its sad you cannot choose for a random date, like the woman in bib, she is intrested, you see if she must do in a photoshop (i hope i remember the correct game, will be nice if you cos start a "relationship, ask her on a date, there enough intrested people, random "extra" stuff , you can play withouw, but if you wish some extra"s (like in game have subquest, not needed to end game , but a extra "secret" to discovery, ... visit someone house, left a present behind, so you can do openly of "be a secret lover, and let her find out it come from you, , i love the game, but its soms stuff i miss, there is so much you cannot do anymore, after a while, if choose a new job, there is nothing you can do there animore, stuff that not needed to end , and, you must always wait on the other to call you, you cannot call for a date and choose to do random stuff, and you can do stuff you must have lose some shyness, of so , , now there is that house visit, but i never see here nice again, you cannot call here to do stuff, have extra way to open more relationship , etc
and is nice yo put some jalousy, so you must replay game to see every evert, because is some are jalous, you cannot do some events anymore, etc, a sort of "game plus, " that show what other endings you can get and what you already did in former games, so there different endings, with a different "girl of boyfriend (i love lesbian play)