- Jan 10, 2018
- 445
- 626
"She" instead of "he", but yes, that is indeed the scene I'm referring to, though I don't think you're characterizing it well. I think the scene is frankly hilarious if you make it enough of a trainwreck, but more importantly, I think it's a pretty good barometer for how well you're doing - it's an independent reference for your pace, and the requirements for the corrupt variants are low enough that it's not hard to hit for the categories you care about on a given run. If you see them, you should feel reassured that you're doing well even if you feel like you're going slow, while if you miss them, you should probably reload and reconsider your strategy - at least, in my opinion.And hell thinking on it, he probably means the scenes where the interviewer is like ''Hello booby lady, how r u'' and booby lady is like ''fuck everyone and everything'' and then they cut. Something like that. It interviews each girl one after the other.
Not sure what the vacation is, only thing like that I can remember is them clothes shopping, but it spams that all the time, not just on day 30. Same scene with little to no difference with corruption.
The vacation on Day 30 is when they get a break courtesy of another team, and a heckler harrasses them for taking a break; depending on how corrupt they are, they either rebuke him or end up beaten down. Then, in the pool, millionaires try to use them as government-purchased prostitutes; again, they either go along with it or not. Then they end the night either relaxed or a borderline wreck fantasizing about what the demons have done to them. Each of these scenes also have variants based on the relationships between specific Chosen.
These kinds of thing are what I consider the essence of the corruption genre when compared to other games - significant differences in reaction to the same scene depending on how far they've sunk, with the player being able to enjoy how much they've changed the character in question.
I mean, at the end of the game, you get 150 EE for free every day regardless of what you do, sure; one ten-round orgy is enough to permanently drive their trauma high enough to force their most sinful form of leisure. But at that point in the game, you're not trying to inflict trauma on them anymore - you're trying to break their final Vulnerability, which means getting as many surrounds as possible while leaving someone free so that they can finish corrupting themselves. And also at that point, they're so ridiculously weak to damage in general from their broken Vulnerabilities that it doesn't much matter what you do.I'm talking about the writing. The only aspect of this game I would actually consider good and the core reason I have this thread checked. The writing is really fucking good.
As for commanders a decent one costs like 59 or so at end game. That is absolutely trivial to recoup.
In a quick 5 min round just now I regained 150.
I spawned in, grabbed the first chick with commander.
Passed turns.
Examine once she was free, clicked the thing with the biggest bar (pain in this case)
Grabbed her when the second chick arrived, clicked her biggest bar
Grabbed her
Sodomize, duel inseminate for 29 turns, spend all my commander charges on the third chick just for her to escape almost instantly and fly on the same turn she escapes
I could have easily got more EE by saving commander for when the other two were free in hopes grabbing her would break one of the others for more free grabs. But I have no reason to. I've seen all the text before. Once they start flying, I can't even see the actual really hot scenes (the + stuff) without letting them win and starting a new round anyways, since only commanders can grab them out of the air and they don't fuck more than one chick at a time. I don't see the round end scenes unless they win either, which is where the hotter corruption that isn't just repeating the same strip tease line every other turn are found.
I don't get how you would ever struggle with EE with commanders or be at a loss with them except when you literally just unlocked it, in which case you are close to upgrading it anyways.
The late game is so different from the early game that there's not much use in comparing them - you have completely different aims, completely different resources, and completely different situations.
Except that early on in the game, the 20 EE feels like a fortune, and a decent commander costs 6 EE on their own, while the player struggles to decide between buying the commander or extending the round length. If they decide to splurge on an 11 EE commander and fail to break a Vulnerability at that point, it really does hurt, and they might even find themselves unable to afford trying again - recall that early on, you're only making 6EE a day, with all the rest being bonus EE from breaking Vulnerabilities.Early on you just do the same thing but less extreme and maybe having to hit multiple big bars instead of one, because the matches end really quick and sometimes girls can take until its almost over to end if you don't restrain the first one early.
And then you get commanders.
And its super easy going from that point on.
It's easy if you do the right things, but you really can find yourself in a quagmire if you're struggling to figure out what to do. That multiple people have written about how they feel lost testifies to this fact.
I... Honestly feel the exact opposite way about the final Vulnerability Break. I love the way that it's about the Chosen finally embracing their corruption on their own, rather than something you inflict on them, and I love the way that it changes combat so that you have to put a bit more thought into things rather than just lock them all down. I realize that wasn't the main point of what you said here, but I think we're approaching the game from very different perspectives.The corruption IS in the writing. And it is lacking. Not in quality, but in quanity. Something which should be remedied once this gets the 'final battle' the blog mentions and isn't an endless game where you scale into infinite and can't really lose ever.
As I said in my review, I give its poor mechanics a largely free pass; its not what I'm here for. With exception to the new 'just let the girls striptease until a bar reaches 1k' awful commander mechanics. I haven't gone back and adapted the review for those, because they were literally just added and may be tweaked to be less bad.
You mean you don't get a laugh whenever you see Moral Girl yell "Stop screaming, you're making me feel terrible!" whenever she's killing a bunch of civilians? Huh.My girls on day 44 are completely broken in every aspect, pregant, drained, parasited and... whatever the other one was. And each of these had a different text for all 3 of my girls. Which was good. But most of the time its just like
>Floppy mgbig tits doesn't like people but BAM RAPE
>Tiny tiddies likes people but BAM RAPE
Same scene, with the x's changed for y's.
Not much of it actually changes in a meaningful way based on the girls personality, and the girls are also very lacking in personality variance, I have 5 saves and they largely all have the same 3 girls under different names.
You get the nice one, the bitchy one, the cold one.
Well, that aside, I do think the game would benefit from a fourth Chosen to help make their personalities feel a bit less rigid, but there's honestly some pretty big differences between shy characters vs assertive characters, and clever characters vs brash characters. This can be seen most clearly in the different relationship scenes, I feel, but it also leads to some pretty big differences in their profiles and leisure activities.
But I suppose it's ultimately a matter of taste whether you find the differences interesting or not.
It's only been about five comments total, and we're discussing the game itself, so I don't really see a problem myself... But I guess it depends on whether it annoys other people in the thread, rather than what I feel.Huh I guess you can't add comments on reviews so this is kind of on-topic.
Still doesn't feel like so much of the thread should be about my review though.