've played that has consequences for obvious things in real life -- like checking your cell phone while talking to someone.

    The writers also get (mostly) how a dominant man acts in situations with beautiful women - making jokes, not always pleasing the other person, generally developing chemistry.

    Two small gripes (which I don't think merit a 4 rather than 5 star rating).

    1. The games are a bit hard to play on a touch pad.
    2. Proof reading for the English would help some lines.
  13. 5.00 star(s)

    Disabled Account #1278362

    Rating as of 0.1 (initial release)

    Where to even begin.


    -The renders are absolutely stunning.
    -The different girls each have unique visual styles and fairly unique personalities that show a lot of promise for their future character development.
    -The story so far seems intriguing

    -The minigames currently are a bit too difficult. I play with a gaming mouse and have a good deal of practice with gaming, and I had a bit of trouble on some. Also the objectives of the minigames are not always very clear.
    -Some people may find the breastfeeding scene in the patched version to be uncomfortable.

    Overall Rating: Easy 5*. This game has the potential to match and maybe even surpass the best of the best games on the site. The renders are absolutely top of the line, and once the dev is able to upgrade hardware and introduce things like real animation it will be a wonder to behold. It's too early to comment on the quality of the story so far, but as of now it is intriguing enough that I really want to see what happens next. Can't wait to see what the future holds for this dev and this game.
  14. T
    2.00 star(s)


    English translation needs some serious work, it's really hard to tell where the story is going based off of the broken English. The 3D models are great though.

    Really hoping this can turn into something amazing.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Wow, I am quite impressed! The renders are the best I've ever seen in any porn game; the plot follows slightly different story beats than the generic ones we usually see; the women look original, have unique personalities, and are hot as hell; and this first release has a good deal of content.

    Please keep up the good work. This is definitely the most promising 3D title released this year!
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    The story is actually pretty good. The whole going back to your hometown after everything has changed is super cliche, however the twist of it being after you've become really successful makes it bearable. I really do like the sketch book mechanic, which is the saving grace. It a nice touch that makes it go from being mediocre to pretty good.

    The grammar is alright, better then most on the site, but there are issues. For example during the sit down conversation with Lindsey "[name] I hear somebody writing to you, thank you for staying focused. But now you better answer the text. This sounds are very distracting," should read something like "[name] I hear somebody writing to you, thank you for staying focused, but now you should answer the text. The sounds are very distracting." Also how did Lindsey not hear her leaving the room? If you want a proofreader I can recommend you one.

    The UI actually looks good better then it normally does, although its missing a lot of things native to RenPy. The skip feature doesn't always work, in fact it seems to not work more then it does, please fix.

    Choices are actually important here, but they might be a bit too vague in the outcome. Please relay outcomes a bit more with the player. Save scumming to exhaust every option isn't fun.

    The characters though are the fucking worst. Now these are my opinions, but it seems a lot of people have issue with the characters, not just me.

    Kelly is a absolute bitch that has zero redeeming qualities. During the texting with her at the table with lindsey I thought she was going to be this cute quirky character, but no, shes just a bitch. A real bitchy bitch. I just cant stand the shift from half quirky to half straight up bitch. its infuriating and I wish I could just snap her out of existence

    Kiara and Jen are equally bad. Kiara is a terrible partner, and Jen just comes off as a misandrist. Kiara is Bi and is obviously open to adding men to their relationship, and brings it up to her partner at seemingly every chance she can get, which is probably the reason why, Jen, an actual lesbian seems to hate men. I wouldn't even enjoy corrupting them they are both so bad.

    Kevin is the only character who's guts I don't fucking hate, but in games like this I don't know how long he'll stay our bro. Of course I don't like him as a character either, hes literally one of those annoying little shits that are the main character of every other mom son incest game, but hes a homey little shit.

    Lindsey while seemingly is a gold digger, its suggested Nancy no longer gives her money because she would spend it on her boyfriend. So I don't know if its a plot hole, or if she really did steal money from him. If the latter is the case, double fuck her. Also very convenient that shes living with the MC because she had a fight with her boyfriend, I already see where this is going and I already hate it. Shes weak, easily manipulated and is blinded by money. Once the friend is mentioned she instantly asks how much he makes, and then once its known that hes not employed "Oh, i'm not ready for a new relationship". For real, fuck her. Not literally, shes a disgusting person.

    Stacy, well theres not much to say, but I hate the way she was introduced.

    Shelia, I really liked her at first till she started talking about how she want to fuck you while in the house with her husband and son there. Nope, I'm a fan of netori, but I had to nope out after that.

    Somehow the dev managed to make almost EVERY female character insanely unlikable, and the thing is that I don't usually care too much how character act in games, but these characters I just hate all around.

    The renders are absolutely fantastic, the dev clearly know his was around daz. All the characters outside of Jen, Shelly, and maybe Shelia are stunning, and even those three are still great.

    For people worrying about NTR, there isnt any yet, the scene with Jen and the old man isn't meant to cause jealousy, but is instead used to punish her. However I'm not sure if that how its going to stay, even with NTR not being in the planned genres, i'm getting heavy vibes from it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Goblin Baily: DILF

    this is how you make renders. sorry CC, the story seems to be a basic tale of a guy that had to move from home yet he somehow returned...
    the MC is interesting, maybe a bit too thinking but..... not a bad guy
    the sister, at first she seems just a spoiled princess, but the more time was spent with her, the more I came to like her for more than just a pair of tits...
    PurpleHairedChick..... she's a bit freaky and worries me, but the way the phone scene played and the surprise she did.... she won me over.
    Kevin... I don't like the lil fucker...
    the lesbians next door? can't wait to turn them straight.
    plenty of milfs too.... and while I fear the writer is trying to cram everything in, so far it's working....
    one thing I don't like is the sketchbook minigame, on a touchpad it's impossible. but so far it's been a good journey
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful character models. The game has many secrets. One of the secrets is a very touching story about mother and son. The game has problems with bugs, but the story makes you admire. I want to see the whole game.
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    Here's yet another perfect example of a game getting predominantly 5 star reviews, all on account of the art (I guess no one else noticed the horrible overexposure and graininess). Because other than that, it doesn't have much else to offer. The story is meh so far, and the characters are completely hateable. Writing wise, while it's certainly not "engrish" level bad, in fact grammatically it's actually quite good for someone who clearly speaks English as a second language, the dialogue is so stilted, unnatural and boring. But who cares, right? As long as it's pretty, apparently that's all that matters to most people around here...
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am rating this excellent to start but there are some caveats and I have some concern about where this game might end up. Probably spoilers ahead so if you don't want spoilers ,the short version is "great game so far, it is well worth your time.

    I quite enjoyed the renders, except for the old man, I think that just gives you great incentive to support the real estate project HAHA. There are a bunch of threads to the story and you can't be sure where they are all heading, but the developer is making a story and there is complexity to it. So we have good renders and a story......that puts this way above a lot of games right away.

    My fear for future development is that there are too many females and the story is going to get way too complex because of the numbers of characters involved. I am probably wrong and I love a harem as much as the next person but we already have the following possibilities ..... Mother; Sister; other sister; neighbour Kelly (I adore her already); Kelly's sister; Kelly's Mother; Cougar; Secretary; The Two Lesbian (Jen) Neighbours; The agent?. OK my count so far is 11 hot women and we have only made it to day 2. I see problems trying to hold all this together, but I have every intention of continuing to enjoy the ride and I sincerely hope the developer can make it work. If not though, it would be best to tone it down early, while it is still possible.

    Edit..... Hell I forgot the Grandma...... I am sure the MC will be banging her too so that would make 12.