I tryed SHIFT+G: what is that for a menu ?
It opens a menu when the game is running which has some performance settings. Could help if you're experiencing lag and such. But if you can't get the game to run try holding SHIFT and starting the game to also bring up this menu.
Renderer - Auto, GL2, Angle2
While newer graphics cards can handle OpenGl some integrated graphics work with DirectX much better. If you're a windows user try Angle2 if you're experiencing problems. Looks like Arc set this game to default to Angle2.
Gamepad - While not all Ren'Py games support it you can use a controller in a Ren'Py game.
Not much to this setting but it allows you to try ignoring the Blocklist, keep it as is, or disable.
Powersave - Attempts to throttle framerate if the device isn't plugged in. Having it on reduces performance but saves energy.
Framerate - What your monitor supports, 60, or 30. Old movies use 30 give or take some frames so if your system is a potato this is worth a try.
Tearing - How the game handles if it can't keep up the framerate. Off is it skips frames.