hi CrazyBat

Great game , great story

even, i tried it 2-3 times before, keyboard controll doesnt scare me but the fuckin resolution!!!!!

like i wrote before...
game opens in "fullscrean", the whole 1920X1080 screen is black, beside 400X600 little game window in the midle. if i change the screen resolution, even to 800X600, i still have this little game window in the middle. if i use F5\F6 and make it windowed, its still a little game window in the middle 600X400.
in windows settings, settings says that
screen resolution is 800X600 but " aktiv signal resolution " is still 1920X1080 thats why the game window is still small.
thats i was asking how to change the aktiv signal resolution which is gray and you cant change it. its always on 1920X1080, even if i change the screen resolution to 800X600, activ signal resolution is always 1920X1080.
i have Win 10 home edition... maybe you can change it on Win 10 pro....
started game from scratch yesterday with my forehead glued to the screan

almost at the end, no guide, no chets

loved lili of the valley scenes lol love that game aswell