oh like 5 months from now?
I fear it yes. But it's just a guess. I know that he's rotating the update, but never really kept track of the order, nor who is updated with who. Due to the number of characters, I assume that they are both updated twice each year... which suddenly feel so slow when I'm writing it.
And I assume that it will not really go faster before some time. Jenny slave's scenes are now presents, but there's the facility at utopia which will probably give more scenes with her. And the date can also have a "slave version". Plus there's all the common scenes with Nicole, which don't have her slave scenes yet, and as well as the common scene with Megan and the ones with Maria.
So, I guess that Jenny will still need to be updated twice before all her solo content is present. It only at this time than it will start to go faster since he'll be able to update another character instead of her. And we'll still need that Megan and Maria reach their slave stage before we see all the content involving Jenny, who's the most advanced character...
Well, look like I'll have to stay in touch with my mod for something like two years