You do take control of men,
you can do it to
And I assume that in future if you take control of males it'll be because they are obstacles. I'm concerned though that you've missed your own point, debunking your own concerns, see above. It's a porn game so it'll be filled with characters that the consumer base are going to find desirable.
It's made clear from the beginning that the MC is a man who likes his women, so any Bi content this late in the game would feel exactly how it is, an after thought and would stick out like a sore thumb, it should've be established from the beginning so it doesn't blind side any of your fans that have come to expect a running theme. I'm not opposed (I'm accepting of it) to this sort of content but I'm not here for that content because it wasn't what was advertised. Not everyone is as receptive as myself which is fine too but considering this is a pornographic game (and people are very passionate about there porn) you should probably establish your kinks at the beginning of the development so people can support exactly what they want.
Imagine you make cars and you own a respectable car dealership and all your share holders have invested in you because you make badass cars then you decided suddenly out of no where you are going to make pizza and children's nappys, it would raise a few eyebrows because it's out of nowhere and your splitting your resources into fields your investors and shareholders perhaps don't view as desirable sources of revenue and didn't give you their money for it the first place, they invested because they wanted cars. The addition of content is a good thing as long as it's in keeping with the good quality we expect from anything but the proposed change would be a change to one of the fundamental concepts of the game, which shouldn't be taken lightly
If my example though is to lighthearted and whimsical though I suppose this might be a better example, imagine pixie suddenly betraying you and cheating on you and loving it, this late on in the game, out of nowhere, unthinkable and would have the community up in arms, the MC being NTR'd like that out of nowhere by our most beloved character.