
Jan 31, 2022
The more routes more work argument kinda falls apart
Here's what you can't seem to understand: time is our most valuable resource and it is limited. If someone splits a character into two, they'll need more (maybe twice) the time to produce content for both of them, potentially neglecting one of them, potentially neglecting what people liked in the first place.

How the hell does your comparison make any sense whatsoever? One is a prolific writer and the other isn't. Gard writing fuck all has no bearing on the fact that TIME IS LIMITED, and everything that we do TAKES TIME.

Whatever time is required to split characters could be used on another character or used on the same character without splitting them.

You also ignored how asking for a complete change of personality and values of one character and being against that for another is contradictory. Moaning about no sub Evelyn while bashing the discord for asking cuckshit for Brienne is hypocrisy. Unless you just dislike cuckshit and want to bash them just for that, but in that case the argument of staying true to the character falls flat.


Engaged Member
Aug 16, 2023
I know the first game has a lot of imposed changes on characters, but without playing a corrupted MC corrupting everyone, it always made me feel uncomfortable as fuck. "Hey, can you cut off your dick for me? Hey, can you grow a dick for me?". Always feels weird as fuck and it's why I don't like Brienne. Would've liked her a lot more if she was her own character.
I always thought this was really poorly executed.
This usually should have been handled in the meta. Where you encounter and go
> X is clearly a Futa
> X is clearly a Woman

and when you pick it turns that this character was "always" what you picked.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
Sheesh, just what is it with cucks and Dom Arona, almost all of her Scenes with other characters just suck and feel so out of place. Sub Arona is okay but i like pretty much all the Orcs at their camp much more.
Sub arona is an illusion.Arona doms us like a true orc is supposed to be but we just slightly wound her pride and thats it?The quality between the 2 routes is so inbalanced i just tread SubArona as nonexsitant


Jan 31, 2022
I always thought this was really poorly executed.
This usually should have been handled in the meta. Where you encounter and go
> X is clearly a Futa
> X is clearly a Woman

and when you pick it turns that this character was "always" what you picked.
That would've been much better, I agree. There's a lizard like that in TiTS. They're either male or female depending on what you choose when you meet them. The character is called Lane, I think. Choosing would've been excellent or at least not icky to me.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Let's see... I'm sure I have it somewhere where Savin was sour grapes about Brienne not being eligible for sharing

Imagine being so assblasted that someone says your precious OCs can't have sex with their precious OC that you just go "she doesn't exist for me" regarding one of the most prolific characters in the project you're running. These people have not developed emotionally past the age of 13. The fact that they openly disclose all this stupid shit to people backing their project is even more ridiculous.

peaking of nothing, we know (some) of the plans regarding that 'less slutty' route. However, this
The logic behind "she runs a brothel and is therefore slutty" makes absolutely 0 sense. Where do they get this insane idea that being associated with the sex industry automatically makes you a slut that wants to suck and fuck every person you come across?

Being a a part of the sex industry does not mean you will fuck whoever asks you to.
Being a part of the sex industry does not make you obsessed with sex.
Being a part of the sex industry is a job, not a lifestyle.

I built the temple because a friend fucking asked me as a favor, not because I'm thinking it's somehow going to magically make her more slutty. You're not reinforcing someone's sluttiness by handing them a business to run, at least not in any sane world.


Aug 6, 2021
Imagine being so assblasted that someone says your precious OCs can't have sex with their precious OC that you just go "she doesn't exist for me" regarding one of the most prolific characters in the project you're running. These people have not developed emotionally past the age of 13. The fact that they openly disclose all this stupid shit to people backing their project is even more ridiculous.

The logic behind "she runs a brothel and is therefore slutty" makes absolutely 0 sense. Where do they get this insane idea that being associated with the sex industry automatically makes you a slut that wants to suck and fuck every person you come across?

Being a a part of the sex industry does not mean you will fuck whoever asks you to.
Being a part of the sex industry does not make you obsessed with sex.
Being a part of the sex industry is a job, not a lifestyle.

I built the temple because a friend fucking asked me as a favor, not because I'm thinking it's somehow going to magically make her more slutty. You're not reinforcing someone's sluttiness by handing them a business to run, at least not in any sane world.
it's a brothel for a god that teaches people to have sex with strangers as way of worship. of course, she would do that more if she founded the temple. the person isn't talking about real life.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
it's a brothel for a god that teaches people to have sex with strangers as way of worship. of course, she would do that more if she founded the temple. the person isn't talking about real life.
Why would she automatically have to do that more? She would have less free-time and reason to do so than having her ass plopped down in the tavern all the livelong day with nothing better to do. Regardless you don't worship Mallach by fucking, it's basically just their way of advertising and funding the religion. He's a patron deity of more than just sex.


Aug 6, 2021
Why would she automatically have to do that more? She would have less free-time and reason to do so than having her ass plopped down in the tavern all the livelong day with nothing better to do. Regardless you don't worship Mallach by fucking, it's basically just their way of advertising and funding the religion. He's a patron deity of more than just sex.
yeah,yeah. so is every other sex good in fiction but the only thing their shown doing is sex.


Active Member
Apr 28, 2017
I'm so glad i built the temple (for the Kaz scene). Cait's trailer trash friend trying to sell her womb (so she can groom another kid into the world) is cringe but bearable, but that pink slutcat actually wanting a family she can go home to after she's ran the rounds on all the hobos in town is a whole nother level. If she ever said that shit to my guy i might've had to retire him, reason headcanon'd heartattack. Fuck that.


May 4, 2017
You also ignored how asking for a complete change of personality and values of one character and being against that for another is contradictory. Moaning about no sub Evelyn while bashing the discord for asking cuckshit for Brienne is hypocrisy. Unless you just dislike cuckshit and want to bash them just for that, but in that case the argument of staying true to the character falls flat.
sub evelyn is still a possibilty while Brienne cuckshit is not what#s so hard to get about that?
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Feb 17, 2019
I don't understand where you're going with this.
It's a not so subtle reminder that the wants of some people are different and oftentimes less extreme than the wants of other some people.

Moaning about no sub Evelyn while bashing the discord for asking cuckshit for Brienne is hypocrisy.
Hmm. Actually I've got a few minutes to get down and dirty.

Right. I'm going to have to state first out that I don't care that much about Evelyn and I agree that she would be fine as is even if IIRC she's (potentially) getting a sub route maybe.


These two (Brienne fucking Arona and Evelyn going Sub) are not equivalent. One is quite literally diametrically opposed to the entire concept of the character and it's inclusion, even optional, would grossly injure the characters appeal. "Let's have NPC x NPC #212" is not even in the same universe of comparability.
Especially in CoC2 where nearly no character has qualms about just sleeping around or having threesomes.

This is the kind of whatnot that NTR beggars make in true love RPGs. You're comparing a fetish and player ingratiating attribute that can literally only exist if said character remains with MC one-itis in all possible routes. (Obvious there are damn good exceptions in that space but that requires a stellar caliber of writing who actually care about these things.)

An Evelyn who bottoms wouldn't suddenly scar Evelyns appeal even from a meta reason for people who aren't into that and has verifiably not done so for any of the other dom/sub characters that have existed across TWO games. You don't see people tossing Sera, Arona, or Ardia in the bin. You like a route/sexual dynamic. You choose one and disregard the other. Because the dynamic isn't wholly dependent on the character ALWAYS being a dom.

The characters personality is more than just their bedroom dominance unless you're dealing with an extremely shallow character. Sub Sera wouldn't be even remotely the same degree of popularity if you didn't have tons of her relationship dynamics in addition to the route, the caring for the kids at the nursery, those moments of vulnerability talking about how hard of a go she had of it, getting her business off the ground in a sustainable way this time, seeing her at times without the glimpse of the persona she wears, and yes those rebellious and playful streaks in her interactions.

it'll almost always feel superficial.
An oddly authoritative and clairvoyant statement. Superficial in what way?
Are the differences between sub and dom Berwynn superficial?
Rival and romance Kas?
High and low con Etheryn?
High and low libido Etheryn?
Dom or Sub Arona?

There's also the variety of examples I could pull from TiTS instead
Sera, Gianna, Ardia, etc.
Characters who have two different flavorful aspects of their characters.
Are all of those superficial? You may think so but plenty of people didn't and still enjoy these characters to date.

Writers for these games have shown multiple times in a very dominating fashion that they can handle changes to something as inane as sexual dominance without feeling "superficial"

They've also shown that they're fully equipped to handle multiple types of bedroom dynamics without needing adjustments to a characters personality.

Now as for Cait...
Actually I've done this before. And I'm loathe to retread old ground if I have nothing new to add.

Whatever time is required to split characters could be used on another character or used on the same character without splitting them.
A common complaint across nearly every social space of these games are large amounts of characters/routes that get made and then remain halfbaked.
Shar, Ninian, Sugo, Zuzaan, Rival Kas, etc
Rather than exacerbate a problem that seemingly most spaces agree to be one, making more nuanced NPCs or expansions to them seems like a more ideal option.
Ahrmi wouldn't be even remotely as good as she is now without the dedicated ministrations of her author. Who seems to be doing their damndest to make her the most fleshed out non companion NPC in the game

Unless they get it right on the first time. Which some authors have shown an ability to consistently do.


Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
Here's what you can't seem to understand: time is our most valuable resource and it is limited. If someone splits a character into two, they'll need more (maybe twice) the time to produce content for both of them, potentially neglecting one of them, potentially neglecting what people liked in the first place.

How the hell does your comparison make any sense whatsoever? One is a prolific writer and the other isn't. Gard writing fuck all has no bearing on the fact that TIME IS LIMITED, and everything that we do TAKES TIME.

Whatever time is required to split characters could be used on another character or used on the same character without splitting them.

You also ignored how asking for a complete change of personality and values of one character and being against that for another is contradictory. Moaning about no sub Evelyn while bashing the discord for asking cuckshit for Brienne is hypocrisy. Unless you just dislike cuckshit and want to bash them just for that, but in that case the argument of staying true to the character falls flat.
We huh. Just which salt miner are you then? You should probably take a look back before slinging the word hypocrite around or you might sound like one, not that you care if you're just trolling, because I've never said I had a problem with people wanting alternate content so long as it is optional. You want Wsan to slap on some cuckshit to Bri have at it so long as I can say fuck off to it in my game. Time being limited doesn't mean shit when most of the game devs do nothing with it.


Jan 31, 2022
sub evelyn is still a possibilty while Brienne cuckshit is not what#s so hard to get about that?
No one asked you about what's possible or not, anywhere. Try to keep up and address what I said, or I'll just consider your input worthless and ignore you.

People ask whatever they want. Saying someone is acting out of character to justify not including something and then say it's okay when it's convenient is clear as day hypocrisy. You either set up whatever the fuck rules or you judge things arbitrarily.

These two (Brienne fucking Arona and Evelyn going Sub) are not equivalent
How are they different? Wsan decides what defines his characters, so if we go with that, nothing is set in stone and the discussion is pointless.

One side is asking for some scenes with Arona or whatever character they want and the other is asking for an addition AND a removal of genitals, also scenes that are the complete opposite of her character until now. And you're telling me Brienne's case is more severe?

The same thought you used to justify Evelyn changes could be used to justify Brienne's. "You choose one and disregard the other." I could cite multiple times people went apeshit after seeing options that can simply be ignored. Like Elthara and Brint, Brienne and the hobgoblins and so on. I agree that NTR is vile crap, but it's the same premise: don't interact or choose that.

About characters being more than their sex scenes: yes, it's true, but that's what we interact with most of the time. And what someone does inside a bedroom defines them there, it is a part of them. It's not their entirety, but it's also them, and it's especially true here, since this is a pornographic game. If you ask the BDSM community they will tell you the same, and unless they're switches, they WON'T change their role. Evelyn doesn't look like a switch to me, at all, and that's easily seen when she talks about her past maids.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 28, 2016
Time being limited doesn't mean shit when most of the game devs do nothing with it.
Like who?

From my standpoint, most of the writers put a decent amount of content out. The only person I'd say actually has a really shiity output is Bubbles.
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Active Member
Apr 11, 2018
Like who?

From my standpoint, most of the writers put a decent amount of content out. The only person I'd say actually has a really shiity output is Bubbles.
I was talking mainly about the companions, but the rather pathetic updates lately say get lumped in as well.


Jan 31, 2022
We huh. Just which salt miner are you then? You should probably take a look back before slinging the word hypocrite around or you might sound like one, not that you care if you're just trolling, because I've never said I had a problem with people wanting alternate content so long as it is optional. You want Wsan to slap on some cuckshit to Bri have at it so long as I can say fuck off to it in my game. Time being limited doesn't mean shit when most of the game devs do nothing with it.
Let me tell you something, amigo: the UNIVERSE doesn't give a shit if you or whoever it is wastes their time or not. Every single person gets their share and ONLY their share. Writers doing something or not is irrelevant to a single writer because he cannot SUCK THEIR TIME away to live more. You're wasting yours here and so am I.

I also don't want cuckshit and I've said that multiple times, but you're keen on ignoring that. It shouldn't be in the game (at least for Brienne), not even as an option. There's enough cuckshit ingame already, Jesus fucking Christ.
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