
Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Not to be pedantic or anything, but all these listed scenes are BAD ENDS where the PC becomes a SEX SLAVE. It's incredibly silly to be okay with that scenario, but still expect your meta desire for exclusivity to be respected.
...How is it silly? Because that's what usually happened with sex slaves in real history? That doesn't matter, this is a fictional story in which design docs are regularly ignored and characters change personality on a whim to fit the scene. Smut is escapism and wish fulfillment, nothing else matters unless you're trying to do more than that(which most of those characters and this game in general isn't).
Errantly labeling these ends as "cuck shit" just because they don't cater to the exact dynamics desired comes across as insecure.
Not even going to go into detail on this besides stating that I refuse to believe you've used the internet for any longer than a few months if you believe people being dismissive about something they don't like/care for is "insecure".
in a selfish harem scenario
Ah so it's okay for the non-existent character with no real feelings to be selfish, not the player who is an actual human being. Got it.
It does not pretend otherwise nor ambush you with it. Cait is the first actual character you meet in game and you can both be raped immediately. Cait tells you she's not exclusive the first time you talk about sex and you have to say you're okay with it.
A single character at the start telling you they're not monogamous does not mean the player should expect their partners who have been exclusively fucking them the entire time to suddenly go off and have sex with someone else in front of their face. Refusing to be exclusive and fucking someone else while that person is watching are very different things. Also pretty sure Cait never even intentionally fucks someone else in front of you unless you ask for it so that example doesn't even work very well.
90% of characters in the game are some form of non-monogamous and aren't cagey about that.
What fucking drugs are you on? Seriously. Do I have to list every single recurring monogamous character? I am including NPCs whose scenes only involve the player if they don't explicitly state they're poly(because it's schizo behavior to automatically assume every character is non-monogamous by default). Sub Arona, Brienne, Ryn(formerly/if you let her fuck you), Livrea, Atani, Ahmri, Kiyoko, Senja, Valencia, Lusina, Gwyneth, Aileh, Annika, Arille, Clementine, Drifa, Eryka, Galla, Garth, Janeen, Kaina, Liulfr, Lyla, Miko and Mai, Milly, Nakano, Nihara, Ragnild, Zo- aaaaaand I don't care to go on any longer. Probably got some wrong and missed a few but you get the idea.
Enemies try to rape you regularly, and will often succeed if you're not playing on easy.
You have to be lobotomized to lose more than a handful of times, dude.
The antagonists of the game are a sex cult that corrupt people.
The antagonists of the first game were demons that corrupt people and this wasn't a complaint, what is your point?
My point is, these are all signals from the game telling players that exclusivity and NPC control might be less common than they'd prefer.
That does not mean they should blind-side players with the person that was exclusively fucking only the player to suddenly have sex with another NPC.


New Member
Jun 12, 2022
I see we're utilizing the ever popular "submissive content I don't like is all cuck shit" definition.
They quite literally fuck other people while you don't and in some bad ends are their submissive doormat that manages the harem while they're away. In any sane persons mind that constitutes being cucked. Did you even look at any of the bad ends I mentioned? If you don't have a vagina in Arona's bad end she goes and gets 3 women to fuck, Manticore Girl and Goblin Succubus both start with you as their only submissive and then at the end of the bad end content it mentions them starting a harem. Here are two sections from Kalysea's bad end btw:
"Oh, a visitor," Kalysea says with a smile. "Come closer, dear, I won't hurt you."

"Is- uh, is that your lover?" the adventurer asks, peeking at you.

Kalysea shrugs noncommittally as you slurp loudly at her asshole. "He does whatever I want him to. After he's done eating my ass, I might have him suck my balls for a while. I like to make him work for his dinner before I blow it into his stomach. Don't I, mare?"
"Wonderful," Kalysea says. "What fortune that we ran into each other tonight! Hopefully this is the start of a long, fruitful relationship between us."

"Speaking of..." the adventurer begins, clearing her throat. "Are you and him exclusive, or..?"

"Oh, no," Kalysea says, chuckling. "He only has eyes for me, but I have a very active libido. We have a wonderful understanding that I can be with whoever I like. It would be impossible for any one person to 'handle' me, to put it lightly."
If you don't see why there are people that would find an issue with this despite liking the character beforehand I don't know what to tell you.

You want to know the difference between these bad ends and the "sex slave" bad ends in CoC and TiTS? In those games they don't add a little footnote at the end where the other party started a harem and try to make you feel better by adding "but you were still their favorite" at the end or the character that bad ended you already mentioned having a harem to begin with.

In CoC most of the bad ends already have harems like Ceraph or the Omnibus but you know the difference? Those bad ends are centered around their interactions with you and not going into detail about how they fuck the rest of their harem.

Ardia, Kaska, Urbolg, Jerynn, Luca, Xotchi, Jasvalla, and many others all have bad ends in TiTS but you don't see them start fucking other people in those bad ends even though you're their sex slave. Even the Nyrea Alpha bad end where you end up a part of her harem (one of the best bad ends because of the SOLO content) doesn't end with talking about how she fucked her harem while you sucked her balls and hyped her up. Why can't we have that in CoC2? Oh wait I know, it's a power fantasy!


Nov 13, 2019
The game thrusts(heh) upon you scenes of the person you're fucking going around having sex with someone else without your permission. There isn't any hinting towards it. Not too hard to see why someone might think that way, even if there isn't really romantic feelings involved.

I may be submissive but that doesn't mean I like when the characters domming me go fuck someone else in front of my face.
Almost like its a bad ending or something idk
Dec 16, 2021
...How is it silly? Because that's what usually happened with sex slaves in real history? That doesn't matter, this is a fictional story in which design docs are regularly ignored and characters change personality on a whim to fit the scene. Smut is escapism and wish fulfillment, nothing else matters unless you're trying to do more than that(which most of those characters and this game in general isn't).
Historical examples have little to do with it, though that should probably inform your expectation somewhat by association. But no, it's silly to me because of the very fantasy you're referring to. It's a fantasy where you opt into being a sex slave, either willingly or unwillingly. When has it ever been common practice in a fantasy like this to add the caveat of "Um actually, I'm only your mindless sex slave if you don't fuck other people in front of me. That's just disrespectful"? It's patently ridiculous, especially in a game already littered with rape and non-monogamous content. This is doubly true of BAD ENDS in said game, where your own wishes will probably be discarded to some extent because the ending is, as is in the name, supposed to be BAD outcome for the game's narrative or the PC's well-being.

Now, am I saying you can't want to be someone's sex slave without having your agency violated in some way? No, not at all. I think it would be nice to have more scenes that cater to that interest. That's the thing though, there are already plenty of doms that will treat you as a sex sleeve without doing that in this very game! Maybe you want more? I have no complaints if that's the case, but that's not my point. My point is that those getting indignant about the few doms who act outside their comfort zone, especially in a BAD END, look silly to me.

Not even going to go into detail on this besides stating that I refuse to believe you've used the internet for any longer than a few months if you believe people being dismissive about something they don't like/care for is "insecure".
"Dismissive" far from the word I would use to describe them. I think it's clear what it is, but if you don't want to call it insecurity then there are a plethora of other options. Sensitive? Inarticulate? Childish? Look at the many petulant, angry posts in this thread and open a dictionary. You'll find something apt, I'm sure.

Ah so it's okay for the non-existent character with no real feelings to be selfish, not the player who is an actual human being. Got it.
You got nothing, because that's not what I said nor what I implied. Calling it a "selfish harem" was merely referring to the fantasy of being in a harem where you are the center and your lovers never express interest in anyone other than you. I was merely describing the dynamic taking place in said fantasy, not casting aspersions upon those who enjoy it. I can see how you would have taken it that way though, so I could have defined that better. Sorry to offend.

A single character at the start telling you they're not monogamous does not mean the player should expect their partners who have been exclusively fucking them the entire time to suddenly go off and have sex with someone else in front of their face. Refusing to be exclusive and fucking someone else while that person is watching are very different things. Also pretty sure Cait never even intentionally fucks someone else in front of you unless you ask for it so that example doesn't even work very well.
There are several scenes of Cait fucking other people in front of the PC regardless of their input, but that's of little consequence to your point. I agree that Cait on her own would not be a good enough sign to the player of what to expect, and that's why I listed all those other things too. They're all supposed to work in tandem to set the stage.

What fucking drugs are you on? Seriously. Do I have to list every single recurring monogamous character? I am including NPCs whose scenes only involve the player if they don't explicitly state they're poly(because it's schizo behavior to automatically assume every character is non-monogamous by default). Sub Arona, Brienne, Ryn(formerly/if you let her fuck you), Livrea, Atani, Ahmri, Kiyoko, Senja, Valencia, Lusina, Gwyneth, Aileh, Annika, Arille, Clementine, Drifa, Eryka, Galla, Garth, Janeen, Kaina, Liulfr, Lyla, Miko and Mai, Milly, Nakano, Nihara, Ragnild, Zo- aaaaaand I don't care to go on any longer. Probably got some wrong and missed a few but you get the idea.
Yes, you did get several of those examples wrong, but I'm not nitpicking them individually because that's beside the point you're making. The crux of the argument is that there are many monogamous characters and that I'm being too liberal with my 90% figure, right? I'd disagree. The vast majority of characters with sex scenes are willing or imply a willingness to sleep around, which kind of goes against the whole idea that they're actually monogamous IMO. Thus, in the absence of them saying anything to the contrary, I assume they are some form of non-monogamous. That, and also the game's lore states that monogamy is a lot less common in-universe than it is IRL. These facts, combined with the content of the game, give a crystal clear impression to me. Even if we disagree, I don't really see what's so outlandish about my statement here. But whatever, it's not that material to the greater discussion either way.

You have to be lobotomized to lose more than a handful of times, dude.
Okay? Maybe you're better at the game than I am. That isn't really the gotcha you're making it out to be though, because losing in combat is a way the game conveys to players that group sex, rape, etc, are normal parts of this world and not usually a game over. It is an intentional normalization, one that you and many others have obviously not benefited from in avoiding.

The antagonists of the first game were demons that corrupt people and this wasn't a complaint, what is your point?
The game uses it to set the tone? It contributes to what I was saying about the game signaling what it's about to you as a player? I don't think it's hard to understand.

As far as it not having been a complaint back in the kinda was? Not as much the idea of being cucked, but that is a difference in focus between COC1 and COC2. 2 has more companion sexual interaction as its focus, so obviously it would reflect that, but it's not like COC1 didn't have parallels. Losing in COC1 would often impose transformations, heavy corruption, unwanted sex, negative effects, bad ends, etc, and plenty of people did not like having their boundaries violated then either. I said then what I say now: I understand not liking it, but it's part of the game. If you do not like it, mod it out or don't play it.

That does not mean they should blind-side players with the person that was exclusively fucking only the player to suddenly have sex with another NPC.
See, you framed your initial response as a matter of it just "not being to your taste", but your tone belies that. You do not sound like you don't want to be surprised with this content, it sounds like you simply do not want it in the game. And hey, like I said before, it's fine if you don't like it, but why play this game? Go play TITS or COC1. Their content does not lean so hard in this direction. I wager you'd enjoy the experiences they have to offer much more.

As for what's actualy being said here, as I've stated many times now, I cannot disagree enough. The game really does not blind-side people with its content at all. COC2 very clearly telegraphs the vast, vast majority of its fetish content. Is every single instance perfect? No, but the pattern is unmistakeable and you have only yourself to blame if you ignore it.
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Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
When has it ever been common practice in a fantasy like this to add the caveat of "Um actually, I'm only your mindless sex slave if you don't fuck other people in front of me. That's just disrespectful"?
The PC is not mindless in almost all these circumstances. Pretty important distinction to make because... yeah it's pretty normal for stuff like that to not pointlessly include extraneous fucking of more characters if the self-insert is supposed to have their faculties.
That's the thing though, there are already plenty of doms that will treat you as a sex sleeve without doing that in this very game!
Would be great if you could list them because the only ones that come to mind are Evelynn and Orlaith.
My point is that those getting indignant about the few doms who act outside their comfort zone, especially in a BAD END, look silly to me.
I'll agree complaining about easily avoidable bad ends that aren't up your alley is silly. However, I don't think that means they're instantly free from criticism. Pretty much all the fuss could be avoided by hinting from the character themselves that there will be voyeurism/sharing content. For Kalysea as example, it could just be introduced into her "Journey" talk tab pretty easily. Or for a more general example, include a line of dirty talk about being in their harem in a sex scene leading up to a bad end.
Calling it a "selfish harem" was merely referring to the fantasy of being in a harem where you are the center and your lovers never express interest in anyone other than you.
So then just say harem. If you are not in the center and the lovers express interest in other people, then it's not a harem(at least, not from the reader's perspective). It's just polyamory at that point.
Okay? Maybe you're better at the game than I am. That isn't really the gotcha you're making it out to be though, because losing in combat is a way the game conveys to players that group sex, rape, etc, are normal parts of this world and not usually a game over. It is an intentional normalization, one that you and many others have obviously not benefited from in avoiding.
Was not trying to do a gotcha, just genuinely surprised someone can lose in this game regularly unintentionally.

I mean winning in combat conveys the same point with victory sex and everybody here has played CoC1 and/or TiTS. I don't think that's a good example though as pretty much every instance of those games having group sex as a loss scene focuses entirely on the player. Even when it comes to this game, loss scenes involving party members are pretty uncommon.
Not as much the idea of being cucked, but that is a difference in focus between COC1 and COC2. 2 has more companion sexual interaction as its focus, so obviously it would reflect that,
That's... not really obvious at all. I mean obviously it opens the door more but it's not some foregone conclusion. Especially with the cuck content in this game being kinda laughable in terms of how sparse and underwhelming it is and how PC-centric the game still is.
See, you framed your initial response as a matter of it just "not being to your taste", but your tone belies that. You do not sound like you don't want to be surprised with this content, it sounds like you simply do not want it in the game.
This is why you should not assume someone's tone in text unless it's extremely obvious. I don't care very much if it's in or not, I can ignore scenes I don't like. Plus I'm into NTR so uh.... yeah.
COC2 very clearly telegraphs the vast, vast majority of its fetish content. Is every single instance perfect? No
I am simply advocating for those instances that doesn't telegraph them well enough to do a better job of it. I'll use Kalysea as an example one last time because it has the most amount of content pertaining to this subject and is the most apt. For the entire duration of her content, the PC is the only one involved with her. Even when the party is mentioned, Kalysea simply tells them to go away so she can sex the player. The only time anybody else is involved is when the PC goes out of their way to suggest Eubicha to also have sex with her, and then she gets overworld events with Kalysea afterwards. I'm fine with that, as it is ultimately the player's choice for that to happen and it's not too hard to imagine she would want to have sex with her again afterwards. What I am not as fine with is Kalysea just fucking some random lady without even asking if we're fine with it. If the PC was a mindless sex drone, sure that would make sense. But the PC is still capable of thought and have feelings, even if they're addicted to her musk or whatever. That scene would sting more for someone who isn't as okay with it as I am and didn't even opt in to the Eubicha sex scenes, so for them it would be completely out of left field.

If they wanna keep the scene as is, just have her allude to wanting a harem at some point. There are dozens of ways that can be done without seeming intrusive, and it would allude to what might happen in the Bad End. Transparency. That's all I'm asking for.
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Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
The 4chan general and wiki being dead aren't good looks for the game. If I was a dev I would have seen that as a red flag that something needs to change. Since with the general dying, it means less being talking about the game, which means less potential customers giving me their money for my product.
4chan general, are we talking about the same CoC or CoCII?
Dec 16, 2021
The PC is not mindless in almost all these circumstances. Pretty important distinction to make because... yeah it's pretty normal for stuff like that to not pointlessly include extraneous fucking of more characters if the self-insert is supposed to have their faculties.
I'll admit to using the phrase "mindless" a bit liberally here. If the PC opts to give up their goals, aspirations, and everything important in life to fuck/get fucked, then I consider that tantamount to being mindless. They're not really the same character anymore and don't function as a person outside of sex, so it strikes me as such, but that is a misleading way for me to phrase it. My bad.

I disagree that it's pointless though. I think that the intent behind including these details in the bad ends, at least in my opinion, is to elevate the writer's fantasy of the sex slave scenario. If it doesn't do it for you then I understand why those additions would undermine your appreciation for them instead, and I think that's completely fair in a vacuum. I really only take issue with these scenes being framed as cuckoldry, because the comparisons are incredibly spurious at best. The dynamics and intent just do not match with what's put to paper. If you employ the logic some of these people then you might as well call every person in a harem other than the center a cuck.

Would be great if you could list them because the only ones that come to mind are Evelynn and Orlaith.
Depends on your orientation and interests.

Sans Evelyn, Orlaith, and Kalysea, other good futa/dickgirl options include: Dom Arona (Obvious choice, but has a lot of content. Kind of a pain in the ass though since you can't usually pick her sex scenes), Kasyrra (Another obvious choice, but her sex scenes have a large amount of content. Especially if you're romancing her), Mara (Centaur, has a lot of additional stuff if you send her to the slime ranch, can fuck Eubicha), Klemaia (Marefolk, gives you the experience of being part of a harem), Oxana (Tanuki, has a lot of scene variance and can include Cait, in-depth mind control-esque progression without a bad end), Meira (Tanuki, good amount of content with minor variation after you finish Oxana's fox den quest, touches on some of the same mind control as Oxana without any long lasting effects), Hashat (Half-Marefolk, has extra content with elves, can fuck Etheryn), Edessari/Wredi/Naiyana (Pairing these three together because they have a ton of content as a group. They have extra content if you marry Atani and cure Sariel IIRC. Can include Cait and Sariel), Lyla (Human, has SPH and petplay scenes alongside normal dom stuff, has a threesome with Oxana), Seastone (Siorcanna, has alpha/beta oriented sex, has harem options as well), Rixx (Goblin, very dom themed, has tentacle sex as well).

Not sure if you like men or not, so I'll keep this list shorter: Brint (Obvious choice, but has a ton of content and progression), Behemoth (Corrupted Centaur, has some big size difference focus IIRC), Berwyn (Another obvious choice, but has a lot of good content for dom and brat sub stuff. Can also be turned fem or futa after his quest is done), Sugo (Femboy Centaur, interesting interactions with Cait, has one of the only more cuckoldry oriented scenes in the game via a dream), Nikol (Femboy Mino, can be made more dommy or subby as you interact with him).

All these characters have dom scenes, but some are more dom than others. I'm hesitant to put them on a domming scale because your preferences will play a big part in how much they do for you. If you're curious about anyone in particular then feel free to ask. There are vag only femdom options as well, but they're pretty rare so I didn't list them. Again though, happy to share if you want.

I'll agree complaining about easily avoidable bad ends that aren't up your alley is silly. However, I don't think that means they're instantly free from criticism. Pretty much all the fuss could be avoided by hinting from the character themselves that there will be voyeurism/sharing content. For Kalysea as example, it could just be introduced into her "Journey" talk tab pretty easily. Or for a more general example, include a line of dirty talk about being in their harem in a sex scene leading up to a bad end.
I completely agree that they aren't free from critique. In fact, I think anyone discouraging criticism is doing the game and the community a great disservice. Being able to give feedback is very important, as there's almost always something to glean from it.

So then just say harem. If you are not in the center and the lovers express interest in other people, then it's not a harem(at least, not from the reader's perspective). It's just polyamory at that point.
I agree that it's not your harem if you're not the center AND the lovers express interest in other people, but that's not the situation I was defining. I was calling it a "selfish harem" specifically because I wanted to delineate between harem types. I think, for example, a harem where you are the center, but everyone else is in an otherwise committed relationship is still a harem. Sure, the members of the harem have someone else they're with outside of you, but you are the single point by which they're all otherwise orbiting. Likewise, I would say a harem where some members are together in little pockets is still a harem, it's just got poly dynamics sprinkled in.

Not to muddy the conversation, I just think harems are more complicated and flexible than many might give them credit for, and thus I think a bit of refined terminology can help. Clearly it didn't in this case, since it gave the wrong impression, but I blame that on my poor word choice rather than the desire to differentiate.

I mean winning in combat conveys the same point with victory sex and everybody here has played CoC1 and/or TiTS. I don't think that's a good example though as pretty much every instance of those games having group sex as a loss scene focuses entirely on the player. Even when it comes to this game, loss scenes involving party members are pretty uncommon.
I think the winning sex scenes serve a similar purpose, but I don't think it's entirely one to one because players will not internalize it the same way. It does serve to reinforce the notion of rape and sex being normal in the world, but I think winning consistently and getting sex as a reward actually makes the idea of player control stronger in their mind. That's fine on its own, though I think it's at odds with what the loss sex scenes normalize. I think the game could do a better job of balancing it, honestly, because I feel like this incongruence is a large reason why some players take the sex scenes where they lose control so poorly. Aside from, y'know, maybe just not liking the idea of rape/being raped, but not sure if there's any getting around that hurdle from a development standpoint. Not in this game, anyway.

That's... not really obvious at all. I mean obviously it opens the door more but it's not some foregone conclusion. Especially with the cuck content in this game being kinda laughable in terms of how sparse and underwhelming it is and how PC-centric the game still is.
Personally I think it's the obvious way to take things given the increased focus on NPC group sex and multiple full time companion relationships, but I understand what you mean. I'd agree it wasn't necessarily foregone conclusion if the game weren't so far along. After all, it could have gone many directions in theory, but the way the devs/writers chose to implement and focus on it leaves the preferred direction very clear IMO.

I agree the actual cuckoldry content is severely lacking. I understand the devs don't want NTR, but we could at least get some NTS or something since it's very adjecent to swinging already. Even the better examples that touch on cuckoldry, such as the loss scenes with Arona or when you bet Cait against Sandre & Caera, feel lacking since they have no lasting impact. Ironically the newest additions with Sandre & Caera are some of the closest cucking content we've had so far, and it's the player pseudo-cucking Sandre with Caera when betting away their dicks. Oh well, maybe in the future.

This is why you should not assume someone's tone in text unless it's extremely obvious. I don't care very much if it's in or not, I can ignore scenes I don't like. Plus I'm into NTR so uh.... yeah.
Fair enough, I just wasn't getting that impression at all from your posts.

I am simply advocating for those instances that doesn't telegraph them well enough to do a better job of it.


...Transparency. That's all I'm asking for.
I'd love to get in the weeds on the details of Kalysea's route, but I'm a bit short on time unfortunately. Would be happy to circle back to that at a later date, if you're willing and the thread hasn't moved on too far. I think discussing the fine details of what could be done better or worse in a route is good fun.

That aside, I don't think there's anything wrong with wanting more clarity and transparency. I think most porn games, especially text based ones like these, would benefit from the practice holistically. As I said, I think COC2 does a fine job setting the expectations for its content broadly, but that certainly doesn't mean it can't be refined. I'm not against that in the slightest. The issue I have is primarily with this branch of fetishism being singled out, as if unprompted group sex is something particularly out there and egregious in a game with forced transformation, rape, snuff, etc.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
They quite literally fuck other people while you don't and in some bad ends are their submissive doormat that manages the harem while they're away. In any sane persons mind that constitutes being cucked. Did you even look at any of the bad ends I mentioned? If you don't have a vagina in Arona's bad end she goes and gets 3 women to fuck, Manticore Girl and Goblin Succubus both start with you as their only submissive and then at the end of the bad end content it mentions them starting a harem. Here are two sections from Kalysea's bad end btw:

If you don't see why there are people that would find an issue with this despite liking the character beforehand I don't know what to tell you.

You want to know the difference between these bad ends and the "sex slave" bad ends in CoC and TiTS? In those games they don't add a little footnote at the end where the other party started a harem and try to make you feel better by adding "but you were still their favorite" at the end or the character that bad ended you already mentioned having a harem to begin with.

In CoC most of the bad ends already have harems like Ceraph or the Omnibus but you know the difference? Those bad ends are centered around their interactions with you and not going into detail about how they fuck the rest of their harem.

Ardia, Kaska, Urbolg, Jerynn, Luca, Xotchi, Jasvalla, and many others all have bad ends in TiTS but you don't see them start fucking other people in those bad ends even though you're their sex slave. Even the Nyrea Alpha bad end where you end up a part of her harem (one of the best bad ends because of the SOLO content) doesn't end with talking about how she fucked her harem while you sucked her balls and hyped her up. Why can't we have that in CoC2? Oh wait I know, it's a power fantasy!
Wait ardia and jasvalla have a bad end? what?

Walk Cycle

Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
Wait ardia and jasvalla have a bad end? what?
Ardia doesn't. I would be the second person to know after the author because I'm Ardia's #1 Simp. The only bad end where Ardia appears is if you lose to Agrosh in Zheng Shi.

Jasvalla does though. She transforms and trains you as her loyal housewife/trophy. But it requires losing to her three times, having a pussy and undergoing her training sessions in her Tavros apartments.


Active Member
Sep 6, 2019
Snip about dom characters
Appreciate the list, though I thought you specifically meant there were more femdom characters who treaded the fine line of treating you somewhat nicely while also being very dominant. Unfortunately I already know of most of those characters but it's a good comprehensive list I'll come back to if I forget any of 'em.
I'd love to get in the weeds on the details of Kalysea's route, but I'm a bit short on time unfortunately. Would be happy to circle back to that at a later date, if you're willing and the thread hasn't moved on too far. I think discussing the fine details of what could be done better or worse in a route is good fun.
I'd be fine with that. I think her content is overall fine and I do like it, I just think the ending seems a little out of place.

Speaking of doms, I really wish there was a really gentle dom in one of these games. Aside from that mommy kaithrit that was added in TiTS, I can't really think of any. Wish there were more, I'm an absolute simp for characters like that.
Aug 4, 2017
Woah, whats with the mixed reviews? Ive never played the sequel but whats with all the torches and pitchforks around "netorare"? is it just a couple of encounters or is it really that bad?

Walk Cycle

Active Member
Dec 18, 2018
Woah, whats with the mixed reviews? Ive never played the sequel but whats with all the torches and pitchforks around "netorare"? is it just a couple of encounters or is it really that bad?
People are just miffed about the lack of choice in this game in general. From the transformation system (you can't transform into exotic body types like taurs and nagas) to sex scenes. Futas have more staying power compared to anyone else (yes Skandranon if you're reading this I know there are more women than futas in the game, but I'm talking in terms of content invested in them). The campaign is pretty railroady and then there's the Skubtastic Kitsune Den, where the community is divided whether it's a realistic depiction of being an outsider in a racist society or The Observer's shitty Magical Realm.


Jun 11, 2021
People are just miffed about the lack of choice in this game in general. From the transformation system (you can't transform into exotic body types like taurs and nagas) to sex scenes. Futas have more staying power compared to anyone else (yes Skandranon if you're reading this I know there are more women than futas in the game, but I'm talking in terms of content invested in them). The campaign is pretty railroady and then there's the Skubtastic Kitsune Den, where the community is divided whether it's a realistic depiction of being an outsider in a racist society or The Observer's shitty Magical Realm.
Dont forget no pOwEr FaNtAsY because that will be too much wouldnt it.


Well-Known Member
Aug 27, 2022
for some of us the fact that its meant to be a sequel to the much loved CoCI and on top of that also doesnt follow its own design docs makes us mad.
*Dissapointed more like.CoC1 had its problems and especially its end was horrendous but when it begun it was a unique experience which im sure many(myself included) enjoyed.The thing with the fenoxo games and why so many people shit on the devs and the writing and what not is because we actually like these games and believe that with enough effort they could achieve their potential.

Anyways that was enough positivity for the next 100 pages.


Well-Known Member
May 25, 2020
I guess we could say that well CoC legit has some kind of true fandom at this point and atleast some of us held on this long because we want fen and the game todo good. For real tho some of us have the fury of the fans seen in the marvel/dc fandoms.
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