You guys are getting too wrapped up in the credit card part. Visa, Mastercard and Discover aren't just credit card companies, they form the backbone of the payment processing network that extends internationally. A debit card does not sidestep this, because regardless what bank you have, it usually goes through their network (in the US). PayPal is not immune to this. You can't do business in the US if they ban you.
To make matters worse, when they ban a company (like when Pornhub had to delete some 90% of its videos to appease them), they tell every single financial institution they work with to blacklist said company. So you can't run credit cards, you can't run debit cards, your bank tells you your account is going to be closed down, and your customers' banks refuse to transfer money to your accounts. This allows them to have a de facto regulatory oversight on corporations, because if they go after you, you literally cannot handle money unless it's cash.
Patreon couldn't give a shit what people get off to. Patreon would also eat their own cock if it kept Visa and Mastercard from turning off the lights. Now, this isn't just Visa/Mastercard being dicks (though they absolutely are) it's because US legislation stated that it is illegal for financial institutions to do business with companies engaging in illicit behavior. What this means is ill-defined, especially in the case of platforms hosting other people's content, but rather than approach that (sex is politically unpopular unless it's harsher restrictions), they clamp down on anything that could constitute a risk to their business. For example, American Express bans all pornographic content from their entire payment network. Prudish fucks.
Basically, shitty legislation has resulted in shitty regulation that has resulted in payment processors acting as government enforcers that aren't actually beholden to or directed by government guidelines beyond outright illegality. If they ban a company, it's a private business action to reduce their own risk, and if said company tries to sue, how are they gonna pay their lawyers lol? OnlyFans had to ban explicit content until Visa/MasterCard gave them the all clear, because the other option was to literally just shutter the company.
That's my rant on how credit card companies are ruining the internet, happy wanking.