this site is for pirated content, we, the ones we have not paid to get the content early are in our "space" waiting for the release, you guys got patreon and discord to talk all the spoiler you want,
nobody is "mad" and as the other guy pointed is just annoying that half the page is blurry is just inconsiderate
then don´t click on it Jesus......

whats wrong with you guys??
"our space" ?? do you even read what you are writing here???
don´t make me laugh please you should know the more you guys bitch about that the more i will use the inline spoilers.

if this site is for piracy only,what in the world are the Devs from this pirated games doing here???
man learn to just ignore something that is easier......
even if you guys are mad about something like this....
let me tell you :
I....Don´t.....Give....a.....Shit about that
if you guys are sooooo annoyed about something like that feel free to use the IGNORE button for us and your problem is solved.
oh wait..... you wouldn´t see our postings anymore....