
Active Member
Aug 16, 2018
so guys is this game worth playing for the tagged kinks?
Most of them are fairly well populated, main exceptions off the top of my head would be sissification, dilf and netorare (though that depends on perspective). The struggle is combing the wiki to figure out where the characters of interest to you are and then hoping you gel with whoever writes them.


Active Member
Apr 6, 2019
New evelyn stuff feels pointless because of how this game just writes people to be infinitely fertile sex gods by default if they're not the mc. She could already have a threesome where she'd cum like 7 times in a row with only a single line about her sweating showing any sign of being at all tired. Dragon evylyn can do less than this. She's supposed to be upgraded and super sexed but she's worse than before. Also the old sex scenes were hotter.
Any impact from her 'upgrade' is ruined by the new floor being set being under where she was already casually sat for no real reason. Completely meaningless change beyond saying "my oc is cooler than your mc, again" and "just wanted to remind you half the women in town are royalty or dukes or both"


Engaged Member
Feb 25, 2019
Really? Can you tell more?
The Naginata scales with strength and Toughness which attributes are better for Inari given her Farmwork. Meanwhile Bow scales with Cunning and agility which the slutprincess have more then enough.
That is the reason why you should recommend farmer Kinu the Naginata and Slut Kinu the Bow in the Weapon choose Event though if you never let her out it is only flavour anyway.


Nov 9, 2017
The Naginata scales with strength and Toughness which attributes are better for Inari given her Farmwork. Meanwhile Bow scales with Cunning and agility which the slutprincess have more then enough.
That is the reason why you should recommend farmer Kinu the Naginata and Slut Kinu the Bow in the Weapon choose Event though if you never let her out it is only flavour anyway.
I'm still surprised that this wasn't on the CoC2 wiki.

Then again, most of the articles on that wiki tend to be incredibly outdated.


Apr 1, 2017
There are hardly any scenes with ahegao, BDSM, sissification, NTR, rape, tentacles, DILFs, MILFs, or monsters. There also isn't much groping, titfucking, or femdom. That's most of the sexual tags right there, so I don't see how it's untrue.
At least a huge amount of a virgin content is releasing with each new update...


Feb 17, 2019
There are hardly any scenes with ahegao, BDSM, sissification, NTR, rape, tentacles, DILFs, MILFs, or monsters. There also isn't much groping, titfucking, or femdom. That's most of the sexual tags right there, so I don't see how it's untrue.
There's plenty of MILFs. The queen bee, Vari, Brienne's mom, the hellhound, Lumia
There's next to no DILF's though, true. They technically exist (Garth and centaur dad) but Garth probably is never getting a scene because they they'd have to flick off the audience even harder to ensure Gweyr isn't boinkable.
Sissification depends on how much you want to stretch the definition since most characters that want you to be a female just TF you to one in the bad end and Berwyn's and the fairies happens off screen before the game even begins.
Plenty of titfucking though across a wide variety of characters.
Lots of femdom too even if it's mostly just "muhdick so submit" futadoms

Just those two? From this list, who would you say are the top 5 worst and top 5 best writers?
Most of those barely count as writers given the one off nature of their contributions. A large number of them are just transformatives and artists. Subject to personal preference. I like everybody that's not Bubble Lord and oftentimes SKoW.

That said, every writer is capable of decent conten~
Hmm... Let me rephrase that.

Almost every writer is capable of decent content;
BubbleLord, when he snails out something once or twice a year, (main writer with his own barely functional companion by the way) now produces a confused mess without even the bare minimum of features such as not even being capable of selecting which flavor of batfolk you sack after you win.

SKoW is also probably the only writer on staff that could create a home base full of horny maids and make them as obtrusive (why sure a scene every few steps, why not?) and unappealing as possible. That "forbidden" maid + guard off screen romance has more effort put into it than the actual maid sex scenes.

Savin is a pretty good writer in regards to talent and raw literary skills. But is also incompatible with the concept of monogamy, slow eroticism, or even the significance of sex in general. So nearly every NPC he writes with few exceptions is just a sexual whirlwind who, if you play your cards... at all, will allow you into the daily forever orgy that is their life with the act being as casual as playing a game of cards despite the writing insisting there's chemistry there.
Additionally, somewhere in that whirlwind if you do a quest for them they'll proclaim their undying love to you and spend all day the day after balls deep in your neighbor. How romantic.

Azriel Satan

Jul 27, 2017
Everybody seems to like Brienne, never tested her because I don't want to genderbend Brint but people who tried out her content have little complaint.
You can just switch the flags to return Brienne back to Brint, thankfully COC2 works in browsers without a patch unlike TITS so just open the game from the index.html in the resources folder and use the console to run one of these commands:
If you already got to the Khor'minos, the scene to trigger the transformation quest will be disabled, in which case run
flags.MAD_COW_KILL = null
Turn Brienne into Brint
flags.BRINT_IS_BRIENNE = null, = "Brint", brint.genderPref = 0 /* If in party will crash */
Turn Brint into Brienne
flags.BRINT_IS_BRIENNE = 1, = "Brienna", brint.genderPref = 1 /* If in party will crash */

For anyone that wants to get both Dragoon Azzy and Dragon Evelyn you can just run the transform scene for both of em.
Transformation for Azzy
Transformation for Evelyn
window.EvelynGoToAshe() (If you want the scene for telling evelyn about the dragon transformation its window.EvelynDragonIntro())


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Lots of femdom too even if it's mostly just "muhdick so submit" futadoms
Futadom isn't remotely the same as femdom and are two completely different niches. When I'm in the mood for femdom, I'm not looking to get dicked. If somebody is browsing the tags for "female domination", odds are they're not looking for futadom.
Sissification depends on how much you want to stretch the definition since most characters that want you to be a female just TF you to one in the bad end and Berwyn's and the fairies happens off screen before the game even begins.
Pretty sure that doesn't count like at all. Isn't the whole point to be emasculated, not instantly transform into the opposite sex? 'Sides, bad ends are hardly easy to see.

Will give you the titfucking and milfs, though it's not really worth to play the game if somebody is interested in mainly just that.
But is also incompatible with the concept of monogamy, slow eroticism, or even the significance of sex in general.
That's most writers in these games ever since TiTS, though. Hell, even the first game didn't do a great job at that stuff. I would say it's more of a community wide problem than just a savin problem.


Sep 26, 2017
i let drifa get kidnapped, is there any follow up to that yet? says i should recue her but ive explored the map and dont see anything


Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
There are hardly any scenes with ahegao, BDSM, sissification, NTR, rape, tentacles, DILFs, MILFs, or monsters. There also isn't much groping, titfucking, or femdom. That's most of the sexual tags right there, so I don't see how it's untrue.

There's a ton of BDSM, because that tag covers dom/sub relationships (and there's more than 1 or 2 scenes with bondage specifically, I can think of like 5 offhand), all companion defeat sex fits under the definition of NTR. There's also actually a lot of ahegao...but its text, so it's obviously less evident.

Their is a metric fuckton of rape, especially in bad ends. There are dozens of MILFs (most of which you make yourslef, but theres still 4 or 5 premade MILFs with several scenes each). There's a crapton of groping and quite a bit of titfucking.

There's a character with more than one or two femdom scenes by herself, and then scattered ones over a few more female characters (Azzy, Rina, Agni). And then there's actually quite a few femdom defeat scenes. Also, f95 counts futadom as femdom, which means by site standards there's a whole lot more, but that might not count for everyone.

And barring the fact that that's still not even close to most of the tags, the only fetish that there's actually only "1 or 2" scenes for are tentacles and sissification ( mostly because there's more feminization than sissification. Also, basically no bangable DILFS yet (though several on the way that I know of).

And I actually think there's at least 4 tentacles scenes...
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T Kony

New Member
Sep 10, 2017
Savin is a pretty good writer in regards to talent and raw literary skills. But is also incompatible with the concept of monogamy, slow eroticism, or even the significance of sex in general. So nearly every NPC he writes with few exceptions is just a sexual whirlwind who, if you play your cards... at all, will allow you into the daily forever orgy that is their life with the act being as casual as playing a game of cards despite the writing insisting there's chemistry there.
Additionally, somewhere in that whirlwind if you do a quest for them they'll proclaim their undying love to you and spend all day the day after balls deep in your neighbor. How romantic.
I think since I don't care for monogamy I like the sexual whirlwind. Games like TiTs and CoC where sex is really casual aren't the best places to look for vanilla monogamy sex. Not saying you can't or shouldn't enjoy them but I think Savin get's a lot of hate from people who expect the monogamy.
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May 18, 2021
Good evening everybody, How's this shitshow faring after 2 years of having left it to fester...

What kind of letdowns have happened and rage has been flourished all this time?
Raf is still alive?

A TL;DR would be OK.


Feb 17, 2019
Games like TiTs and CoC where sex is really casual aren't the best places to look for vanilla monogamy sex.
Important for me to state this, but I don't have a problem with things outside of monogamy, I'm saying the ratio is a bit skewed. When combined with the rather anemic TF choices (and scenes that support them), nonexistent corruption content, AND that the content is skewed towards a single particular fetish as opposed to TiTS approach of casting a wide net, it's obvious why somebody like me would bounce off.

With that out of the way. TiTS and CoC both have way more on offer on that particular topic than CoC2 does by a fairly wide margin
Tits was a mix but had like half of your followers:
Bess, Dizzy, Gianna, Olympia, Penny, Pippa, Yammi and her pet, Reaha, Sera, Shekka, the loyal Siegwulfe and it's dom variant. And multiple NPCs on nearly every planet barring Dhaal: Quinn, Thyvara, Tessa, Verusha (post expansion), etc. And I should also include one-offs where the it's just a fleeting moment but it's got that sweet spot of flavor going for it like the Sydian female in TiTS (or the naga in CoC1 if you become a naga)

For CoC1 over half of every consistent character is committed (one way or the other at least) to the MC. compare followers for your camp:
Shouldra, Sophie, Valeria, Helspawn, Ember, technically the Bath Girl, Vapula (if you so desire), whatever you name the Latex Girl, Amily (one of the aforementioned characters who has friction with your decisions which leads to that disaster with the girl in tel'adre if not enslaved), Isabella, Arian who TF's himself/herself for the PC, Izma, Kiha, Marble, Phylla, and technically, Hollicynthia.

There's also a good chunk of the people in world itself:
Whitney if you're naughty, a fairy you rescue whose name I can't recall right now, Tamani and her daughters, Sheila, technically cotton, Edryn, the cat on tel'adre whose name I can't remember, and a bunch of others I can't recall off the top of my head. Again, this is without mentioning other things like the corruption content in CoC1.

In regards to ratio and I suppose raw numerical value, CoC2 has notably less of that particular content than the other two games by a decent amount making it a bit of an outlier of the three. For a sequel of a game with tons of corruption you'll imagine somebody expecting more of CoC would be a bit nonplussed when that basically doesn't exist

Futadom isn't remotely the same as femdom and are two completely different niches. When I'm in the mood for femdom, I'm not looking to get dicked. If somebody is browsing the tags for "female domination", odds are they're not looking for futadom.

Pretty sure that doesn't count like at all. Isn't the whole point to be emasculated, not instantly transform into the opposite sex? 'Sides, bad ends are hardly easy to see.

Will give you the titfucking and milfs, though it's not really worth to play the game if somebody is interested in mainly just that.

That's most writers in these games ever since TiTS, though. Hell, even the first game didn't do a great job at that stuff. I would say it's more of a community wide problem than just a savin problem.
I agree with everything you're saying. I'm just trying to be diplomatic based on arguments I've read in the past.


Engaged Member
Aug 8, 2020
So nearly every NPC he writes with few exceptions is just a sexual whirlwind who, if you play your cards... at all, will allow you into the daily forever orgy that is their life with the act being as casual as playing a game of cards despite the writing insisting there's chemistry there.
Additionally, somewhere in that whirlwind if you do a quest for them they'll proclaim their undying love to you and spend all day the day after balls deep in your neighbor. How romantic.
M8, thats how relations works.....right!??!?!
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