That's the thing though, the course of the story proves that Aoi can be an empathetic and understanding person. She's capable of caring for the MC's needs. No one ends up in a controlling relationship and is truly happy, so it stands to reason that she's a different person after they get together than who she was during the course of the game. It's not that she can't help it, it's that she chooses to be ignorant. Like the game makes it clear that she doesn't care about reputation or other people's opinions. There isn't really a reason for her to not try to get to know him, except maybe the fear of rejection, but you only fear rejection if you care about the other person's thoughts and feelings.
There's no evidence that outside factors are causing her to be "emotionally stunted", so I have to assume that she's that way because she's simply wasn't mature enough for a relationship. But being immature isn't something inflicted on you, maturity takes effort. We only see it as a loss because we know what the future would have been. But in the MC's shoes, I wouldn't have expected her to have been a good partner, and I'd have no reason to. She was his bully. If the genders were swapped, she'd be the creepy jock rapist.
Well the thing is she already does know him reasonably better than any other girl in the game. They are childhood friends after all. Her entire second scene in the rain and day 2 is her and him reminising on their shared childhood before they grew apart. With the core issue being she never really matured proeprly. Which is 100% her own fault but clearly partly caused by her body growing weridly in her mind. She became bigger and stronger than him and being into sports was more boy than girl.There is a reason she's the only virgin amoung the 3 girls and that's beacuse she was never able or willing to form romantic relaitonships with anyone. The only other person interested in her was a lesbian seemignly beacuse of her being more like a boy, than a girl so that honeslty expalins some things and why she's terrible at expressing her feelings.
She always gets upset/escalates things when the MC tells her, he has feelings for Shiori beacuse she wants him to have those feelings for her and she can't understand why he won't just feel the same way to her. It's prettyy easy to guess that she started bullying him beacuse he couldn't take a hint so to speak. And also that's how kids show affection in lower grades. Of course none of what she does is ok. In fact it's really scummy.
But unlike the other 2 it's pretty clear this is the first time she's ever been in a situation like this and her dialoauge hasher constnatly mention to him how he's the first guy she's ever shown her breasts to and how she's a virgin.So it expalins why she goes about things in a bout the worst way she possibly could. Rathert han just talking to him and explaining herself and waht she wants.
LIke she does in the epilouge.
But agian. I blame this on the game itself's stroy kinda falling apart/stopping come day 4 as none of the girls story arcs/motivations are really resolved just by the MC getting with Shiori.the problem is the girls simply fizzle out so to speak there and it doens't ever have moments of clear expliations for anything really. The epiloge helps.
But as everyone agrees Shiori herself is the weakest part of the game till the epilouge which does a LOT to help us understand her.
Instead of an epilogue update with new looks we proibbly should ofbeen given a few more days or a part 2 with the grils to help with these issues as it's very easy to interperet and or mis-interpert them ive found.