That is the problem MC has ... She has no business asking him 4 anything., She is still stealing his thunder.
Please read the dialogues and MC thoughts .. he knows she is new to the company and is pissed off.
There you have it .. her ”wits” amount to using him like a slave, even telling him that, he is unresponsive.
It is like whatever BS she throws at him, he is unstirred and still acts like her slave, no reward needed, giving his all.
She's not your junior.
The game is not set in a Japanese Zaibatsu. This is a Western environment: the fastest you realize it the fastest you'll understand what's happening.
I love elsa. I hope eventually you will get the option to break her , removing her high horse and bringing her down to size. This will probably happen with the MC meteroic rise in the company.
Doubt it, Elsa is miles ahead of the MC wits wise. I will be happy if we can have a normal relationship with her but I think her route is gonna be femdom seeing the power dynamic between her and the MC.
Remember, MC confesses to his ego his boss is using him for everything, now Elsa is all over him, despite not
working in the same department, and he still is such a knob to see her like some asset and give her his program.
She came to him. He is such a loser that he gives her the ropes, so she will shine using his insight into the company.
Common knowledge, the smallest in the company knows every little thing in there.
She just was handed the keys to the kingdom.
MC still does not get how or why he should abbandon these inhuman babes that use him all the time.
Remember, MC is working his ass off, but because he is handing over his work to his boss / Elsa,
he does not get ahead, instead his boss and Elsa win points, appropriating his work.
Only real way up is MC watches persuit of happiness, gets smart with Will Smith tubes and goes straight to the owner.
Staying the loser slaving for the sole benefit of Elsa and/or his boss cannot get him anywhere.
Even the game tells us he does not need anything to land a decent gurl, but he is locked into the people he meets
around home and at work. Every effort his buddy makes to hook him up and make him work 4 it is lost on MC.