Thanks for putting all this together!
That's good to know about the use of Orgy, I'll try to remember this when I'm setting them up. I'm pretty good at getting two Chosen to the same T2 breaks, but still can't do it reliably with all three. Lots of replaying the same day at the moment.
Ahh good to know about changing items, thank you. I'm using Tomorrow's Newspaper, and to be honest I like having it, gives me a bit more confidence in unlocking things. If I start a new campaign I'll try out the Lard though, just to see it in action.
I'll be honest, I don't know if I'll ever sacrifice a Forsaken unless they are just unmanageable, only because I feel guilty about it lol. Here are the three Forsaken I got out of Loop 1 (I got full T4 breaks on all three of them which I was very proud of myself for doing

I don't know what most of this means yet, I'm going through the training guide and probably will do so a few times. But I'm not going to go over 80% with any of these girls, because I think they're okay? I just don't really know how to use them yet.
Sacrificing useless Forsaken is unfortunately kinda mandatory for later loops due to the achievement tied to it which gives bonus starting EE.
As for the corruption stats:
Hostility - Lowers the motivation cost for deploying them, but makes it easier to tantrum as it's caused by motivation percent being less than Hostility percent. During training it increases the stamina cost and expertise gain. You'll generally want this stat somewhere between 30-49, as within this range you can deploy the Forsaken 3 times in a row without them throwing a tantrum, more or less than this will drop it down to 2 deployments. Also never raise this above 90, as unless the Forsaken has more than 100% Motivation, even just deploying the Forsaken once will make then tantrum, as 90 Hostility is a 11% Motivation cost which drops Motivation to 89% (100 Hostility is 10% cost, but
any cost would obviously drop Motivation below 100).
Deviancy - The higher this gets the less expertise the Forsaken gains. at 50-59 Deviancy the Forsaken has base 100% expertise gain. Raising this stat is always bad, unlike the other corruption stats it has no directly positive effect to my knowledge with the exception of a non-Distorted Forsaken needing this at 35+ to be able to use the Force Orgasm Defiler. Even in training it only increases motivation costs and decreases expertise gain. Try to avoid raising this to 60 or above if at all possible, as at 60 expertise gain drops to 72%, at Kismet's 72 Deviancy that's only a 40% expertise gain.
Obedience - Increasing this makes the Forsaken more willing to consent to training which helps lower corruption gains, but it also decreases stamina regeneration. For most Forsaken you'll probably want to keep this around 50, however there are two important exception, Temptation and Negotiation Forsaken. Temptation Chosen
need to keep this below 40 at all costs, as they only gain their Distortion Trait buffs while below 40 Obedience. Negotiation Chosen meanwhile don't care about this stat at all, their Distortion Trait negates the downside of Obedience by allowing their Hostility stat to overwrite their Obedience stat for the sake of Stamina Regeneration if they have less Hostility than Obedience (for example, if they have 80 Obedience and 20 Hostility, they get the +55 Consent Modifier from 80 Obedience, but instead of getting only 10% Stamina Regen from 80 Obedience, they get the 60% Regen as if they had 20 Obedience due to having 20 Hostility).
Disgrace - This is a... complicated stat, not in effect but in application. This makes Forsaken cost less EE to deploy but decreases the damage they do. The reason this stat is so complicated because where you want it entirely depends on how you plan on using the Forsaken. Forsaken you want to use in later days to build up massive amounts of Trauma and ANGST will want this low, Forsaken for use in early days to get T1/T2 Breaks want this high. Rampancy Forsaken however play weirdly with this stat as their Distortion Trait makes their EE Cost equal to the EE you have with the Reputation Strength (damage) scaling off of how much EE you paid and their Disgrace stat.
Also for training, each corruption stat is tied to a circumstance for the sake of granting expertise in training. So Hostility training will give HATE expertise, Deviancy will give PLEA, Obedience will give INJU, and Disgrace will give EXPO.
A general tl;dr of where you
don't want your stats to be is to, generally speaking, never raise any of the stats above 80 or have them lower than 20, it's rarely if ever beneficial.
As for your specific Forsaken, their Corruption Stats are mostly fine, they're all above the 35% threshold in Obedience, Hostility, and Deviancy to perform all Defilers and 50% threshold for Punishers, so you don't have to worry about raising stats for those purposes. The only thing is you might want to play around with their Disgrace, and like mentioned earlier Kismet's Deviancy is a bit high though there is nothing you can really do about that. As for what you want to train them in:
Royal - Due to having Notorious Publisher you can actually go two directions with her, you can either go PLEA or HATE+PLEA and hard focus Trauma damage abusing the Trauma damage buff from it, or you can go INJU or HATE+INJU to take advantage of the Trauma damage buff to counter the low Trauma damage of INJU focused Forsaken. If you go the high Trauma route you'll want to keep her Disgrace low and use her for building up T3 Breaks in later days, if you go the INJU route then raise her Disgrace and use her for early T1/T2 Breaks. As for Punishers, obviously assign her as the Publicist and use her for T4 DIG Breaks, do not use her for as a Hypnotist or Harvester (Kismet has a better Punisher effect for both), use her as a Breeder if you are T4 MOR Breaking a Chosen who will get Braggart Breeder (Core Dignity, Significant Morality) as Scarring Breeder sets them up to build into HATE damage (if no Braggart Breeder but still want to use the Chosen, use Kismet as Breeder, if don't want to use Forsaken then use Hurricane).
Hurricane - Hurricane honestly doesn't have much going for her, she has no self buffing Punisher effect aside from Rising Publicist and reducing Disgrace is only useful if her Disgrace is too high, which it isn't, especially since with such a bad Forsaken you'll want to increase her Disgrace and use her as an early T1/T2 Breaker until you get a better Forsaken to replace her. As for what damage types to train in
Kismet - Sucks a little she ended up with such high Deviancy, but regardless Investigative Hypnotist makes her your best source of PLEA damage right now if you can stack it. How you build her though kinda depends on if you want PLEA or INJU for Royal. If you went the low Disgrace Trauma/PLEA damage route for Royal, then build Kismet with higher Disgrace and PLEA damage for T1/T2 INN Breaks. If you went higher Disgrace INJU damage for Royal, then build Kismet with lower Disgrace and PLEA damage for later day T3 Breaks. With Kismet you can either keep her solo PLEA damage or do HATE+PLEA damage. As for Punishers, obviously use her as the Hypnotist, also use her as the Harvester as Responsible Harvester is the best of the three, and use her as a Breeder under the conditions I explained in Royal's section.
At least, that's my thoughts for how I would probably train and use them. I'll admit though that I'm not the best when it comes to setting up Forsaken so someone else might have better suggestions.
Important note for assigning a Forsaken to a Punisher,
only do it when you are performing the T4 Break. Do not assign a Forsaken to a Punisher early, especially when there are multiple choices for the Punisher you might want to use. Assigning a Forsaken to a Punisher then taking them off of that Punisher will drop their Motivation to 0% and result in them throwing a tantrum at the end of the day unless you do Grand Concert training with another Forsaken to raise their Motivation back above the tantrum threshold.