
New Member
Jan 14, 2019
Can someone explain to me how to read the symbols under Vulnerabilities (ie: I have one that reads: Fear ----=|===-- Hate and another that reads DISG ===#|==== PLEA) or next to actions (ie: INJU [~~~~-] or FEAR [---`]. I couldn't find any definitions for what the -, =, #, ~, etc actually signify in the documentation. Thanks!


New Member
Jan 29, 2018
Reporting missing test descriptions for this commander. It's the Suppressor: Lust and Punisher: Impregnation combo. 1686372676045.png

Nemo de Nemo

Jul 30, 2020
Can someone explain to me how to read the symbols under Vulnerabilities (ie: I have one that reads: Fear ----=|===-- Hate and another that reads DISG ===#|==== PLEA) or next to actions (ie: INJU [~~~~-] or FEAR [---`]. I couldn't find any definitions for what the -, =, #, ~, etc actually signify in the documentation. Thanks!
The current chosen has a fear weakness of 6 and a hate weakness of 8. What this means in general is that it is hard to raise fear levels but inversely easier to raise hate levels (this is based on an unbroken chosen, which this chosen appears to not be). The symbols are effectively increases of the previous in the series, ie - means an adding value of 1 so, = means 2, ~ for #, etc.
So the current chosen has a fear weakness of 6 levels and hate weakness of 8 levels; disg vulnerability of 9 and plea vuln of 8 and so on.

For the action portion, every level requires a symbol change, ie I raise Reaper's INJ to level 1 which reads visually as
"INJU [-----]". To raise their injury to level 2, I need "INJU [=====]" which is 10x the amount of level 1.


Game Developer
Oct 14, 2020
I understand the realities and difficulties of it. When I wrote it I was thinking of some renpy-tier "dev-mode = on" type deal where you change parameters directly, with all the jank and instability that it would cause. For some purposes I would definitely prefer the instability of 50% chance it causes fatal errors or ruined save games over an extra 90 minutes to be able to test a specific use case. I recognize that is inbuilt in that engine and can be done for any renpy game more or less, and you're building stuff from the ground up. Whether it's worth it or not, is up to you. Just voicing a pain point I keep running into.

But even aside from the more dev-oriented need, try asking any new person if they can figure out how to turn on and use the cheat/easy mode for a new run. There is a subset of people that have 0% interest in the challenge. And I find myself having to take quite some time to find where exactly you turn that on whenever I come back to the game. I find myself going through documentation, the thread, search engine to figure it out each time I get back to it (with months in between).

It's easy to miss how other people experience systems that you're intimately familiar with. I might be alone in this, but I think it might be a broader issue that some of the startup menu deal is not that transparent what does what and what options there are to starting a new game.

Anyways I just wanted to voice those 2 issues. Up to you how it rates in importance to other things you're working on for corrupted saviors.
To some degree, the obfuscation of the cheat setting is intentional. It's very useful for me to be able to see people come to the thread after their first time playing the game and immediately give feedback about how it went. But in the past, I've gotten balance feedback from people who clearly always play with cheats on, and it poisons the well in terms of being able to collect legitimate feedback about how the game plays normally. After the game is more complete, this won't be a concern anymore, so I'll be able to make the setting more accessible.

I have similar reasons for not just letting the player go full devmode while cheats are on. In the past, there have been cases of people directly editing their saves and causing a gamebreaking bug further down the line, and when they report that bug to me, I end up wasting development time trying to reproduce whatever happened to them. So, this is another thing that I'll be able to improve once the game is closer to completion.
My bad, thought you were looking to rework those upgrades, so i suggested reworks for the upgrades(Not extra effects). Didn't really think about boss fights and antipathy.I guess you could just make them both into a common upgrade which changes depending on relationship or maybe make it so if you buy both you can choose to "combine" one of the upgrade to increase or add another effect to the one you want. Don't know how good these suggestions are.

Btw I am really confused by this(Version42b,Check pain values both are the same day but played differently).
What's happening in your screenshot is that because Aurora had such low ANGST at the start of the day, she goes into the downtime phase thinking "I should join my partner's downtime action in order to help her resolve her higher ANGST." Basically, she doesn't realize that she's the one who needs better trauma resolution until after the decision is already made. I agree that it probably shouldn't work like that, so I'll take a look at improving the code there.
View attachment 2674975

Third paragraph. "She doesn't think of sex as something important anymoreever".


View attachment 2675145

Got a little spaced period there, at the end of the first sentence.


On another note, I have a request, CSdev !

I like using an Ambassador who has ties to whatever Chosen I'm Negotiating with if at all possible, and I was wondering if it would be possible to make Ambassadors behave more like Concubines in the sense that you would check them off as 'Ambassador y/n?', and when put into practice it'd be more like 'Approach, Send Ambassador, Choose Ambassador, Choose Location'. Not sure how many people this would even be relevant for, but I have this massive clan of Chosen spanning several generations and branch families (with an ancient undead founder to boot!) plus another ever-expanding family tree thanks to an early Chosen I took a liking to frequently being used as bait, so I often end up-

I don't even know why I'm explaining all this, my point is that it would make my experience a bit easier. Doable or not, thanks in advance.
Thanks for the typo catches. Regarding the Ambassador position, my original intent was to save the player clicks by letting them just select the Forsaken once. But I see how it would actually increase the number of clicks if you want to use different Forsaken for different Chosen. Maybe I'll make it so that each Chosen can be assigned an individual Ambassador, and there'll be an easy option to just assign that Ambassador to everybody if you want.
Weird bug I'm having: the game asks me to do a 10k inju break, yet doing it isn't acknowledged
For some reason, I had the goal check happen when you selection an action, rather than when you select a target, so if you just skip the turn without selecting anybody, the goal completion won't be acknowledged. This will be fixed in the next update.
So apparently, total morality break causes the chosen to die if you don't forsaken them?
Thought it'd be interesting roleplay to let chosen escape and manipulate them into killing their allies every time we cross paths again, but she got iced immediately after the fight. Guess rampancy distortion's a no go for that. Oh well.

Side note, are there any plans for more distortions? like innocence/morality, confidence/dignity or single-morality distortions?
Any Total Break causes the subject to somehow become unsuitable for continuing to fight as one of the Chosen. You can still give them Rampancy, but you just have to not go any further than T3 breaks for Morality and Dignity.

I would like to implement Morality/Innocence Distortions and Confidence/Dignity Distortions, but I'm not 100% settled on how they'll work yet.
What should we do when we get duplicate chosen? I.e I have a forsaken Named "Bob" and in this round there is a chosen "Bob" again
Because you can rename Forsaken, I'd recommend giving the old Bob a more sinister-sounding name, like "Robert."
'Portraits without sidebar' in the options doesn't seem to work, as it will force sidebar anyway whenever I opt in the portraits
It looks like a problem with the code that changes an existing save file's sidebar setting. This should be fixed in the next version.
Found this particular interaction decisively.... odd.
View attachment 2684526
Shouldn't Stiff already know what being dead is like... After all, she's already a zombie.

Side note - How am I supposed to store up enough EE to purchase Image Quickening? She's already draining 120 EE per round at the moment, unless this stops she's going to be draining my entire stockpile every day.
Oops, when I went through the death-related text to try to make it fit better for Undead Chosen, it looks like I missed that one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Regarding getting Imago Quickening on an Undead loop, it becomes pretty much impossible on later days unless you have a relevant item or Forsaken Punisher effect. So, all you can really do is train your current Forsaken while waiting for the natural end of the loop.
What if "psychic reading" was replaced starting from loop 2 with having to deal a certain amount of damage/angst or trapping a chosen for X total turn (like 1 to 3)? Like, early loop is a bit of a pain, since it feels mostly like waiting for EE to get some techs (increased battle length and commanders tech), so it would at least give some goals.
I like the overall project, but I have a few gripes with it, mainly early game is slow (until day 10/15, I feel like) and that a lot of information is obfuscated. It's however oddly deep and complex (and actually fun, once you get what you're doing), with different paths, decisions, etc.

Early game:
Early game with objectives is fine on first loop, when you're discovering the game, but it feels like a waiting game until you get able to deploy a commander with some skills on subsequent games. I might be playing wrong, but this is how it feels.

Proposed solutions:
Sped up early EE generation: increase EE generation early game by adding a new lower tier of extra EE generation at low Angst (for instance for chosen that comes with "pre-broken" vulnerabilities) or flat bonus +1 EE for first time core vuln reaches Lvl 1. Something doable pre day 10, ideally.

Faster tech acquisition: Keeping X tech from previous loop. Would allow you to quickly deploy commanders which is where the fun starts. A way to do it, influence could allow you to purchase various bonuses like tech, early commander with 2 or 3 uses...

Early game, low tech objectives: Removing "psychic reading" on subsequent loops, and add a "mini-game" to replace that. For instance, capture for 3 turn and use a special action to get access to a chosen specific intel, reach 1000 Angst, reach level 1 on 2 circumstances in the same battle, have 2 chosen captured at once... A lot of things are possible and it would give early game goals.

Information clarity:
The game is deep, and, even in mid game battle, every decision matter. However the information to make those decisions is obfuscated, a lot of time.

Issue 1: How much damage a basic action will do (threaten, atack...): Should be shown on hovering the action once information about the chosen have been obtained.

Issue 2: Less annoying compared to previous one, but still useful: How much damage the Circumstances actions should do for the current surround duration (while saying it's an estimate since a lot can have it change)

Issue 3: Explainig clearly how much Extermination/Evac will be generated with a differently colour coded warning when evac are done that Extermination will ramp up now. This information missing is especially annoying late game where you have to plan tightly the surround windows. Bonus would be a round estimate based on current unsurrounded chosen of how long before extermination is complete and an alert on the last turn before extermination finishes.

Issue 4: Basic information in combat window are missing, and you have to check in the guide. Putting them in combat would be nice

Proposed solution:
Traumas: (extra text shows up only if not contributing to opening - so if not purple text currently. An option would exist to enable/disable it. Off by default, with a reminder it exists in a tutorial text at some point and in tips, to avoid overwhelming new players)

  FEAR:     0 [Lv 0] Need another chosen captured

  DISG:     0 [Lv 0] Up to [max (floor(Defense/2), 1)]

  PAIN:     0 [Lv 0] Need Lv>(previous defence level)

  SHAM:     0 [Lv 0] Only grant bonus opening level

Circumstances: (extra text shows up only if Circumstances Lv =0)

  HATE:     0 [Lv 0] x2 all damage per level, or x4 for FEAR

  PLEA:     0 [Lv 0] x4 all traumas per level, or x8 for DISG

  INJU:     0 [Lv 0] x3 all circumstances per level, x2 PAIN

  EXPO:     0 [Lv 0] x2 all ally circumstance damage per level, also x2 own SHAM

Balance suggestion: Networked consciousness is such a comfort tech that I wish it came earlier. Or that a "suppressor less" commander got access to it early at least (for 2 or 3 EE, with a tech cost of 5?).

Forsaken training: I have not tried it much, but I don't get what I should aim for. You also "lose" days which... eh. And it's irreversible. As a side note, some kind of "induction" training for new Forsaken could be interesting to at least act as tutorial. Also, suggestion, physical transformation along their training (like Forsaken-y break) could be cool, but a lot of work, I guess.

PS: Looking at the decompiled code, either decompiler messes with me or you're mad and definitely working alone on it. Anyway, it's fun and quite robust, so who am I to complain. Monkey see big numbers go up. Neuron activation.
Thanks for all the feedback. I do have some plans to buff some of the starting items in order to make it a bit less tedious to get through the early days while you're still getting the first upgrades, but I don't want to innately speed up those upgrades because I think it's important to reward players who figure out ways to either get the energy quickly or make good use of those days. It's intended that training your new Forsaken is part of what those days can be used for, on Loops 2 and up. The Reset option during training is meant to make it less punishing to figure out how exactly that works.

Your interface suggestions are interesting. I don't want the game to provide too many estimates for things that can't be known for sure, because players will just get angry and complain when those estimates are wrong. But using the blank space that normally shows multipliers in order to provide beginner information makes a lot of sense. I'll experiment with it and see how it looks.

And I do, in fact, work on the game alone. But it never would've reached this point without all the ideas and bug/typo/weirdness reports from all of you. So, thanks for that.
Reporting missing test descriptions for this commander. It's the Suppressor: Lust and Punisher: Impregnation combo. View attachment 2687158
The reason that the description is missing is that this commander isn't a valid one. You can't deploy a Punisher-Suppressor commander without a Defiler as well, so I didn't write any flavor for it. But I suppose that just having the text start mid-sentence isn't a good way to deal with that. I'll make sure to write something more descriptive for that situation in the next update.


Sep 6, 2021
To some degree, the obfuscation of the cheat setting is intentional. It's very useful for me to be able to see people come to the thread after their first time playing the game and immediately give feedback about how it went. But in the past, I've gotten balance feedback from people who clearly always play with cheats on, and it poisons the well in terms of being able to collect legitimate feedback about how the game plays normally. After the game is more complete, this won't be a concern anymore, so I'll be able to make the setting more accessible.

I have similar reasons for not just letting the player go full devmode while cheats are on. In the past, there have been cases of people directly editing their saves and causing a gamebreaking bug further down the line, and when they report that bug to me, I end up wasting development time trying to reproduce whatever happened to them. So, this is another thing that I'll be able to improve once the game is closer to completion.

What's happening in your screenshot is that because Aurora had such low ANGST at the start of the day, she goes into the downtime phase thinking "I should join my partner's downtime action in order to help her resolve her higher ANGST." Basically, she doesn't realize that she's the one who needs better trauma resolution until after the decision is already made. I agree that it probably shouldn't work like that, so I'll take a look at improving the code there.

Thanks for the typo catches. Regarding the Ambassador position, my original intent was to save the player clicks by letting them just select the Forsaken once. But I see how it would actually increase the number of clicks if you want to use different Forsaken for different Chosen. Maybe I'll make it so that each Chosen can be assigned an individual Ambassador, and there'll be an easy option to just assign that Ambassador to everybody if you want.

For some reason, I had the goal check happen when you selection an action, rather than when you select a target, so if you just skip the turn without selecting anybody, the goal completion won't be acknowledged. This will be fixed in the next update.

Any Total Break causes the subject to somehow become unsuitable for continuing to fight as one of the Chosen. You can still give them Rampancy, but you just have to not go any further than T3 breaks for Morality and Dignity.

I would like to implement Morality/Innocence Distortions and Confidence/Dignity Distortions, but I'm not 100% settled on how they'll work yet.

Because you can rename Forsaken, I'd recommend giving the old Bob a more sinister-sounding name, like "Robert."

It looks like a problem with the code that changes an existing save file's sidebar setting. This should be fixed in the next version.

Oops, when I went through the death-related text to try to make it fit better for Undead Chosen, it looks like I missed that one. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

Regarding getting Imago Quickening on an Undead loop, it becomes pretty much impossible on later days unless you have a relevant item or Forsaken Punisher effect. So, all you can really do is train your current Forsaken while waiting for the natural end of the loop.

Thanks for all the feedback. I do have some plans to buff some of the starting items in order to make it a bit less tedious to get through the early days while you're still getting the first upgrades, but I don't want to innately speed up those upgrades because I think it's important to reward players who figure out ways to either get the energy quickly or make good use of those days. It's intended that training your new Forsaken is part of what those days can be used for, on Loops 2 and up. The Reset option during training is meant to make it less punishing to figure out how exactly that works.

Your interface suggestions are interesting. I don't want the game to provide too many estimates for things that can't be known for sure, because players will just get angry and complain when those estimates are wrong. But using the blank space that normally shows multipliers in order to provide beginner information makes a lot of sense. I'll experiment with it and see how it looks.

And I do, in fact, work on the game alone. But it never would've reached this point without all the ideas and bug/typo/weirdness reports from all of you. So, thanks for that.

The reason that the description is missing is that this commander isn't a valid one. You can't deploy a Punisher-Suppressor commander without a Defiler as well, so I didn't write any flavor for it. But I suppose that just having the text start mid-sentence isn't a good way to deal with that. I'll make sure to write something more descriptive for that situation in the next update.
I see though I am still a bit confused over how downtime actions are decided.

I was checking out the comment system and there seem to be something wrong with it. It stops writing on day 2 of the loop. I also tried importing the day 1 comments and it got stuck here:

Doesn't look like people use the comment system though.

Other than that i got a crash here after starting a ~28 turn orgy.I couldn't continue or close the game. Capture-2.JPG

Also a minor thing but the color of Edge's text should be green here. Capture.JPG


Mar 13, 2021
It's intended that training your new Forsaken is part of what those days can be used for, on Loops 2 and up. The Reset option during training is meant to make it less punishing to figure out how exactly that works.
My current issue is that I don't really get what I should be aiming for. For instance, the tutorial system in place currently gives you good goals in regular gameplay(and then as the player, you expand on that). But for Forsaken, it's system piling up over each other (training, deployment cost, position, expertise...), with split documentation (and almost nothing in game, unless I missed it) which makes it hard to determine a proper goal and plan for it.
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May 30, 2017
so is Rampancy just increasing the times they rampage or is there an end goal in their corruption?


May 5, 2020
so is Rampancy just increasing the times they rampage or is there an end goal in their corruption?
Higher rampancy=faster hate/exposure gain, which in turn increases fear/disg/pain/shame gain.
In short: the higher the rampancy, the more easily you can break their resolve in the final battle.
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Sep 6, 2021
My current issue is that I don't really get what I should be aiming for. For instance, the tutorial system in place currently gives you good goals in regular gameplay(and then as the player, you expand on that). But for Forsaken, it's system piling up over each other (training, deployment cost, position, expertise...), with split documentation (and almost nothing in game, unless I missed it) which makes it hard to determine a proper goal and plan for it.
I don't exactly use forsaken too much myself but i do recommend you defeat your first undead chosen through temptation and then bring the deployment requirement to 3 energy(You will understand why yourself). I personally train her in Decisive(Hate,Plea,Inj) combat style. Don't know if it's the most effective but it helps in early game.

Main use of forsaken(In my opinion) is to use them in place of a punisher commander for t4 breaks. They have different effects if you do t4 breaks through forsaken which are written in the forsaken guide(Eg: Decreasing the required punisher effectiveness.There will be a "?" which tells you that you can break that t4 vul through forsaken)
I personally do them through commanders though. Also the effect decreases after each use.

If you beat them with distortion you can then train them to have special distortion defiler actions through the last four training actions,depending on which breaks you did on them. Eg: Temptation defiler can be obtained through Grand concert or instill fixation. It allows you to turn the forsaken into a high pleasure combat type mid battle(Haven't tried them myself cause I am too lazy)

As for using them in place of usual commander, i personally don't feel they are better than the usual commanders. Considering the fact that forsaken deal less damage at lower deployment cost and if trained for multiple circ damage.I don't see how it would be beneficial to use a forsaken at 30 or more energy when you can deploy a synthesis or a completion commander. But like i said since I don't use forsaken too much so i don't think I have any right to complain. This is also the reason why defeating Victory through negotiation felt lackluster to me, since i prefer using commanders over forsaken.

Now after all this you may think that I don't use forsaken at all. Which is kinda true since I have done 2 runs, 1 till loop12(before bosses) and 1 till loop 10 (against victory) while using mostly the tempted undead forsaken only. Though for the Victory fight itself, i prepared a few 1000% damage style commander in order to deal with her. They helped a lot in triggering temptation and Rampage on her 2 partners.

As for the Sacrifice option, it unlocks an achievement which gives you +1 energy at start of battle with increasing requirement. You can get upto +4 energy at start through this if you sacrifice a bunch of forsaken. I don't like sacrifing forsaken but i think giving this achievement a buff may be necessary on higher levels for better early start.


New Member
Dec 30, 2021
You need to make use of circumstance multipliers. Before you start along this path, you need the ability to make a 4-turn 2-capture Commander. Don't put any other special abilities on it--this allows you to direct the minions that surround after the capture, rather than being reliant on your Commander itself. No Suppressor.

There are 3 ways to increase circumstance damage on a Chosen.

1) Each level of INJU on that chosen triples the circumstance damage.
2) Each level of HATE on that chosen doubles the circumstance damage.
3) Each level of EXPO on the other chosen with the most EXPO doubles the circumstance damage to the other two chosen.

So, you need to stack these together.

My suggestion is that the easiest Core Vulnerability to break will be whatever Core is on the chosen that is weakest to INJU. Ambush that Chosen with your Commander, and in order:

Turn 1: Pummel
T2: Grind
T3: Caress
T4: Humiliate

The rest is going to depend heavily on what turns the other Chosen come in on, and how strong their resistance to EXPO is, so it's not easy to give a turn-by-turn. But some basic principles might help:

1) If there's a big difference between the two other Chosen's weakness to EXPO, pick the one that's weaker to it and do your second capture on that Chosen on the turn she arrives (or not much later). If there's not much difference just get the one that arrives closest to turn 5.
2) On this second Chosen, you want to raise surround turns and EXPO, so your order should be (Pummel or Grind, whichever hits her more)--Caress--Humiliate.
3) You want to surround the first Chosen a second time before your Extermination gauge fills up, so you get a third surround later. Try to get circumstances up, make sure that you are benefiting from Pain in your surround turns. You are going for a long surround here so Caress is important this time.
4) When second Chosen breaks free, surround her again. Raise (whichever move you didn't use vs. her the first time)--Humiliate first. Your goal is to maximize EXPO. You can't get a third surround vs her, so Caress is not important at all. You may benefit from using some basic attacks vs. first Chosen when she breaks free during this surround--you want as many turns on first Chosen as possible, so look for this opportunity, but don't sacrifice a level of EXPO on the second chosen that you could be earning for this--multipliers are key in this game.
5) Before second Chosen escapes a second time, surround first Chosen again. Make sure HATE and INJU are both above 1000, then you should have plenty of multipliers. HATE lvl 2 * INJU lvl 2 * EXPO lvl 1 gives you 4 * 9 * 2 = 72x multipliers. If you get level 2 EXPO on the second Chosen, which is very possible, that's 144x multipliers. Of course you won't actually be doing that much damage but it should total out to around x24 after penalties, plenty of time to raise all but the most stubborn Cores into a T1 break.
Worked like a charm!

Thanks a lot! I learned plenty from your reply!
Last edited:


Aug 5, 2018
Got a bit curious after reading Nobody032's post about chosen being weaker than commanders, and figured I'd share what I find out. - By decompiling the java source code.... again. To establish a baseline, I'll re-share the 3 types of commanders damage progression. Basically, commanders deal damage to trauma and circumstance in a step-down fashion, similar to surround actions. All damage is additive.

Trauma - 100,75,50,25
Circumstance - 200

Trauma - 200,100,50,25
Circumstance - 300,150

Punisher: (Net damage * punisher effectiveness)
Trauma - 1000,300,100,30
Circumstance - 3000

Now, for Forsaken, damage gets a bit more complicated.
First, we need the forsaken's power constant (PC)- this is the chosen's listed reputation strength (200-2*disgrace) * any additional modifiers to base damage
  • Species/Boss modifiers (does not include shattered soul debuff, that gets applied after all other bonuses to actual damage)
  • Knowings Target Intimately +50%
  • Knowings Target Personally Or obsessed with target +25%
  • Defiling - (300-disgrace*2)/100, or (100 + PC) /100
Once we have that value, we can calculate the base trauma and circumstance damage.
Trauma - PC * punisher trauma applied equally to all Trauma's.
Circumstance - PC * 5 * style modifier - damage is applied equally, but only to style specific circumstances. Additionally, several modifiers can further increase this damage, with some effects also applying to Trauma damage.
  • Defiler bonus damage -
    • Normal - *2 additional damage to specific circumstance.
    • Tempt - Change style, and apply temp effect if possible. (side note, if tempting, style becomes a unique 1000% PLEA/EXPO style - but trauma damage is set to 0)
    • Traumatize - Base trauma damage becomes PC * 10 for DISG and PAIN, before other modifiers. Circumstance damage becomes 0.
  • EXP multiplier
  • Distortion bonuses
  • Punisher circumstance bonuses
  • Dissociative Identity (Shattered Soul) - 20% damage reduction after all other modifiers, to Trauma and Circumstance. (assuming it's effect is active)

So, what does all that mean? Well, let's take a basic 58% disgrace forsaken - That'll cost 18 EE to deploy, and has a reputation strength of 84. So we can expect them to deal 84 base trauma. As for circumstance, they can deal a base damage of 4200, 420, 63, or 12~13 to 1,2,3, or 4 circumstance types.

How does that square up against a 5/3 defiler commander? (Same EE cost, average truama of 93.75, average circumstance of 225 to 2). The defiler wins out in terms of trauma damage (average 93.75 damage). It deals a bit higher average damage, though the forsaken will deal more damage to the demons weaker attributes. In terms of circumstantial damage though? The forsaken wins, by a pretty high margin, if they are targeting 1-2 circumstances. The single target chosen can even beat out a defiler type demon, with under 400% efficiency.

Lets go a bit higher - What about a disgrace of 54%, or 28EE cost? That's comparable to the above demon, with an added suppressor. With a reputation strength of 92, that's going to be a base trauma of 92, and 4600, 460, 69, 14~13. Vs the demons average of 156.25 trauma damage, and ~216 avg. circumstance damage? Again, Trauma goes to the demon, but circumstance? Yes, a forsaken targeting 2 vulnerabilities will deal more average damage, but overall a demon targeting 3 will hit for harder than a comparable chose, for 3. That is, of course, assuming we aren't fielding a 5/5 or 6/5 commander to deal with T3 vulnerability breaks.

So, let's do that. A 5/5 defiler/suppressor commander is 58 EE. We don't have a 58 EE chosen, closest is a 41% disgrace for 59EE. At that level (118 rep), they'll be dealing 118 base trauma, and 5900/590/89~88/18~17 circumstance damage, based on style. Well, those numbers didn't improve - Much better when targeting 2 traits, worse when targeting 3-4. I'm noticing a pattern here....

In conclusion, a baseline chosen will deal less trauma damage than a demon of a similar cost, while dealing much more circumstance damage. Provided, of course, they are targeting only 1-2 circumstances. Otherwise, the demon commander scales better for targeting 3-4 circumstances. Which suggests that in order to use a 3 target chosen successfully, they'll need to have multiple damage modifiers stacked on to match a comparable cost demon.


Aug 5, 2018
Got a bit of a tough decision to make, with regards to my third city

I'm having a bit of a difficult time evaluating how good the "Green Fairy Dust" item is compared to "Reason's Pantsu" - Considering my starter item is "Orgasm in a Can". Fijisawa seems like the better city, overall, but the item doesn't seem that useful to me. Hirakata looks a bit more difficult, but the item seems much better. I could use a second opinion on this.


Sep 6, 2021
Got a bit curious after reading Nobody032's post about chosen being weaker than commanders, and figured I'd share what I find out. - By decompiling the java source code.... again. To establish a baseline, I'll re-share the 3 types of commanders damage progression. Basically, commanders deal damage to trauma and circumstance in a step-down fashion, similar to surround actions. All damage is additive.

Trauma - 100,75,50,25
Circumstance - 200

Trauma - 200,100,50,25
Circumstance - 300,150

Punisher: (Net damage * punisher effectiveness)
Trauma - 1000,300,100,30
Circumstance - 3000

Now, for Forsaken, damage gets a bit more complicated.
First, we need the forsaken's power constant (PC)- this is the chosen's listed reputation strength (200-2*disgrace) * any additional modifiers to base damage
  • Species/Boss modifiers (does not include shattered soul debuff, that gets applied after all other bonuses to actual damage)
  • Knowings Target Intimately +50%
  • Knowings Target Personally Or obsessed with target +25%
  • Defiling - (300-disgrace*2)/100, or (100 + PC) /100
Once we have that value, we can calculate the base trauma and circumstance damage.
Trauma - PC * punisher trauma applied equally to all Trauma's.
Circumstance - PC * 5 * style modifier - damage is applied equally, but only to style specific circumstances. Additionally, several modifiers can further increase this damage, with some effects also applying to Trauma damage.
  • Defiler bonus damage -
    • Normal - *2 additional damage to specific circumstance.
    • Tempt - Change style, and apply temp effect if possible. (side note, if tempting, style becomes a unique 1000% PLEA/EXPO style - but trauma damage is set to 0)
    • Traumatize - Base trauma damage becomes PC * 10 for DISG and PAIN, before other modifiers. Circumstance damage becomes 0.
  • EXP multiplier
  • Distortion bonuses
  • Punisher circumstance bonuses
  • Dissociative Identity (Shattered Soul) - 20% damage reduction after all other modifiers, to Trauma and Circumstance. (assuming it's effect is active)

So, what does all that mean? Well, let's take a basic 58% disgrace forsaken - That'll cost 18 EE to deploy, and has a reputation strength of 84. So we can expect them to deal 84 base trauma. As for circumstance, they can deal a base damage of 4200, 420, 63, or 12~13 to 1,2,3, or 4 circumstance types.

How does that square up against a 5/3 defiler commander? (Same EE cost, average truama of 93.75, average circumstance of 225 to 2). The defiler wins out in terms of trauma damage (average 93.75 damage). It deals a bit higher average damage, though the forsaken will deal more damage to the demons weaker attributes. In terms of circumstantial damage though? The forsaken wins, by a pretty high margin, if they are targeting 1-2 circumstances. The single target chosen can even beat out a defiler type demon, with under 400% efficiency.

Lets go a bit higher - What about a disgrace of 54%, or 28EE cost? That's comparable to the above demon, with an added suppressor. With a reputation strength of 92, that's going to be a base trauma of 92, and 4600, 460, 69, 14~13. Vs the demons average of 156.25 trauma damage, and ~216 avg. circumstance damage? Again, Trauma goes to the demon, but circumstance? Yes, a forsaken targeting 2 vulnerabilities will deal more average damage, but overall a demon targeting 3 will hit for harder than a comparable chose, for 3. That is, of course, assuming we aren't fielding a 5/5 or 6/5 commander to deal with T3 vulnerability breaks.

So, let's do that. A 5/5 defiler/suppressor commander is 58 EE. We don't have a 58 EE chosen, closest is a 41% disgrace for 59EE. At that level (118 rep), they'll be dealing 118 base trauma, and 5900/590/89~88/18~17 circumstance damage, based on style. Well, those numbers didn't improve - Much better when targeting 2 traits, worse when targeting 3-4. I'm noticing a pattern here....

In conclusion, a baseline chosen will deal less trauma damage than a demon of a similar cost, while dealing much more circumstance damage. Provided, of course, they are targeting only 1-2 circumstances. Otherwise, the demon commander scales better for targeting 3-4 circumstances. Which suggests that in order to use a 3 target chosen successfully, they'll need to have multiple damage modifiers stacked on to match a comparable cost demon.
Well didn't expect someone to do an indepth analysis. Do you think penalties will make up for the damage difference between them? Or what if you decide to use a defiler commander with the corresponding suppressor upgrade(Force orgasm defiler+Plea suppressor etc)?

Since Forsaken deal most damage while in 1-2 DMG combat method you would have to use them after doing some damage in advance else you will either not get a lot of opening or not deal as much circ damage as you could.

As for commanders, you could just use a 30 energy Hate Plea Inju 6/3 commander and then later surround+ Humiliate after capturing second chosen. Forsaken themselves may deal a lot of damage on 1~2 circ but when you surround afterwards you will have to deal with the circ penalty and may not even get many opening depending on the 2 damage types.

Now if the normal chosen have T3 confidence break you will need a 5 capture commander to get 3 captures. But I usually just capture 2 of the chosen and deal with the other chosen myself. Using this method i can start an orgy while having atleast 2 or 3 chosen still have openings after the orgy which I can later use to surround and increase punisher effectiveness one by one and still have 1 capture left.

Another thing forsaken lack is flight. Assuming you use the above(use two captures, save one)method you can get 300%+ Drain effectiveness by capturing a chosen before she regenerates after the orgy. With forsaken you can't do anything against flying chosen unless you count species traits.

Other than that i also prefer consistent captures over captures based around relationship, you can also change around duration for commanders to better fit your scenario. Also I don't see how any forsaken could compare with a completion commander dealing damage in all four circumstance. Though the requirements for getting that commander can be more I guess.


Sep 6, 2021
Got a bit of a tough decision to make, with regards to my third city
View attachment 2693652
View attachment 2693653

I'm having a bit of a difficult time evaluating how good the "Green Fairy Dust" item is compared to "Reason's Pantsu" - Considering my starter item is "Orgasm in a Can". Fijisawa seems like the better city, overall, but the item doesn't seem that useful to me. Hirakata looks a bit more difficult, but the item seems much better. I could use a second opinion on this.
Depends on you honestly. I personally would go for Reason's pantsu since it helps in more scenarios. If you like doing temptations you could get Green fairy dust, the 50% decrease in requirement helps a ton and with Hate and inju levels you deal more Circ damage in temptation.But Reason's pantsu also helps in triggering temptation especially on chosen with minor Innocence vul who always get Level 3 Plea before Hate or inju.

If you do get Reason's pantsu make sure to get a reasonable cost 1000% plea forsaken to help in getting temptation.
Last edited:
Nov 9, 2022
also the only time I've ever encountered the 'used' image is when I would delete a chosen from the main menu (after single-play or losing the campaign) so I didn't bother to add any.
"used" and "smug" are replacements for "Lewd" and "Joy" used by Forsaken that don't have full Forsaken portrait sets; if they're not in the game'll just use the base one so it's safe to ignore them. Originally they were there so you could manually swap to them when Chosen start getting perverted or sadistic enough to justify the change.


Apr 23, 2018
The new boss chosen are probably going to need some new portrait sets for a lot of the existing image packs, huh? I saw voidsocks make some good looking ones, but all the packs have some stylistic differences.

When I took a crack at it I had no luck copying the existing styles. That worked out for me because I was doing alternative/forsaken versions, but for a full set I don't know that anyone can make 'em like the original authors.

"used" and "smug" are replacements for "Lewd" and "Joy" used by Forsaken that don't have full Forsaken portrait sets; if they're not in the game'll just use the base one so it's safe to ignore them. Originally they were there so you could manually swap to them when Chosen start getting perverted or sadistic enough to justify the change.
But if you put them in anyway they get used, right? I feel like I've seen the 'used' and 'smug' portraits show up in game.


Aug 5, 2018
Well didn't expect someone to do an indepth analysis. Do you think penalties will make up for the damage difference between them? Or what if you decide to use a defiler commander with the corresponding suppressor upgrade(Force orgasm defiler+Plea suppressor etc)?

Since Forsaken deal most damage while in 1-2 DMG combat method you would have to use them after doing some damage in advance else you will either not get a lot of opening or not deal as much circ damage as you could.

As for commanders, you could just use a 30 energy Hate Plea Inju 6/3 commander and then later surround+ Humiliate after capturing second chosen. Forsaken themselves may deal a lot of damage on 1~2 circ but when you surround afterwards you will have to deal with the circ penalty and may not even get many opening depending on the 2 damage types.

Now if the normal chosen have T3 confidence break you will need a 5 capture commander to get 3 captures. But I usually just capture 2 of the chosen and deal with the other chosen myself. Using this method i can start an orgy while having atleast 2 or 3 chosen still have openings after the orgy which I can later use to surround and increase punisher effectiveness one by one and still have 1 capture left.

Another thing forsaken lack is flight. Assuming you use the above(use two captures, save one)method you can get 300%+ Drain effectiveness by capturing a chosen before she regenerates after the orgy. With forsaken you can't do anything against flying chosen unless you count species traits.

Other than that i also prefer consistent captures over captures based around relationship, you can also change around duration for commanders to better fit your scenario. Also I don't see how any forsaken could compare with a completion commander dealing damage in all four circumstance. Though the requirements for getting that commander can be more I guess.
I'm not exactly sure what penalties you are referring to, but I believe any chosen or situation specific modifiers are applied after these calculations, so they'd effect both equally. Advanced chosen might skew the numbers in the favor of forsaken though, as some of their T3 abilities are weaker against forsaken.

As for complementary suppressors, the math is the same, I was averaging the damages of each type, then adding them together for my final numbers. And while a focused approach does mean more damage on a specific circumstance, it's still not enough to match a comparable chosen's values, as long as they are targeting 1-2 circumstances.

From my experience, it seems like forsaken are best used to break T1-T2 vulnerabilities early in the game before you unlock all the 20EE upgrades, or for applying useful effects on future forsaken via punishers. They could potentially also fill weird niches, like capturing the same chosen 4+ times to increase train. You might be able to make a forsaken that can deal more trauma damage than a demon, but it'd probably require a combination of the two publicist punishers that give added trauma damage.
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