Ren'Py - Completed - Corruption [Final] [Mr.C]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    When i started following this game it showed promise, it is what is writen on the tin. you corrupt and fuck everyone in the game. Every corruption follows the same stpes, wich is give them a potion or use a gas potion until everyone is dressed and act lite a deranged whore. it works fine for the first few women but it quickly falls of. everyone go from Normal -> Adds slight makeup and hapilly expose themself -> street whore makup and completely deranged. unfortunately the writing for the corruption is very unsatisfying, it is quick and there are not enough setup for the women to corrupt. When the women are corrupted a new charater is added for the MC to corrupt.

    I wrote that corruptiong is quick, but that is only if you use cheats to get money. It is otherwise very very grindy.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing. Of course you have to like the porn style but the story and the way this game is build make the corruption fun to play.

    Pro :

    * Lot of content
    * Lot of fetish
    * Very good art

    Cons :

    * Limited choice, I mean you will corrupt them all or don't have any relation with her, (I like it)
    * Gallery not ready (there is a lot of repeatable event but the old one are not)
    * Some fetish could be disturbing and it's not clear how avoid them (just to say)
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Easily the best virtual novel I have played.
    Has insane number of characters and scenes and is still regularly updated. Lots of fetishes and fortunately is not as vanillas as most other games here.

    There is no great story line line. the same old use magical potion to hypnotize girls. but the sex here is great and would leave you begging for more.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly, this game does exactly what it sets out to do, and that is get you off. I absolutely love the corruption genre of games, and this game does that really well. Remember, it's a PORN game, and so it does not strive for realism.

    Pros: Fun corruption capabilities. You pretty much can turn the entire city into your sex slaves, even though only a few of them are your "main slaves." It has a good variety of fetishes and I found a lot of the scenes really hot, despite older graphics. There's a huge variety of renders, so what it lacks in depth, it makes up for in plenty of options to rustle your jimmies to. You won't develop an emotional attachment to any of the characters, but hey, they're hot. The models are older, but at least you can tell what age they're going for. And yes, a lot of them have huge breasts, but I think the exaggeration is part of the game. You turn an entire city into your cock-hungry sex slaves, what did you expect? This is no classical level story that's gonna win any awards, it's a porn game and it fits the bill perfectly.

    If you enjoy corruption and harems, watching all of the characters descend from average, every day women to sex obsessed whores is a lot of fun. Their dialogue, scenes, and outfits change as they progress. Some scenes are also dependent on other branches.

    Cons: Tough to play without cheat mods and a walkthrough. There is very little guidance on what to do, and it is really grindy. Cheating all the items and money I needed still took me several hours to get through it (but I enjoyed it because of the wide variety of sex scenes. Hey, I'm downloading a porn game for the porn, not for the stimulating dialogue.) I would not have enjoyed it without the cheats.
    The writing is... rough... It doesn't have much depth, which is fine for what it is, but it is clear the developer is not a native english speaker. He has a decent patreon following, you'd think he could ask his higher tiers to help him out a bit. I mostly skipped through the dialogue to be honest.
    There's a huge array of main and side characters, and how to enjoy the side branches can be difficult to figure out. I wish it was more clear or consistent on how to progress these branches, how many scenes they have, etc. My other frustration is if you corrupt a girl too fast, you will miss scenes and events with her.

    I do wish the game had the following:
    • Tips and hints. There is a phone in the game, but it's for more scenes, which is great, but if you get stuck it would be nice to say "do A in order to be able to fuck B."
    • The ability to change the characters between their corruption levels. Scenes and dialogue are locked behind how corrupt your girls are, and while yes, it's fun to max them out and see them virtually naked each time you come to interact with them, you lose A LOT of the scenes. You become their master, let us tell them what we wanna see.
    • A full scene library - some of the characters have their scenes listed, some don't. Especially since you can't replay most scenes once you have progressed past that corruption level, this is a NEEDED feature.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    I rarely enjoy playing a game multiple times, even to get multiple endings. Often it feels like a chore to go through again. Really grindy games are the worst. This one I enjoyed.

    My only recommendation to the game developer would be a library access point, maybe in the protagonist's room, to see various scenes more easily. For this game, I didn't feel it warranted a drop to 4 stars so it stays as is.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    It's not a bad game, some fun. Almost unplayable without the cheat mod though, and to be honest the quite a lot... well, honestly most of the girls look terrible. I do enjoy the corruption aspect, but there is zero character development and I stopped caring about what this was even about halfway through playing it. It's fun to "level up" the girls though. I just wish you could avoid the grannies and ham beasts that litter the world.

    Longs story short, if you like grind and corruption with no story, this may be for you, if you want girls that are fun to look at and some reason as to why you're doing what you're doing, then pass on this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    My favorite erotic game to be honest. It lacks the character development and story aspects that some other games here I love excel at but for purely hitting my enjoyment of corruption, domination and having an absolute ton of lewd content it's fantastic.

    The English in it isn't perfect but it's not too bad either, perfectly readable without being jarring like some titles. The character models in it are excellent and it has a huge amount of characters with pretty frequent updates and improvements. (most recently the start of a gallery feature).

    At the moment there has to be a good 10 - 20 hours of content if not more depending on how you play to unlock everything or repeat scenes.

    Highly recommended.
  8. 4.00 star(s)

    Professor Black

    Game was fun to play even though its not my style. More of a romance genre. If your goal was to have sex with alot of women in your city and discard them later? this is the game for you!

    However there were a lot of inconsistency in the writing/story/dialogue. where the slaves that you acquire. pledges and tells the mc (you) that their body is only for you. but then you get these side events where they send you pictures of other males touching your slaves from a text messagee and from the slave cafe or small dialogues where they mention they were pleasuring men in the bathroom or things like that. I dont mind these personally but you gotta be more consistent in your dialogue. either they are exclusive or prostitute them out to other people.

    ALSO WHY ARE THERE KIDSS PARTICIPATING IN SOME OF THESE ACTS?! i'd understand 100year old loli's and 18year old that has 13yr old body but.. this is straight up messed up.
    Likes: ayy
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    Not a bad game by any means, I've had a lot of fun playing it even if it isn't my usual cup of tea.

    The biggest problem with this game is the updates. Mr.C makes $5k monthly and still somehow releases pathetically small game updates. It's been years, and most portions of this game remain terribly undeveloped with the current v2.00 containing barely five new scenes.

    Another problem is the grinding, it's beyond terrible. The only reason it exists is to hide the lack of content. Just use one of the cheat mods listed on the first page of the thread. I hardly consider it cheating if it fixes one of the major problems with this game.

    Currently, Corruption v2.00 has a bunch of content to play through, but once you reach the end that's where you start seeing the lack of content and Mr.C's Patreon scam.

    If you want to play it, I recommend it, but only if you understand what you're going in for.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Jesus, what an excellent and fetish fulfillment game. This is actually a masterpiece; the aspects of the game doesn't require that much of a grind and you still can feel rewarded for your effort, the characters are good looking and the models are awesome.
    I wanna congratulates the dev(s), this is what i was looking for.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    I'll explain the way I see stars in these ratings. You can't give lower than one star it won't let you. So one star to me is a ZERO. Effectively 0 to 4. In this case 75% because we can't do fractions of stars either.

    As far as games go this is one of the better one's in that for the most part it works and bugs get fixed quite fast. The developer also appears to listen to issues.
    Graphics are what they are because they are built from another game.
    They do the job in getting across what is going on.

    Plot and story. This is one game were the author seems to be sticking rather well to the story and or what he is adding tends to actually fit the story line and not end up on some weird divert.
    The story is a general based control game in which you build a harem and mold the way everyone things to end up fitting what you want.
    I think most people will like that aspect of it. My only issue is that it gets a bit to much culty and I like my women to be a bit neater and not turned into drooling sacks of flesh. Any that's my preference and I didn't take anything off for it. I figured simply writing about it might stand enough of a warning for anyone that thinks like myself in that regard.

    There is a lot of content to keep you busy in this game without resorting to having you grind to death.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of 4-5 star games I played here are nothing compared to this game. Advantages of this game are much better than many others`.

    • Scenes!!! Some scenes are unique.
    • Many different girls and characters.
    • Simple gameplay and interesting grind.
    • Сharacters' progress include clothing, short scenes and sex scenes.
    • Bimbo (whore) behaviour and makeup are excessive. I would like optional.
    • Costume customisation would be advantage.
    • Rather poor CGI's and models.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    entertaining , and story lines as well done
    wish there was some way to keep track on what you need to do to progress.
    The graphics hold up on a full drive, some games are prone to chopping when being pulled from a full drive, this games runs smooth
  14. 2.00 star(s)

    Unknown Developer

    Well, what to say...
    The only good thing about this game is the number of sex scenes. You have a ton of characters each with many "Levels of Corruption" and each level changes the scenes that were unlocked in the previous level (not only text but CGs as well, and sometimes even scenario). So there are a huge amount of scenes for you to fap to.

    But the good things end there. the game has many flaws.

    The first flaw and most noticeable is the lack of sound. This is unforgivable when you have so many open-source BMGs and SEs on the web. And I can't highlight enough how this bothered me.

    But it's not only that, while the graphics are average (I would say they look a little like Ilusion's Honey Select 1 or a little less than that) the posing of the scenes sometimes is totally terrible, certainly mechanic and nothing fluid. And it's choice of scenarios is questionable, many times the girls just expose their genitals with no ceremony, not exactly what I call exciting, I like humans, not monkeys.

    The sex scenes also have another problem, the text is barely existent. And without animations to supplement them, each scene is really short, fortunately, there is a bunch of them so you never get really bored.

    I have noticed no main plot in all my gameplay, which is ok depending on the game, but the sideplots (girls' corruption) are terribly written. Seriously, corruption should be about temptation, resisting urges, and at the end being defeated by their desires, but here, after the first level, the girls already become sluts, already willing to give you a handjob. No convincing required, no innerself conflict, no temptation, no resisting, just full acceptance. That's not how corruption should work, nobody here hesitates even for a moment.
    And, still on the topic of the plot, the main character is basically a villain. He has nothing against his family, but still not only he does his "hobby" with them but harms their reputation by exposing them and even enslaving them at the end. I understand some people like this stuff, but the game says that so lightly, like if it's the most natural thing in the world.

    Overall, I had my share of fun, but sincerely I only recommend it to people who really only want to see sex scenes with the slut theme, not corruption, and nothing much else. If you are looking for a nice writer with some great and exciting story and very well written and exciting scenes, I suggest you skip this one. Try Urban Demons, A Zombie Life, Town of Passion, Zombie Retreat, The Manor, or Witch Trainer if you want a good corruption game.
  15. 4.00 star(s)


    If you want a real story driven game, steer clear of this one, but if you are after a game where some grind reveals decent scenes and a lot of depravity, this game is for you. It is a simplistic concept, but on the whole, the execution is acceptable, although the use of HS type characters with excessive makeup wears a little thin after a while. Some original characters would be a bit refreshing.

    The updates seem a little brief and could do with being released on a more regular and frequent schedule. but in all, not a bad game. Perseverance will certainly reap rewards if you do for one of the later releases.

    Hopefully, Mr C will either perform better bug fixing or get some beta testers involved to prevent buggy releases, in future.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is huge you have tons of scenes tons of chracters you can play this for hours
    its hot its kinky its amazing one of the best games the money is an issue but once you enslave your mom and sister they earn 800 dollars

    for starters start with Heather then enslave mom and daughter the rest is easy even then I played 8 hours today huge screentime
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is awesome I really like corruption theme games and especially for android users
    The plot is amazing n planned . I also like how good the execution of the plot in the scenario.
    Can any body recommend me more games with similar plot .
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    more open world -large scale corruption- best dystopia world building so far- depth of charachter devolopement and lifestyle in the right way instead of what we see normally in badly written a lot of depth in something that doesnt matter- so to say things start with a very close real life lifestyle and slowly transforming it to you fantasy world and i like how mc getting control and power politically trough the power of woman uwu
  19. 2.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1882281

    Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete Please Delete
  20. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm going to get this out of the way first: I love the situations more so than the actual content itself. I always find myself coming back to this game due to the fantasies that this game fulfills.

    If only the developer actually gave one shit about the game.

    One may not know this, but Corruption has always been a cash grab of sorts. At the very beginning Mr. C made it clear that he would straight up abandon the game if he felt it wasn't making enough money. Whether it's a good thing or not, he's making bank. Now hes forced to give monthly updates on a game that he's shown to have less and less of an interest in.

    These first few sections are all about the developer himself. Every update has had less and less content added. If I'm not mistaken this most recent update added less than 100 new CG's and I personally burned through the content in under 20 minutes. Three updates ago it was at 244 CG added, and every update has been getting less content, with no break in the trend. Sometimes an artist loses passion in his work, and I truly believe this is what is happening with Mr.C and I expect to see the update amount stabilize at a little under 100 CG's an update, which is awful.

    Now into the actual game; Lets start with CG quality first. The beginning content which is much older, is standard Honey Select with many default models. However, to Mr.C's credit, as updates progressed the quality of character design and CG fidelity has increased quite a bit.

    Regarding character design, many find the high depravity outfits to be quite gross. However, this is completely subjective, and I'd recommend checking out some of the preview pictures to get an idea of if you'll like the later part of the game. In an objective sense, character designs, apart from the base depravity ones, are actually pretty creative and unique.

    Rendering of the CG was poor at the beginning and resembles base Honey Select, however as time went on the rendering reached a style that I haven't personally seen done with Honey Select, so props on Mr.C he has pretty good renders. The issue here is that graphical continuity is non-existent, with renders varying significantly in quality throughout your playing experience. The only way to fix this would to be to do a re-render of the earlier scenes, which imo would be a worthwhile investment.

    Now on to the bad stuff, which is everything else:

    Sound? Nonexistent. The end.

    Plot? Meet demon, Oh you're now a master slaver, time to fuck every girl in existence! No but seriously, the very open plot allows a lot of freedom of thought on the player's end. Would I prefer a more in depth plot? Of course. Yet, I find that such a vague plot is better than bad plot. Take what you will of that.

    Dialogue is the most baffling part of this whole game. The developer, Mr.C, is Russian, therefore it would be an obvious conclusion that his English is not the best. Dialogue is full of both grammatical and functional errors. Often, the lines written in front of you are something literally no one would say, not even a drugged-up nymphomaniac. All dialogue is forced, and what another reviewer said, terse. I've attempted to make a re-write of the game's dialogue, but have consistently given up after a few thousand lines from the exhaustion of trying to make out what was meant to be said, and the best way to completely re-write whole lines. I'd only do it if I was being paid, and with that, Mr.C, get a fucking translator.

    In conclusion, the game has potential. However, the slowing development cycle, terrible dialogue, graphical inconsistencies, lack of any sort of audio, and the lack of plot has forced me to give Corruption as of v1.90 a rating of poor, even when I don't want to.