There is no textbox in my game(s) (as a textbox covers what's happening), it's a 1px transparent square that no one is going to see.RIC0H, your use of centered "" kinda suck ass, cuz as soon as one adds simple textbox (as normal human being would) and this "centered" is called - it pops small square of textbox in a middle of the screen... what's wrong with simple "pause"? it works well enough
The feedback I've gotten is that the majority of people that play my game(s) do not want a textbox (especially on mobile) and would rather be able to control the outline of text (to make it bigger/smaller), so that's what I've done.
So why someone would go out of their way and add a textbox back confuses me.
Also I've been using centered instead of pause for 3 years and you're the first person to mention the issue, so it's not really an issue.