You're not fucked, people need to stop overreacting. The thing that happened was only with westy they probably don't even know that your game exists. A lot of the countries that have similar laws don't even enforce them so everyone just chill out for a bit. Just do the changes you have to do to make you feel save and move on. Everything will be ok, unless you're westy or you were a supporter from australia. In that case you're fucked.
Was catching up to what happened and I'm just gonna pipe up on that one, seeing as I've seen similar talks in my country related to stuff like that (well not about porn, more about piracy, but the logic was the same).
The real detail is that most country (if not the very vast majority) don't have the budget to throw into a full on internet surveillance. Plus, there are also laws that prevent the government from just... going through people's personal informations with blatant and complete disregard for the notions of privacy and respect for the laws they force on companies (with little success, yes, but still, a government would get that much more shit for it).
That's a one-two combo as to why, unless someone literally throws a dev under the bus, there's not a lot of chance of much happening.
Unless the project becomes to huge that it's notoriety explodes, obviously.
But it's completely fair for Ric0h to want to play it safe. Despite me agreeing with I forgot which other user that there is a vast problem of overreaction with drawned/3D rendered pixels.
If you think about it, a lot of the "actually 18+yo character in porn media" were not created 18 years ago, so by their own logic, those characters aren't 18 just yet. It's very much a stupid argument.
Also, if memory serves, there was a study that showed that some country (which I will not name, do your own research) that had regulated and non-real smut of that kind saw a decrease of that specific kind of crime. Probably an effect of allowing people with a moral compass but certains urges to get them under control, like someone with violent tendencies using the gym's punching bag instead of his wife's face to keep his anger issues in check.
Just food for thoughts. I'm not gonna detail de thread, just wanted to point out something that came to mind with Badjourasmix's post, and might help some of you all let the anxiety levels drop a little bit.