Very false. A CPU is a dumb machine. Without input it does nothing whatsoever. It's no more a thinking machine than a rock. To change the logic of a computer is to change it's program. By definition.
I'd just like to say, in addition, that this isn't a matter of what I find offensive or what I think. It is not a matter of feelings. These are actually facts. If you think sex is bad, you're just wrong. Period.
Several of the other posts raise the same problem as a defense, and I'll spare you of quoting them all in full.
This attitude is correct.
... and this is not. "When in doubt just attack the person making the argument!" is not valid.
I actually did and do mean to ask a question in good faith. I assumed, coming in, that I must have missed or misunderstood something. Apparently I did not, since everyone is just overtly defending the premise. Comments to the effect of "this is a game about demons corrupting heroes" are not making any defense to the charge that the so called corruption makes no goddamn sense. If the authors believe that women can be broken of deeply held moral convictions this easily then they're sexist beyond my ability to comprehend.
To all the commentary in this vain: my issue was not with the art. It's with the fact that anyone could create something with these themes in this way. This is not an example of something with thought provoking commentary on or set in a potentially offensive world. This is instead clearly intended to directly reflect the real world and does not seem to criticize it at all. It presents this society that associates sex with evil as if it is the most obvious thing possible. It doesn't explain it. It assumes the player will have those beliefs coming in, and that the beliefs are true. I made my comment hoping that I am not alone in finding this utterly baffling.
Um, excuse me? What? You mean the people who single-handedly slaughter hundreds of demons in a matter of minutes? Those people? They're hard to view as protectors, for the simple fact that they sometimes take consequence free injuries in their fight? You're joking, yeah?
The demons use sex as their only meaningful weapon. It is the only candidate for something that could be "corruptive". You're wrong.
The fact is that if demon spawn were to use sex as a weapon, people fighting them would be trained to counter this. Rape would not have much effect. Women are not made of fucking glass. People don't just break in half when you put a dick in them. Soldiers don't get distracted by distractions. That's the entire point of training a soldier. The very last people who would ever be chosen as champions against such a foe would be virgins. This stupidity reflects on the authors and anyone who can successfully suspend disbelief, and not in a positive way.
Yes. This is the core problem. People should not and as far as I understand do not think this way. It's absurd. Why would these people who are defending millions of civilians successfully feel shame? It's asinine. Why would the population project shame on them? They literally make zero mistakes. They're perfect in everything they do. They never fail ... until they're forced to have sex. Then they inexplicably start committing arson and serial murders.
What on earth is a "pervert"? What does it have to do with zombies attacking people on the streets?
Source please. I've never seen this sentiment backed up in peer-reviewed discourse on ethics. Most philosophers argue that morality is universal, unchanging, and applies to anything conscious. What "people think" is irrelevant and not worth mentioning. In fact, what "people think" almost never worth considering on any topic whatsoever. Get on the real autism bandwagon!
I didn't want to be combative here but it's hard not to when everyone wildly and repeatedly misses the core point I'm making. Guh. Rape would simply not affect properly trained people mentally, and anyone fighting in a war like this would be trained. To think otherwise is to think women are somehow innately vulnerable and I cannot accept that anyone could think this. I can't empathise with it in the least bit. It's like thinking 2 + 2 = 5834.