Others Abandoned Corrupting Revenge [Goddess of Destruction] [Erina of Pervy Fantasy Productions]


Active Member
Jan 7, 2019
is this a complete game or just a demo?
Are there any scenes? looking at the tags and screenshots my guess would be no ...


Aug 18, 2017
How do you go through doors?
You can't. You're supposed to beat those missions with separated forces.

Currently trying to replay the maps with zero losses (because I don't know which names matter and which don't)
Constant saving and reloading sure is sucking the fun out of it though.
I wish that important units would revive at the end of missions.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2019
If I have to hear the fucking RPG maker defeat sound effect one more time I am going to go fucking crazy.
Which is why I turn all sounds in these game off, either through their own in game settings or using windows own sound settings on a game by game basis.


Nov 9, 2018
I still don't understand how to corrupt an ennemy. They are all at 1 HP, my main character spam her items and... nothing :(

Do this game have CG ? I still havn't seen any scene...

In comparison with succubus senki, this game is not really good actually :/ I hope it's not the final version.


Oct 31, 2018
I made it as far as the 'Infiltration' named mission, but it refuses to start because the two unit squares are empty, and the units needed (Sonia and Rena) don't show up in the list.
Is that because both needed to survive in the previous mission? Is it a bug? Or am I missing something?

Yeah, looks like that's as far as we go as even without using them in anything, I can't do that mission. Well, I didn't assume the game was done yet, so I guess it's a good demo. Just bothersome that you hit an error to end it.
Feb 11, 2019
I still don't understand how to corrupt an ennemy. They are all at 1 HP, my main character spam her items and... nothing :(

Do this game have CG ? I still havn't seen any scene...

In comparison with succubus senki, this game is not really good actually :/ I hope it's not the final version.
You need to get them down to 1 HP, then hit them with brainwashing a few times- I think there's an item you can use with a 100% brainwashing rate, but I usually hit them with any weapon with the 'Brainwash 100%' tag, as units get XP from attacking.

I can't remember exactly what they say, but there's a few different lines they have as they get corrupted. Eventually, they'll say a line that indicates they're fully corrupted, which takes I think three or four brainwashing attempts. At that point, you can hit them with the 'Corruption of Dark' item, and they'll convert into your units- they'll get a new uniform, be restored to full hitpoints, and be placed under your control.

It's a bit weird- in the earlier maps most units will be able to be brainwashed, but as you progress some units seemingly arbitrarily become immune to being corrupted (though they can still be brainwashed, which is important- being brainwashed prevents them from attacking you for one turn). It's a bit painful, so I recommend corrupting as many units as you can in the earlier modes, and then not worrying about it later on and only corrupting the mandatory units around chapter 2.


Jan 19, 2018
Seems this dev really liked that insect heroine Jrpg. The similarities are obvious. Although they should have tried to imitate that slow mental corruption concept that game had. This game could do with less "look at this orb, BAM you are a slave now!" and more nuanced writing when it comes to mind control.

Also, as much as I enjoy reading about caves that used to be a place of "whoreship", this definitely needs a proofreader/editor. Not only the typos but dialogue transitions as well.

edit: Also not having the default menu key for most games (esc) force-closing the game would be nice...
Insect heroine jrpg? Do share!


Aug 18, 2017
the mission friends is simply unbeatable as you cannot corrupt the guys in the other room
You can. Here is how.

Clerics also have the Corruption of Dark ability. So use your corrupted attacks or Touch of the Dark to corrupt the women until they give the line where they mention wanting a uniform. Then bring in the cleric and cast Corruption of Dark on them.
You only have a single cleric in the other room so it's important to keep her alive.

I recommend keeping the cleric safe by either moving her far away or blocking access to her with other units.
Kill the male enemies first, then focusing on corrupting one enemy at a time.
Since in this mission you cannot accidentally kill female enemies (not true for the next mission) you can just use regular attacks and get the same effect (purple weapons do corruption as well as regular damage).

You'll be taking a lot of hits initially but since a successful corruption gives you a new full health unit this will quickly turn the tide for you. (note that freshly corrupted units do not do corruption on attacks) It is even possible to win the mission without losing a single unit.


New Member
Jul 30, 2018
why its keep kickin me back to title screen after defeating flerian, cant save and if skip saving its say game over


Aug 18, 2017
why its keep kickin me back to title screen after defeating flerian, cant save and if skip saving its say game over
How did you get past the mission 'Infiltration'? It won't let me place any units. There's just two empty blue squares and all my units are darkened out.

Here is a screenshot to show how I'm stuck.
corrupting revenge 2.jpg
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