- Oct 14, 2020
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My own suspicion is that the optimal solution depends on the personality types you get. There are some teams where some of the cores are no more difficult to break than the minors, but there are other teams where you can break a minor even before the third Chosen shows up, which gives you a huge head start since the third one being around makes everything more difficult. Hopefully making the optimal choice is strong enough to reward players who try for it, but still not completely necessary so that players who have a preference for friendly teams or hateful teams can still go after the dynamic they prefer.This helps to create a good short term versus long term gain conflict in strategy, while I don't doubt that if the game is around long enough someone will figure out an 'optimal' or 'right' answer to the problem the simple fact that the game has such varied strategies shows a far greater degree of strategic depth than most porn games and bodes well for the games potential.
Don't worry, I'll make sure to announce it clearly so that the people who have expressed an interest can find it.CSdev I 100% get that you don't want people submitting pull requests, I am of the same mindset in my own projects; I was suggesting it purely for modding purposes, not for contributions to the master branch. It's your project, let us know if/when it goes open source!
One of my major design goals for this game is to give the player a good amount of choice in how the corruption proceeds. At the end of a playthrough, the player shouldn't be thinking "I followed this linear path to its conclusion," they should be thinking "I left my own personal mark on this team." The way that the player can influence how the relationships turn out is the initial implementation of that idea, but I would like to add more.What do you think about "Strengthening" a vulnerability in addition to "breaking" them? The core idea would be that under certain circumstances, the Chosen respond to trauma by doubling down on their ethos. For Dignity, it could entail becoming a defiant symbol of hope even when half their body is crushed; for Confidence, taking full advantage of their inhuman bodies to transcend their physical limits; for Morality, a transcendent love that can break Thralldom. In short, becoming truly more than human.
Alternative corruption tracks would certainly be in line with that idea. I'm currently leaning toward having some things turn out differently if you manage to break an endgame vulnerability while leaving a different early-game vulnerability untouched. However, all the possibilities you brought up are thought-provoking. I'll certainly be looking into doing something similar to this once the final battle is done.
One of the features I'm hoping to include is sending a fully-corrupted Chosen to "join" another team and sabotage them from the inside.You could have Chosen that are in a relationship with an offscreen boyfriend or girlfriend, making their relationship a wholesome, chaste one, much like usual Magical Girls.
And because of this kind of setting, I beg you, allow us to interact with the chosen/other people out of battle. Being able to infiltrate their lives (the "new friend that is actually a villain" trope) to corrupt them from behind the scenes, corrupt those around them or simply go networking (perhaps making use of those human allies upgrade we can get) would make this game much more enjoyable. Networking could be used to get temporary upgrades that constantly use Evil Energy (fighting alone, no passive evacuation, this kind of thing) and, of course, have some events.
Also, please add more cheats. I like to buy all upgrades and only use Evil Energy I make, so a +10 Evil Energy cheat (or an easier way to do that) would be great, even better when you add more uses for EE.
It's a little embarrassing to have my amateur code looked at, but I will say that your conclusions here are correct. Additionally, that 1-100 value is the base amount of how much FEAR/DISG/PAIN/SHAM the target takes from the basic attacks before applying ANGST or multipliers. 100 minus that value is the base amount of HATE/PLEA/INJU/EXPO they take per turn when targeted by Grind/Caress/Pummel/Humiliate.I took a peek at the (decompiled) source for this, and I'd like to say CSdev, I admire your dedication! The way you manage personality types seems onerous to have to write, but you definitely get a lot of granularity for specific descriptions.
For everyone else: the base personalities of the girls aren't based on static archetypes. Their base personality is really 4 (kind of) hidden values: Morality, Innocence, Confidence, and Dignity. These appear to be numbers between 1 - 100 set at character generation, and correspond with how the FEAR/HATE, DISG/PLEA, PAIN/INJU, and SHAM/EXPO sliders are set. Basically all of the descriptive text is decided based on some combination of those values (often multiple at once!), usually based on if a stat is high, low, or in the middle. There's also sometimes differences between starting with a broken vulnerability, or getting one during game-play. So for the people asking earlier about trying to see all of the personalities, basically every meaningfully distinct set of character stats will give you a somewhat different personality.
This would be more difficult than you might think. The scenes that develop relationships happen between the two Chosen who have a Core/Minor matchup for the same vulnerability. If each Chosen were to have only one Core and one Minor, then they'd only have such a matchup with two of their partners, and they'd never have any relationship scenes with the fourth member of the team.Some suggestions though:
You might consider adding an optional 4th Chosen member to a playthrough. Right now team-members seem to restrict each other's personality types a lot to make sure there is always one Core/Minor vulnerability of each type. With 3 members, you always end up with one character having two Cores, and one character with 2 Minors. With 4 members, you could also do 1 Core/Minor each. If you wanted to keep combat balance the same, you could have only 3 of the chosen show up to any fight (the other is taking the night off, or their patrol route is to far away). I think some of your integer indices might get messed up from this though.
In principle, I have no objections against introducing a futanari->(something else) shift as well. I'd just prefer to have each of the shifts attached to an appropriate action. It helps make each of them feel unique, and it makes it so that the writing can be more evocative than just "X condition was met, therefore body change Y happens." The linkage between men being figuratively and literally emasculated is a common fetish, and the notion of girls getting super lusty and growing dicks is too. I'm not sure if there's an equivalent for girls with dicks losing them. I guess it might be reasonable to trigger it with impregnation once that's in.An optional Body Shift where males and futanari are rendered permanently flaccid. This would probably be from confidence break, with the character internalizing their submissiveness/powerlessness/impotence, and the psychic energy makes this physically true as well. The checks to keep them from being able to penetrate other Chosen wouldn't be that bad, but making variant text for all other mentions of character erections could be tedious.
Easier than above, an optional Body Shift to have futanari become female. Not sure if this would trigger on Inseminate like with males, or somewhere else. The work necessary should be comparable to the male Body Shift, but you'd probably want to include a check in the Fantasize code to make sure that ex-futanari don't just grow it back and get stuck in a loop switching between genders.
Permanent flacidity is something I'm interested in adding, but you're correct that there'd need to be a lot of variants added. I agree that attaching it to some level of confidence break would make sense.
I'm torn on the idea of adding a direct toggle, because I worry that it could interfere with the impression that the shift happens "naturally" because of the Chosen's own weakness. As a sort of interim solution, note that you can change the settings midway through a playthrough in order to cause some Chosen to shift while keeping others in their original state.This, please. Having them shift into futas/females is too much, this "middle ground" would be perfect.
The whole body shift thing should, in my opinion, be locked behind some kind of manual input that, should the player choose to avoid with a certain Chosen, wouldn't lock their progression. Giving this ability to the special commanders is a nice idea.
The Pleasure commander, with its many tentacles and corrupting substances, could have a "Grow Dick" interaction available after certain conditions are met. Hate, some kind of feral demon, being able to permanently scar a Chosen into doubting their sexuality so much that they are never able to get it up again is fitting.