Informal Review of 0.2
Fantastic Renders, with a flat storyline and characters.
Let's take about the art, because that is absolutely one of the game's strong suits. The look of the characters is great, and the way that they interact with each other is top-notch. The background and locations are the same as a dozen other games, so don't expect any interesting locations here.
Where the game falls flat is in the characters themselves. The MC come across as flat, with a kind of "everything good is happening to me." attitude. The sisters are better, with actual emotional responses and fears, and hopes, and a range of emotions. The mother is somewhere in the middle, the developer tries to put her in the range of "So grateful for help that she's willing to trust strangers" but it comes across as more 'trusting and naive' then 'desperate'.
- Add some emotional depth to the MC. Make him lonely living in that big fancy, empty house. Make him malevolent and wanting to exploit someone's moment of need. Make him aware of how lucky he got in life, and wanting to give back.
- Keep up the art direction! Particularly the outfits.