
New Member
May 18, 2019
Action tooltips are wrong, they always show 'barely' upon hovering action. Using latest hotfix. Love the game btw! best iteration of this concept so far
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Sep 18, 2020
Are you using any mods? It seems like one of the videos has too many "-" symbols in the name.
They seemed to work fine in 0.2, but I'll start combing.

a side thought, what about creating a directory for 'teachers'? models default as teachers, but random if they are alumni or mother. give alumni random chance to gain teacher trait. easy directory for male teachers too. just a random idea


Jun 19, 2020
One bit of game play imbalance I've stumbled across is the scarcity of lewd value 35 panties.

These barely exist, and then I think it might only be in the soiled version. And it isn't like I can give higher value ones that are rated at 150% satisfaction. It is nothing over 50% satisfaction, pretty much all the time. I don't mind accepting any other value when a sponsor requests panties, but right now, a request for the 35 is an instant decline, or a save game, followed by checking if maybe it can be met... and then the decline.


Nov 30, 2019
Action tooltips are wrong, they always show 'barely' upon hovering action. Using latest hotfix. Love the game btw! best iteration of this concept so far
Thanks, I will check that out. Also those tooltips are so fucking bloated and ugly that I really want to rework them in the future.

They seemed to work fine in 0.2, but I'll start combing.

a side thought, what about creating a directory for 'teachers'? models default as teachers, but random if they are alumni or mother. give alumni random chance to gain teacher trait. easy directory for male teachers too. just a random idea
I have thought about dedicated teachers yes. I really like the trait idea though, like mothers that could be hired even if not alumni or something. I am definitely writing that down.

One bit of game play imbalance I've stumbled across is the scarcity of lewd value 35 panties.

These barely exist, and then I think it might only be in the soiled version. And it isn't like I can give higher value ones that are rated at 150% satisfaction. It is nothing over 50% satisfaction, pretty much all the time. I don't mind accepting any other value when a sponsor requests panties, but right now, a request for the 35 is an instant decline, or a save game, followed by checking if maybe it can be met... and then the decline.
Thanks for the feedback, I can see that being an issue since the jump is 25-> 35-> 45
Either need to bring them close together or add some more lewdness options around each of these.


May 21, 2021
Is anyone else having a issue with the hotfix gofile? I'm unable to download the hotfix.
I couldn't in vivaldi, could in firefox. Looks like a DNS resolving issue with that particular gofile server.
I've got firefox resolving DNS through Cloudflare, which works.
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Reactions: RamenShark


New Member
May 26, 2024
Exploring the files in the game and saw that the kissing clips are in the example mod folder. Any kissing fetishists interested in adding some more clips to that? I gotta say it's one of my favorite additions to the update lol


Dec 22, 2017
Im playing from joy play, i start the game and crashes.
This is the log:
I'm sorry, but errors were detected in your script. Please correct the
errors listed below, and try again.
File "game/screens.rpy", line 285: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/databases/academy_upgrade_porn_popups.rpy", line 1: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
    ** This maybe be out of date, check "game\scripts\main_classes\academy_upgrade\class_academy_upgrade_ren.py" for the most up to date arguments.
    Upgrade Args:
        upgrade_id (str): A unique identifier for the upgrade.
        name (str): The name of the upgrade.
        cost (int or float): The initial cost to purchase the upgrade.
        weekly_cost (int or float): The ongoing weekly maintenance cost after the upgrade is applied. Defaults to 0.
        construction_time (int): The time (in weeks) required to complete the construction of the upgrade. Defaults to 1 week.
        remaining_construction_time (int): Tracks the remaining time (in weeks) to complete construction.
        modified_variables (list of tuples): A list of variables and their values that will be modified when the upgrade is applied.
            Example: [("academy.prestige", 5)]
        hide_in_menus (bool): If True, the upgrade is hidden in the menus. Defaults to False.
        upgrade_dependencies (list of AcademyUpgrade): A list of other upgrades that must be completed before this one can be applied.
        requirements (str): A condition in string form that must be met for the upgrade to be available. Defaults to "True".
        requirement_description (str): A human-readable description of the requirements needed to unlock the upgrade.
        stat_changes (dict): A dictionary of stat changes that are applied when the upgrade is purchased. Keys are stat names, and values are the amounts by which the stats are modified.
            i.e {"corruption": 10} # Would increase girl "corruption" by a flat 10 points.
        stat_growth_multipliers (dict): A dictionary where keys are stat names and values are multipliers applied to the stat's growth rate.
            i.e {"corruption": 0.1} # Would increase girl "corruption" gains by 10%
        description (str): A description of what the upgrade does.
        purchase_notification (str): A message that is shown when the upgrade is purchased.
        unlock_notification (str): A message that is shown when the upgrade's construction is completed.
        purchased (bool): Tracks whether the upgrade has been purchased. Defaults to False.
        unlocked (bool): Tracks whether the upgrade has been unlocked. Defaults to False.
File "game/scripts/databases/event_mod.rpy", line 1: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
    ** This maybe be out of date, check "game\scripts\main_classes\event\class_event_ren.py" for the most up to date arguments.
    Event Args:
        name (str): Internal name, used mainly for checking if event has been completed.
        display_name (str): Name to be displayed in various menus.
        event_type (str|list): Where the event can be triggered, if a list it can trigger in any of the listed locations.
            Valid options: "home", "office", "pre_exam", "during_exam"
            i.e "during_exam" or ["home", "office"]
        requirements (str): Requirements for the event to trigger.
            i.e "girl.corruption > 50 and player.arousal >= 5"
        stages (list): List of labels the event will go through.
        min_chance_to_happen (float): Minimum chance for event to trigger.
        max_chance_to_happen (float, optional): Maximum chance for event to trigger. If 0 will always use "min_chance_to_happen". Defaults to 0.
        chance_to_happen_impacts (dict, optional): Dictionary of things that can impact chance to happen. Defaults to None.
            Weight total can exceed 1.0, the final value will be normalized based on total weight.
            If "range" is not specified to will use (0, 100) unless referencing girl.tolerance in which case it will use (0, girl.max_tolerance)
            i.e {"girl.corruption": {"weight": 0.25}, "player.arousal": {"weight": 0.25, "range": (0, 10)}}
        requirement_description (str, optional): Description to be displayed in various menus when displaying requirements. Defaults to "".
        participant_ids (list, optional): List of names of girls who will participate in the event, these should be their full names. Defaults to None.
            If None it means the event does not require any girls to trigger.
            Generic Options:
                "girl": Can use any girl currently enrolled in the academy. If "exam" is in event_type it will use "exam_girl".
                "girl_mother": Should follow "girl" in list and will use that girl's mother specifically.
                "mother": Can use any mother who's daughter is currently enrolled in the academy.
                "any": Will use either of the above.
                "exam_girl": Can use any girl who is taking or took the exam today.
                "exam_girl_left": Can use any girl who too the exam today and left class during it.
                "exam_girl_passed": Can use any girl who too the exam today and passed it.
            i.e ["Elsa Jean", "girl"] will use specific girl "Elsa Jean" and any generic girl.
            i.e ["girl", "girl_mother"] will use any generic girl and her mother specifically.
        return_label (str, optional): Label to return to when the event ends. Should remain empty unless you have a specific label you want to return to. Defaults to "".
        directory_path (str, optional): Path to directory where event is found. It is generated automatically and should be left empty. Defaults to "".
        impacts (dict, optional): Dictionary of impacts to apply to participants, class and/or player when event ends. Defaults to None.
            Valid Options:
                "participants": All the girls participating in the event.
                "class": Other girls currently in exam. This is only valid for "during_exam" event types.
                "player": Player.
            i.e {
                "participants": {"impacts": {"pressure": (5, 15)},
                "class": {"apply_chance": 50, "impacts": {"corruption": (50, 100), "fear": (50, 100)}},
                "player": {"arousal": (1, 3)}
        target (str, optional): Which body part these impacts are targeted at. Defaults to None.
            This is only used with participants and is used to apply girl part sensitivity bonuses.
            Valid Options:
                "boobs", "ass", "pussy", "legs"
        one_time_event (bool, optional): If True this event will be disabled from triggering more than once. Defaults to False.
        per_participant_limit(int, optional): Will limit to how many times this event can be triggered by participant. Defaults to 0.
            This allows limiting how many times a specific girl/mother can trigger this event.
        ignore_frequency (bool, optional): Ignores EventManager event frequency limits, useful if you want your event to trigger no matter what. Defaults to False.
            Mainly used for "story" and "tutorial" events.
            This would NOT ignore "event_cooldown".
        event_cooldown (int, optional): Number of days or exam rounds (in the case of "during_exam" events) before this event can be triggered again. Defaults to 2.
        same_participant_cooldown (int, optional): Number of days or exam rounds (in the case of "during_exam" events) before the same participant can trigger this event again. Defaults to 2.
        base_time_between_stages (int, optional): Number of days or exam rounds (in the case of "during_exam" events) between each stage triggering. Defaults to 0.
        delay_after_being_queued (int, optional): Number of days or exam rounds (in the case of "during_exam" events) between the event being added to the queue and it triggering. Defaults to 0.
        reset_outfit_when_finished (bool, optional): Girl outfits are saved when an event starts, if this is True girl outfits will then be reset to saved outfit when event ends. Defaults to False.
        can_be_modified (bool, optional): Allows several event variables to be changed by the player by accessing a menu through the computer. Defaults to True.
        hide_in_menus (bool, optional): Prevents the player from seeing the event when checking girl review menu before the event triggers. Defaults to False.
            Useful if you want a secret/hidden event.
        tracked_variables (dict, optional): Allows you to pass any additional variables you would want to use during this event. Defaults to None.
            These can be referenced and added to later and should be done like a normal dictionary.
File "game/scripts/databases/rule_force_sockless.rpy", line 1: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
    ** This maybe be out of date, check "game\scripts\main_classes\rule\class_rule_ren.py" for the most up to date arguments.
    Rule Args:
        rule_id (str): The unique identifier for the rule.
        name (str): The name visible to the player on various menus or when being referred to by characters.
        difficulty (int): How difficult it is to unlock the rule during pta meeting voting.
        cost (int): The upfront cost to implement the rule.
        weekly_cost (int, optional): The weekly cost associated with the rule. Defaults to 0.
        discussion_label (str, optional): The label called before vote starts, should be the player discussing what the rule is or does. Defaults to "".
        modified_variables (list, optional): A list of tuples representing variables modified by the rule and the variable value change. Defaults to None.
            i.e [("exam_manager.exam_subject_buff_duration_increase", 1)] # This would increase "exam_subject_buff_duration_increase" by 1
        hide_in_menus (bool, optional): A flag to hide the rule in menus. Defaults to False.
            Useful if you a rule to be hidden until later for spoiler reasons.
        requirements (str, optional): The requirements for the rule to be voted on, this is on top of any "rule_dependencies". Defaults to "True".
        requirement_description (str, optional): Description to be displayed in various menus when displaying requirements. Defaults to "".
        rule_dependencies (list, optional): A list of rule IDs required to be unlocked before this rule. Defaults to None.
        rules_to_unlock_if_not_unlocked (list, optional): A list of rule IDs to unlock when this rule is unlocked if not already unlocked. Defaults to None.
        conflicting_rules (list, optional): A list of rule IDs that cannot be active alongside this rule. Defaults to None.
        tolerated_actions (list, optional): A list of exam action names which become tolerated when rule is active. Defaults to None.
        disallowed_clothing_types (list, optional): A list of clothing types which become disallowed when rule is active. Defaults to None.
        disallowed_clothing_tags (list, optional): A list of clothing tags which become disallowed when rule is active. Defaults to None.
        forced_clothing_types (list, optional): A list of clothing types which become forced when rule is active. Defaults to None.
        forced_clothing_tags (list, optional): A list of clothing tags which become forced when rule is active. Defaults to None.
        stat_changes (dict, optional): A dictionary of stat changes applied to all girls current enrolled in the academy and their mothers. Defaults to None.
            Uses "buff name" as key to ensure it isn't stacked multiple times.
            i.e {"Flat Bonus": {"corruption": 10, "affection": 10}}, # Would increase girl and mother "corruption" and "affection" by a flat 10 points.
        stat_growth_multipliers (dict, optional): A dictionary of stat growth multipliers applied to all girls current enrolled in the academy and their mothers. Defaults to None.
            i.e {"Growth Multiplier": {"corruption": 0.1, "arousal": 0.25}}, # Would increase girl and mother "corruption" gains by 10% and "arousal" gains by 25%
        vote_influences (dict, optional): A dictionary of vote influences applied by the rule. Defaults to None.
        apply_default_vote_influences_to_missing_fields (bool, optional): A flag to apply default vote influences to missing fields. Defaults to True.
        pta_president_vote_influences (dict, optional): A dictionary of PTA president stats and their weight, these are then used to reduce vote difficulty. Defaults to None.
            i.e {"people_skill": 0.35, "shoot_proficiency": 0.65} # Would use pta_president's "people_skill" and "shoot_proficiency" to reduce vote difficulty.
        description (str, optional): Description to be displayed in various menus. Defaults to "".
        always_active (bool, optional): A flag indicating if the rule can be deactivated after being unlocked. Defaults to True.
File "game/scripts/databases/trait_oral_fixation.rpy", line 1: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
    ** This maybe be out of date, check "game\scripts\main_classes\girl\trait\class_trait_ren.py" for the most up to date arguments.
    Trait Args:
        name (str): The name of the trait. A display name will be automatically generated from this.
        rarity (int, optional): The rarity level of the trait. Defaults to 5.
            Lower means more rare, so 1 is the highest rarity of randomly assignable traits.
            If rarity is below 1 but greater than 0 i.e 0.25
            It will have a chance to be added to the pool, 25% in this example.
            Traits with rarity 0 will not be randomly assigned to girls.
        is_positive (bool, optional): Indicates if the trait is positive. Defaults to True.
        sync_with_mother (bool, optional): Whether the trait should be synchronized between mother and daughter. Defaults to False.
        girl_only (bool, optional): Whether the trait can be generated by girls only. Defaults to False.
        mother_only (bool, optional): Whether the trait can be generated by mothers only. Defaults to False.
        physical_appearance_trait (bool, optional): Indicates if the trait is related physical appearance. Defaults to False.
        hide_in_menus (bool, optional): Whether the trait should be hidden in menus. Defaults to False.
        color (str, optional): The color associated with the trait. Defaults to an empty string, which will use a default color based on rarity.
        requirements (str, optional): Requirements for the trait, this allows traits to be gained and lost. Defaults to None.
            i.e "girl.corruption > 50" # Trait will be added if girl corruption is greater than 50, if it drops below it will be removed.
        remove_only(bool, option): If True "requirements" are only used to remove the trait.
            It won't be added based on requirements and will only be randomly generated when girl is created.
            i.e "girl.affection > 35" # Trait will be removed when this requirement is met
        stat_growth_multipliers (dict, optional): Multipliers for stat growth. Defaults to None, which will be initialized as an empty dictionary.
            i.e {"corruption": 0.2} # Would increase corruption gains by 20%
        base_stat_modifiers (dict, optional): Modifiers for base stats. Defaults to None, which will be initialized as an empty dictionary.
            i.e {"corruption": 10} # Would increase corruption by a flat 10 points.
        treated_as_active_rules (list, optional): List of rule ids that should be treated as active if the girl has this rule.
        treated_as_tolerated_actions (list, optional): List of action names that should be treated as though tolerated.
        description (str, optional): A description of the trait which will be displayed in various menus, this should be a short flavor text. Defaults to an empty string.
        sponsor_description (str, optional): A description of the trait which will be displayed in various menus when associated with sponsors, this should be a short flavor text. Defaults to an empty string.
        report_strings (list, optional): Report strings related to the trait. Defaults to None, which will be initialized as an empty list.
            These have a chance to be used during a mother's report call and help to give some random but unique dialogue to the girl.
File "game/scripts/debug/clothing_coverage_test_screen.rpy", line 147: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/debug/clothing_test_screen.rpy", line 76: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/exam_actions/exam_action_kiss.rpy", line 1: end of line expected.
(Perhaps you left out a " at the end of the first line.)
    ** This maybe be out of date, check "game\scripts\main_classes\exam\class_exam_action_ren.py" for the most up to date arguments.
    ExamAction Args:
        name (str): The internal name of the action.
        display_name (str): The name visible to the player on various menus or when being referred to by characters.
        label (str): The label containing the exam action itself.
        requirements (list): Requirements which need to be met for the player to be able to select it.
            i.e "player.arousal > 4"
        requirement_description (str, optional): Description to be displayed in various menus when displaying requirements. Defaults to "".
        target (any, optional): Which body part these impacts are targeted at. Defaults to None.
            This is only used with target girl and is used to apply girl part sensitivity bonuses.
            If "global_action" this will be ignored as there is no target girl.
            Valid Options:
                "boobs", "ass", "pussy", "legs"
        can_be_resisted (bool, optional): Indicates whether the action can fail. Defaults to False.
        success_impacts (dict, optional): Dictionary of impacts to apply to girl, class and/or player if action was successful. Defaults to None.
            Valid Options:
                "girl": The girl being targeted by player.
                "class": Other girls currently in exam.
                "player": Player.
            i.e {
                "girl": {"impacts": {"pressure": (5, 15)},
                "class": {"apply_chance": 50, "impacts": {"corruption": (50, 100), "fear": (50, 100)}},
                "player": {"arousal": (1, 3)}
        failure_impacts (list, optional): Dictionary of impacts to apply to girl, class and/or player if action was unsuccessful. Defaults to None.
            If None, failure_impacts will default to 25% of negative impacts and 125% of positive impacts and applies discipline bonus to girl.
        global_action (bool, optional): Indicates whether the action requires a target girl or targets the whole class. Defaults to False.
        report_strings (list, optional): A list strings used for reporting the outcome of the action, a single option is picked from the list. Defaults to None.
        show_report_message (bool, optional): Indicates whether the girl will actively warn the player she reported the action during the exam. Defaults to True.
        can_make_player_cum (bool, optional): Indicates whether this action can make the player cum, it would still need to get their arousal >= 10. Defaults to False.
        can_make_girl_cum (bool, optional): Indicates whether this action can make the girl cum, it would still need to get their arousal high enough. Defaults to True.
File "game/scripts/locations/academy/classroom/screen_exam_menu.rpy", line 274: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/academy/classroom/teachers_assistant/label_teachers_assistant_discussion.rpy", line 84: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/computer/girl_review/screen_girl_review_menu.rpy", line 700: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/computer/rules_overview/screen_rules_review_menu.rpy", line 83: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/computer/screen_computer_menu.rpy", line 97: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/computer/sponsor_overview/specific_sponsor/screen_specific_sponsor_overview_menu.rpy", line 197: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/settings/screen_modify_events.rpy", line 113: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/settings/screen_modify_variables.rpy", line 61: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/settings/screen_settings_menu.rpy", line 42: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/locations/shoot_studio/screen_shoot_studio_menu.rpy", line 446: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
File "game/scripts/sex_interaction/screen_sex_interaction_menu.rpy", line 290: 'continue' is not a keyword argument or valid child for the for statement.
Ren'Py Version: Ren'Py
Fri Aug 16 00:10:57 2024
Cheers, mate.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2019
What do you mean, exactly? Like setting girls stats back to starting but keeping rules/upgrades etc?

That is an interesting idea, kinda like a new game plus. Could also serve as an end game goal.
Add the ability to revert them to as if I never met them. Now Riley is locked. And I don't want to start over


Nov 30, 2019
Im playing from joy play, i start the game and crashes.
That is a lot of errors, it seems the version of JoiPlay you are using doesn't support a lot of the newer features. Checking the website that version of Renpy doesn't even support the "_ren.py" files I am using so I am not sure if I can fix all of those errors.

Add the ability to revert them to as if I never met them. Now Riley is locked. And I don't want to start over
For now you can open the console with Shift+o and type "academy.passed_girls = []"
but I do like the idea and will definitely be working on it.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2019
What do you mean, exactly? Like setting girls stats back to starting but keeping rules/upgrades etc?

That is an interesting idea, kinda like a new game plus. Could also serve as an end game goal.
OK I have upgraded the pta as much as I can and I have put off three rounds of 6+ candidates and Riley never returns. This sucks


May 5, 2017
The "Train Attribute" thing is quite placeholder and likely to be replaced.

Don't feel the need to use it everyday, if you feel like stats are increasing too slow there is a slider in the options(computer -> settings -> modify settings).
I'm actually finding the opposite to be the issue for me. I'm trying to keep the students 'Exhibition' stat suppressed so to lower their vulnerability threshold so that they are considered vulnerable at low pressure values.
So I've been visiting daily to UNTRAIN exhibition stat, as they seem to automatically gain about 5 points every day.

A similar issue for me exists for fear. which seems to decrease by a few points every day. Ideally I like to keep their fear stats at around 30~40

Also, a feature/clicky to automatically reject the students offer to remove underwear when interacting with their privates would be great for erm... collection reasons.
Last edited:
Mar 22, 2020
Trivial and I just noticed it, but the number of days in school seems to be incorrect. I've just added the mods for Evie Elfie and Kyler Quinn. But I had Angel Smalls join this week, and it says she's been in school for 15 days ... she's been there 2, the other girls in the class days in school numbers seem a little off as well, but can't say by how much.
4.00 star(s) 15 Votes