Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Ok decided to test out Azzy's new set...gotta admit Healer Azzyrran+ Barbarian Brienne+ Blackmage MC with Grungedyr summon ain't half bad!


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
You know something funny?
If they TRIED they could make a great game, there's these...pockets of good game experience hidden admist all of this mess, for example:

My favorite dungeon by leaps and bounds has got to be the Xadaron Temple (so much so in fact I memorized it's name) and you know why? because we can get alot of powers (either Mirror Stance or from Scrolls) out of it, the character we bring with us actually matter/slightly change dungeon interactions and heavily change dungeon dialogue so there's replay value, our decisions matter since we can gain new NPCs fuckbuddies by sparing the corrupted druidess AND, last but not least: NOBODY else but us can do it, because we're the Champion of Frost, ontop of being immune to the spores disease, we are THE perfect candidate to go there and make an epic story, I don't have to think about Leofric or any other bounding demigod around stealing my thunder, even if they tried to their acomplishment wouldn't be as recognized as US doing it.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
I hope the Mander god ends up decent but after Gard dropped the ball hard with the Valk I really don't expect it.


Nov 13, 2017
is there any similiar games like that (R18 rpg where you make own team) that's not text based but more visual one? you know animations, party moves around the maps, combat animated, etc? With BG3 being fotm now I actually want to play some lewd rpg in similar style but CoCII being pure text based (plus the fact it's not finished and some writing is questionable because devs/writters are mentally unstable or get triggered hard)
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