
May 14, 2017
Very small bitching here concerning the gameplay options (but i do care about the game mechanics so it still bothers the hell out of me) why are the options so limiting during character creation? we have:

1) Some stats you can boost up to +3 with your choices (Presence, Toughness, Willpower and Agility) which is the vast mayority so you'd expect to be able to do it with every stat on more "specialized builds" right? Wrong, Strength can only be raised a max of +2 (which is weird since is one of the 3 methods for attacking, why does Tease & Magic builds get a +3 but Physical only gets a +2?) and it gets even worse with Cunning that's just a measley +1 and ONLY in the options that allow it, which takes me to the next point.

2) Why are stat options blocked depending on the Character Class? you're further taking control away from the player not letting them make whatever wacky build they can think of, but you don't even follow your own biased Stat suggestions on each Class (Example: Thief class has a suggestion saying you should boost "Strenght, Agility and Cunning right? well too bad only Mages and Charmer get to boost Cunning, you CAN'T even do their stupid ass suggestion for the build) but hey they don't take away your freedom without offering something right? indeed they offer two options on the Backstory section that just boost...the same stat so they are...repeating themselves without offering any variety in stat selection...why is this still a thing?

There rant done, can only hope this gets fixed someday (considering they fixed the Warrior's passive not too long ago there's hope for those of us that give a fuck about the game mechanics)
That is a weird design choice, I'd assume they'd add some new classes or races to at least make the bonuses equal, but according to them that's a hard no. There reason being, they want give your blank slate protagonist a reason to be there, but if orcs are possible why not goblins, that would at least help out Cunning a bit.

There are some other weird design choices like the fact that you can't roleplay a monk, because you can't fight unarmed. There a chick who gives you free access to the ranger abilities, but the class itself doesn't exist because they said so. And your character can't learn the ability fly because they're scared it would force people to grow wings, or break game balance. In a single player game. Just to name a few


Mar 16, 2021
As far as i understand each point in damage reduction acts as a % that reduces the damage you take when attacked, but it only works until 75, after that any extra padding you get in that damage reduction is pretty much pointless (i just tend to mismatch my armor to try and get everything as close to 75 as possible, ends up making all my characters quite tanky.)

No idea what determines our ability to score criticals, but if you can equip a shield that pretty much makes it impossible for enemies to crit you as far as i understand.
^v^, you didn't solve my question, just recite it, but you reminded me that I can post picture here.

I have said, in game, it has two contrary description, one of them is what you said. DR_1.png
the damage calculating formula is "Reduced_Damage=Original_Damage*(1-Damage_Reduction%)"<Function I>, Damage_Reduction is capped at 75.
And another description is here: DR_2.png
In this case, you can manage to figure out the damage calculating formula is Reduced_Damage = Original_Damage/(1+Damage_Reduction%)<Function II>, as same as the damage calculating formula in another video game 'Vainglory', and in this case(<Function II>) you don't need to cap Damage_Reduction ,because the damage will never be reduced to Zer0.
Here is the example in the picture below. You have 200 HP and 20 Armor, the enemy's attack is 50 HP per hit, without Armor ,you can only take 4 (200/50=4) hits. Here are the two different cases.
if <Function II> is employed, the reduced damage will be 50/1.2 (50/(1+20%)=50/1.2), so you can take 4.8 (200/(50/1.2)=200/50*1.2=4.8) hits, compared to the origin 4 hits, your effective HP becomes 1.2 (4.8/4=1.2) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 240 (200*1.2=240), matching the description in the picture below.
However, if the <Function I> is true ,the reduced damage will be reduced to 40 (50*(1-20%)=50*0.8=40), you can take 5 (200/40=5) hits instead of 4.8 hits, meaning your effective HP becomes 1.25 (5/4=1.25) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 250 (200*1.25=250), contrary to the description in the picture below.
So here comes the question, which of the damage calculating function is true, <Function I> or <Function II> ?
And what caused this mismatch ? a team cooperation failure (one writes description, another makes code) or just due to your poor mathematics knowledge (failed to count the effective HP in the description, ^v^) In last case, envy that you don't need to pass complicated math quiz, most students in China need to participate in complicated calculation like conic equation which is usually calculated by computer in 21th centuries.


Nov 10, 2017
Is the second gem puzzle in the game true, but is the FIRST puzzle to use the term "Adjacent" to reffer to gem's locations (every other puzzle used words like east/west/northeast/southwest/etc) so when you see the word Adjacent you ASSUME it means shit like "Diagonal" right? but then there's 2 gems using the word Adjacent on themselves, and one of them meant TO THE FUCKING LEFT!
Which would be adjacent as the word means "next to or adjoining something else" which would be your next door neighbor for example. You might be thinking of adjacent angles?


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Is the bush cock bugged? Its supposed to accommodate all dick scene sizes since it can be any size but that dosen't seem to be the case.


May 26, 2020
Is anyone else confused why the game's wiki page hasn't been updated?
From my understanding they have no one who cares enough to update it. Part of that there are more people who would update the wiki if they had access to the source code as it makes it much easier to fill the wiki out. People don't want to volunteer filling out the wiki when its harder to do. Any of Tob's characters tend to be filled out because Tobs updates the wiki entries for his own characters.
I was joking around when I implied your companions can knock up other people. I mean logically that makes sense, the journal may be a two-faced lie at times, but I don't think they'd disregard that only Cait's sterile. Key question, why would I pay (a princely sum) for someone else to knock her up? Garth gives you rooms for free, I doubt your friends are that stripped for money.
It isn't like electrum is hard to get, but it still feels weird then that we pay for Salwah when sex is so easy to get and then we put in the work of helping out on establishing a temple to their god. I would be much more interested if there was a quest of some sort or some story. Paying money just seems boring, even if it makes sense for the character. I don't hate Gwyn's style of donating to the daycare, possibly because it actually results in a built up description of the place. I'm not 100% sure why I don't exactly care for paying for a womb. Maybe it reminds me too much of Ferengi womb renting? It certainly isn't romantic sounding.

Maybe a better way to implement it would be to invest money into the temple of mallach similar to Gwyn, where the more money you invest the more options for services are unlocked like asphyxiating Salwah (related to reply below). If you decide not to set up the temple, then Salwah charging the money makes sense.

Also, really annoying, if you click "Sex" option for Salway the money is taken from you and you can't back out. Like come on, at least show the options of scenes before taking the money. Basic game design. It isn't like the amount of money matters, and I can just skip past the scenes if none interest me, but it shows a lack of care in the UI when they have been making the game for this long. At least 3 people missed this (writer, editor, programmer, code reviewer).
I would honestly far prefer him to be completely limited to just the Kitsune. My character simply does not exist for Tobs. "Putting words in your mouth" taken to an extreme.
You are correct that he puts words in your mouth, and he does it in a sort of way that might be missed. It's a consistent issue across his random dialogue option system (where you click a simple option like "Jassira" as a topic and get a random exposition dump). Example in spoiler.

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Bold added by me. Apparently the PC's entire words were: "Are there only catfolk in Jassira?" "Oh." and "Harsh.", but the PC definitely asked about how the lupines should act more in their self interest. I happened to be playing a lupine as well so this comes off even more insulting by chance.

This kind of dialogue talk option happens in all of Tobs work. I'm pretty sure he's done the "Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to" in multiple of his characters. It annoys me when the character doesn't even ask the damn question in the minimal dialogue given to the player. Instead, the PC doesn't say it but the character instead implies the PC said it. It's the character in game now putting words into the PC's mouth.

Which then brings up the idea that Salwah apparently is suggesting (as a lupine) that the PC should form a government around lupines like the Jassiran government. Okay, cool, but does she not realize that would mean that creating a temple of Mallach would actually be contrary to that goal? Why is she currently arguing against the best chance she has at getting away from her politically corrupt temple?

If she doesn't realize where she is going wrong, then why wouldn't my PC with high cunning realize where she goes wrong here? I could understand the PC not wanting to be a dick about it if she was being nice, but she just played the "Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to" card.

It also starts bringing further to the forefront about whether creating this temple is Salwah and Cait taking advantage of us. This is obviously an investment opportunity. I want stock options!

Having the character respond to what your PC didn't actually say (but is implied to have) also makes the PC seem extremely easy to walk over. If you take the PC's basic generic dialogue at face value, it seems like the PC are getting yelled at for no reason and don't have the courage to speak up for themselves.

I don't think this would matter as much if it wasn't such a consistent problem. It's possible the other writers have this problem.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Having the character respond to what your PC didn't actually say (but is implied to have) also makes the PC seem extremely easy to walk over. If you take the PC's basic generic dialogue at face value, it seems like the PC are getting yelled at for no reason and don't have the courage to speak up for themselves.
exactly my issue with a lot of tobs content

his ideal protag is a doormat moron to serve his novel-rejects and he forces that onto you


Jun 20, 2017
^v^, you didn't solve my question, just recite it, but you reminded me that I can post picture here.

I have said, in game, it has two contrary description, one of them is what you said. View attachment 1174927
the damage calculating formula is "Reduced_Damage=Original_Damage*(1-Damage_Reduction%)"<Function I>, Damage_Reduction is capped at 75.
And another description is here: View attachment 1174934
In this case, you can manage to figure out the damage calculating formula is Reduced_Damage = Original_Damage/(1+Damage_Reduction%)<Function II>, as same as the damage calculating formula in another video game 'Vainglory', and in this case(<Function II>) you don't need to cap Damage_Reduction ,because the damage will never be reduced to Zer0.
Here is the example in the picture below. You have 200 HP and 20 Armor, the enemy's attack is 50 HP per hit, without Armor ,you can only take 4 (200/50=4) hits. Here are the two different cases.
if <Function II> is employed, the reduced damage will be 50/1.2 (50/(1+20%)=50/1.2), so you can take 4.8 (200/(50/1.2)=200/50*1.2=4.8) hits, compared to the origin 4 hits, your effective HP becomes 1.2 (4.8/4=1.2) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 240 (200*1.2=240), matching the description in the picture below.
However, if the <Function I> is true ,the reduced damage will be reduced to 40 (50*(1-20%)=50*0.8=40), you can take 5 (200/40=5) hits instead of 4.8 hits, meaning your effective HP becomes 1.25 (5/4=1.25) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 250 (200*1.25=250), contrary to the description in the picture below.
So here comes the question, which of the damage calculating function is true, <Function I> or <Function II> ?
And what caused this mismatch ? a team cooperation failure (one writes description, another makes code) or just due to your poor mathematics knowledge (failed to count the effective HP in the description, ^v^) In last case, envy that you don't need to pass complicated math quiz, most students in China need to participate in complicated calculation like conic equation which is usually calculated by computer in 21th centuries.
Uhhhhh, Ah yes I see...


Jul 12, 2017
Can we jsut take a moment to appreciate that, tobs or not, a major game-changing plot line was introducted and then finished within a single patch cycle? Like damn, where was that fucking drive when it was THIS AMULET BINDS YOU? Oh wait it didnt involve Savin's pet cat slut then

Also, so as to keep the topic proper, what are the new imp mob scenes? Is that the band you can fight or the group that sneaks into your inn room?


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
^v^, you didn't solve my question, just recite it, but you reminded me that I can post picture here.

I have said, in game, it has two contrary description, one of them is what you said. View attachment 1174927
the damage calculating formula is "Reduced_Damage=Original_Damage*(1-Damage_Reduction%)"<Function I>, Damage_Reduction is capped at 75.
And another description is here: View attachment 1174934
In this case, you can manage to figure out the damage calculating formula is Reduced_Damage = Original_Damage/(1+Damage_Reduction%)<Function II>, as same as the damage calculating formula in another video game 'Vainglory', and in this case(<Function II>) you don't need to cap Damage_Reduction ,because the damage will never be reduced to Zer0.
Here is the example in the picture below. You have 200 HP and 20 Armor, the enemy's attack is 50 HP per hit, without Armor ,you can only take 4 (200/50=4) hits. Here are the two different cases.
if <Function II> is employed, the reduced damage will be 50/1.2 (50/(1+20%)=50/1.2), so you can take 4.8 (200/(50/1.2)=200/50*1.2=4.8) hits, compared to the origin 4 hits, your effective HP becomes 1.2 (4.8/4=1.2) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 240 (200*1.2=240), matching the description in the picture below.
However, if the <Function I> is true ,the reduced damage will be reduced to 40 (50*(1-20%)=50*0.8=40), you can take 5 (200/40=5) hits instead of 4.8 hits, meaning your effective HP becomes 1.25 (5/4=1.25) times of your origin HP, meaning your effective HP is 250 (200*1.25=250), contrary to the description in the picture below.
So here comes the question, which of the damage calculating function is true, <Function I> or <Function II> ?
And what caused this mismatch ? a team cooperation failure (one writes description, another makes code) or just due to your poor mathematics knowledge (failed to count the effective HP in the description, ^v^) In last case, envy that you don't need to pass complicated math quiz, most students in China need to participate in complicated calculation like conic equation which is usually calculated by computer in 21th centuries.
Am I misreading this or are you legitimately nation wanking on a porn site????


Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
Can we jsut take a moment to appreciate that, tobs or not, a major game-changing plot line was introducted and then finished within a single patch cycle? Like damn, where was that fucking drive when it was THIS AMULET BINDS YOU? Oh wait it didnt involve Savin's pet cat slut then

Also, so as to keep the topic proper, what are the new imp mob scenes? Is that the band you can fight or the group that sneaks into your inn room?
If you defeat old roaming band of imps, you get to pimp.
Last edited:


Sep 2, 2018
Man Cait's fine but I'm not really into her and the prostitute gimmick. I say gimmick because thats the "hat" she wears to make her guide her content like Erythns chastity bottom thing. I'd be fine with it if she didnt seem to just absorb so much more content then other characters.

Especially with companions like Atugia who have comparatively nothing or any of the various other npcs with sparse content.


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Man Cait's fine but I'm not really into her and the prostitute gimmick. I say gimmick because thats the "hat" she wears to make her guide her content like Erythns chastity bottom thing. I'd be fine with it if she didnt seem to just absorb so much more content then other characters.

Especially with companions like Atugia who have comparatively nothing or any of the various other npcs with sparse content.
The thing is its all up to the writer, Cait gets a lot of content because Savin can write ton of stuff for his characters (its his main job afterall) plus she's easy to write about since its no different to human there's nothing unique or heavy required about generic catgirl that's a turbo slut.

While Atugia's is more bottom heavy headless Dullahan and her writer isn't very active.
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Sep 2, 2018
The thing is its all up to the writer, Cait gets a lot of content because Savin can write ton of stuff for his characters (its his main job afterall) plus she's easy to write about since its no different to human there's nothing unique or heavy required about generic catgirl that's a turbo slut.

While Atugia's is more bottom heavy headless Dullahan and her writer isn't very active.
Oh I'm well aware of that and I completely get it. I just generally dislike turboslut characters, at least as like consistent companions and not as say a town npcs. I also simply like her less that pretty much all of Savin's characters. Her getting so much content however puts me in a spot where I skip a bunch of updates in a row because I have no interest in her. I read " Cait has a new threesome scene with X" and check out. I aint mad just disappointed.


Jul 12, 2017
Also can I just say that like, I'm personally peeved that every time we meet a god/dess, it always ends with "you probably won't ever see us again" like no bitch get back here, I outwitted you in an ace attorney courtroom, I built you a giant temple in the sticks for your power base, at least let me booty call you more than once i'm fighting your greatest fear here. The only one we get to meet/fuck on the reg is the fox, and that's AFTER they tease us with that portrait of mallach (and sun tiddy whose name I forget), no wonder everyone want to side with Kas - she's got plans to let us see her regularly!
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