
Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
So now we got pocket buttslut Lyric and walking storage space preggo pony. What other things need to join the player party that aren't companions?

For the sake of consitency I vote Slime armour like the original CoC and in TITS, pretty fun piece of equipment and since this game is sticking to the Monster Girl Wiki might as well go all out.


Dec 9, 2019
Freshly made accounts that hardcore defend devs are always sus.
Welp if that's the case better be nice in commenting before someone starts flagging all again it gets cleaned tf out like before. Also what of this game is actually an over extended out of season April Fool's joke and always has been from the beginning? *puts on tinfoil helmet*


Active Member
Jan 5, 2021
Hi, what happens if I download and play this version while I already bought and played the steam version? Can I use the saves from the steam version? Also anyone knows any good site to make an avatar for our character?


May 26, 2021
My man you are hella sus
Freshly made accounts that hardcore defend devs are always sus.
Welp if that's the case better be nice in commenting before someone starts flagging all again it gets cleaned tf out like before. Also what of this game is actually an over extended out of season April Fool's joke and always has been from the beginning? *puts on tinfoil helmet*
Idk where you get "that hardcore defend devs" from, but okay. Believe what you want to believe.
All I was trying to do was to get you to question whether it was truly fair for you to criticize the game without all the information at your disposal, essentially criticizing the game based on assumptions gained from misinformation; making them opinions that are now being substantiated as fact. If you think that that's fair and alright, then fine, personally I see it as a waste of time to criticize something but never find out if I have all the information at my disposal, nor provide any feedback for change to occur; but w/e.

As for your assertion that I made this account purely to defend the devs, sorry to disappoint, but no. My very first post on F95 is publicly available, and it was to actually criticize another developer on their seeming neglect of their community on a different site (in a formal and comprehensive manner). But, if you don't wanna check that out, and just assume I'm here for this, then be my guest. I'm not here to convince you of anything; just thought I'd clear up some misinformation I'd seen for CoC2 as well.

Not sure why there would be any flagging, but; I don't exactly know how F95 operates all the time as such.
In any case, I have been critical of some decisions of the CoC2 dev team in the past, which is even referenced in my previous posts in this thread (such as not being able to interact with Arona for more than a year after her quest until her recruitment, and the devs planning changing).
In fact, I was part of a discussion (read critiquing the devs) on the forum to advocate for the "Veteran Perk" to be reworked; which it was.

I apologize if my presence in this thread is not welcome. If that is indeed the case then I'll just leave it here. I never intended to convince anyone of anything, more just questioning whether their stance was objective; or just subjective based on limited information, and then substantiating that opinion as though it should be fact (or as though it is fact).
But hey, if you guys want to perpetuate this environment and atmosphere, then that's fine. Just don't expect anything to really change, such as criticisms actually being improved upon.
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Jul 22, 2019
Generally speaking though, some of the devs / writers are somewhat open to feedback, as long as it's not "this sucks, why does it suck?".
I've not really seen any major criticism against the writers that come across as particularly open to feedback, one posted here before and got a lot of constructive responses, wsan is pretty consistently liked across the whole thread, and there's a few others I don't see much dislike of past just someone not being a fan of content (I just can't recall their names because it's late af). It's the writers who can't take any criticism that get shat on so much, and people say that because of how they act on official forums.

It's not like it's just getting made up, people have loads of evidence of tobs being a weirdo who thinks his content is way deeper than it is, or going off at people for things they never said, or the recent time where bubblelord just exploded at some dude because he was wrong about plans with the mercs or something stupid.

It's really not surprising that people don't make accounts there when that sort of behaviour is so consistently seen as fine, and when we know some writers read elsewhere anyway.

Also flagging/removal isn't an insult to you personally, our resident jannies just occasionally come along and decide 80 posts are unrelated and need to be deleted, sometimes full on weeks after the conversations happened. Their minds work in mysterious ways.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
To the sudden influx of dickriding: We don't hate the game here. There is quite a bit of sanctimonious tirade going on about how we're all just unenlightened haters or whatever. No. It's just that most of the people here are tired of the endless enabling on Fenoxo's forums.

And no, none of the writers are open to criticism, which just exacerbates the complaints, becoming more and more vitriolic with time. But they're all in good fun in the end. We seem to have an unwritten pissing contest here about who can write the funniest rant.

I mean, you can scour Fenoxo's forums and find dozens of threads where some of the writers flip out over complaints. The Devil's Advocate (tm) stuff just really gets old very quick. Especially since I myself am a fenoxo refugee, I'm very tired of that sycophant culture.

And any accusation of this place being an echo-chamber is hilarious. Yes, we do tend to generally shit on things here, but we all do like the game. The general negative viewlook is a natural reaction to the extreme positivism of the developer fanbase.


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Idk where you get "that hardcore defend devs" from, but okay. Believe what you want to believe.
All I was trying to do was to get you to question whether it was truly fair for you to criticize the game without all the information at your disposal, essentially criticizing the game based on assumptions gained from misinformation; making them opinions that are now being substantiated as fact. If you think that that's fair and alright, then fine, personally I see it as a waste of time to criticize something but never find out if I have all the information at my disposal, nor provide any feedback for change to occur; but w/e.

As for your assertion that I made this account purely to defend the devs, sorry to disappoint, but no. My very first post on F95 is publicly available, and it was to actually criticize another developer on their seeming neglect of their community on a different site (in a formal and comprehensive manner). But, if you don't wanna check that out, and just assume I'm here for this, then be my guest. I'm not here to convince you of anything; just thought I'd clear up some misinformation I'd seen for CoC2 as well.

Not sure why there would be any flagging, but; I don't exactly know how F95 operates all the time as such.
In any case, I have been critical of some decisions of the CoC2 dev team in the past, which is even referenced in my previous posts in this thread (such as not being able to interact with Arona for more than a year after her quest until her recruitment, and the devs planning changing).
In fact, I was part of a discussion (read critiquing the devs) on the forum to advocate for the "Veteran Perk" to be reworked; which it was.

I apologize if my presence in this thread is not welcome. If that is indeed the case then I'll just leave it here. I never intended to convince anyone of anything, more just questioning whether their stance was objective; or just subjective based on limited information, and then substantiating that opinion as though it should be fact (or as though it is fact).
But hey, if you guys want to perpetuate this environment and atmosphere, then that's fine. Just don't expect anything to really change, such as criticisms actually being improved upon.
"Believe what you want to believe."
"I apologize if my presence in this thread is not welcome."
"But hey, if you guys want to perpetuate this environment and atmosphere, then that's fine. Just don't expect anything to really change, such as criticisms actually being improved upon."

Man, frankly you're very condescending. You're guilt tripping while being passive-aggressive. Nobody here is trying to shoo you out, you're creating that would-be accusation for yourself while crying crocodile tears.

Just as how you're not here to convince us, we're not really here to convince you. Just let people rant.

Yes, there is definitely misinformation here on this thread, but the many screenshots of the writers being actual assholes are not lies.


May 26, 2021
To the sudden influx of dickriding: We don't hate the game here. There is quite a bit of sanctimonious tirade going on about how we're all just unenlightened haters or whatever. No. It's just that most of the people here are tired of the endless enabling on Fenoxo's forums.

And no, none of the writers are open to criticism, which just exacerbates the complaints, becoming more and more vitriolic with time. But they're all in good fun in the end. We seem to have an unwritten pissing contest here about who can write the funniest rant.

I mean, you can scour Fenoxo's forums and find dozens of threads where some of the writers flip out over complaints. The Devil's Advocate (tm) stuff just really gets old very quick. Especially since I myself am a fenoxo refugee, I'm very tired of that sycophant culture.

And any accusation of this place being an echo-chamber is hilarious. Yes, we do tend to generally shit on things here, but we all do like the game. The general negative viewlook is a natural reaction to the extreme positivism of the developer fanbase.
No worries I understand.

I will say though, I find the conduct on the official forums humorous; and I don't take what others say too seriously; whether they're being vitriolic or overtly toxic it usually just comes across as baby rage in any case.

"Believe what you want to believe."
"I apologize if my presence in this thread is not welcome."
"But hey, if you guys want to perpetuate this environment and atmosphere, then that's fine. Just don't expect anything to really change, such as criticisms actually being improved upon."

Man, frankly you're very condescending. You're guilt tripping while being passive-aggressive. Nobody here is trying to shoo you out, you're creating that would-be accusation for yourself while crying crocodile tears.

Just as how you're not here to convince us, we're not really here to convince you. Just let people rant.

Yes, there is definitely misinformation here on this thread, but the many screenshots of the writers being actual assholes are not lies.
I can see how you'd perceive the things you quoted that way. I don't really intend for things to come off as such (apologies if they do; but the intention isn't there for them to be passive aggressive), I mostly speak in a literal sense.
Only the last quote had any somewhat intended sense of snark; in the former half.

Yeah I get that. It was my mistake to interject information from the forums here, I'll just lurk in this thread from now on; if others wanna find the info they've no doubt got it at their disposal if they wanted.

As for the writers, see above in this message.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
No worries I understand.

I will say though, I find the conduct on the official forums humorous; and I don't take what others say too seriously; whether they're being vitriolic or overtly toxic it usually just comes across as baby rage in any case.

I can see how you'd perceive the things you quoted that way. I don't really intend for things to come off as such (apologies if they do; but the intention isn't there for them to be passive aggressive), I mostly speak in a literal sense.
Only the last quote had any somewhat intended sense of snark; in the former half.

Yeah I get that. It was my mistake to interject information from the forums here, I'll just lurk in this thread from now one; if others wanna find the info they've no doubt got it at their disposal if they wanted.

As for the writers, see above in this message.
All in good fun. Apologies for any offense.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2017
There is however a pregnant bust for her in the game files, so eventually that should be put to use.
It already is. She lays unfertilized colored eggs if you give her an Ovilixer. Fucking tease.

On the matter of criticism, I just know by now that there isn't any point to doing it on the main site. The most prolific writers are pretty set in their ways and they have plenty of supporters on the main forum to drown out any criticism. Strong opposition has just led to them writing content to spite people. I use these forums to vent more than anything, I don't expect anything to actually change.


May 14, 2017
There's no "big 4" though. They've implied that we're going to meet all of the deities; as there's going to be options to sell your soul to each of them for specific boons or transformations. Hence why that assertion of "the big 4" is based upon opinion or assumption; and not substantiated from fact.

Yes, I'm aware of how well in advance the game was planned out. But here's the thing, the development was actually stalled for a bit, something that you'd know if you dug through the posts on the official forums - hence why it was actually pretty up in the air of whether the game was actually to exist or not.
Development only really started back up on the game because the Lead Programmer created a framework for the game so they could learn JS - which is why when they did so all of the team came together again to actually begin creating the game.

This is why, when Savin approached the subject of writing 4 separate companions, they realized that one had to be dropped for their own sanity; as with being the Lead Writer and in charge of writing another 3 companions it was just too much.

And I don't know where you're getting that "He's not exactly quiet expressing that some of his other stuff gets left behind because of that." Do you, or any one on this F95 CoC2 sub-forum actually belong to the official forums; because it always seems weird seeing complaints here, but nobody actually detailing whether they've brought it up so that the people they're complaining about can actually respond.
In any case, it's been brought up on the forums before, and Savin even gets jibes about it in good faith by the other writers.

That's quite the assumption there. I literally said that there's no information detailing as such on the forums (by the very writer of the character) indicating as such; nor is there indication of that mentioned in the character's publicly available google document.
If you actually look at his character from a lore perspective he wants to be an adventurer but is not quite cut out for it; something that is made very apparent by the quest to rescue him. The only time we actually see some competence from him is in his redemption arc in Fort Marrock.

TObs had every intention for Kiyoko to be their priority as a companion; as theyd'd planned her out for years before the game had even conceptualized. Sure, TObs did mention that if they were offered a second companion slot Garret would be their choice (aside from possibly re-instating Shar to companion status; although this was mentioned 4 years ago at this point); but the assertion that Garret was always intended to be a companion is something you're seeing.
It wouldn't make sense for that to take priority over TObs' entire Floofhaus plan that centered around Kinu.

TObs doesn't just focus on one or two projects though. Literally 0 of the content in the game is entirely mutually exclusive from one another from a writing perspective. Heck, TObs writes a lot of companion scenes for any content they add (such as Arona lines for going into Fort Marrock, as well as the collaborative effort for the Winter Palace Ball).
It's true that Savin is pulled in more directions than most, but that comes with the territory of essentially being the Project Lead, and Lead Writer.

No, the reason why Cait has so much content is because she is literally the most integral character in the game from a lore perspective (i.e. the intro to the game; the mission that leads to the PCs quest), as well as the very first companion in the game.
The fact that she's fun to write is just an added bonus for some of the writers.

As mentioned before, writers generally write for every area or every major bit of content in some way. But yeah, I guess we'll see.

See above in this message.

They have been mentioned by names on the forums, but the writer is focusing on other content at the moment (aside from being a programmer for the game).
They will likely be expanded upon at some point in time, but there are other priorities first.
To answer your question, yes I do browse the Fen forums, and the reason I comment here is because I like the environment better. People here are more likely to disparage the game, while people in the Fen forums are more likely to praise it. I like to see both sides of the coin, sue me.

To reiterate, it's fine, I know there are a lot of things going on in the background that us plebian consumers aren't privy to. It's just fun to point out things that could have been and go "huh neat." I'm not espousing that Savin should have kept Shar as a companion, or that Tobs should have dropped Kiyoko and picked Garret. It's just neat little fluff at the end of the day.

As for Cait, she's was just used as an example. Even if she is integral to the plot, what I was saying is that she's popular, so she, of course , has droves of people wanting to write for her. All I'm saying is that if you're a fan of,say, Ihzalti, don't be shocked if it'll take a while for her relation to the drider queen to ever be expanded on.

Also being integral to a Fen game doesn't mean crap. Lethice and your cousin were obviously 3-dimensional characters that you got to interact with at every turn right. Heck you can count on one hand the amount of time Tollus shows up, and you need 2 hands for Kasyrra. Obviously they're going to fix this, but currently we are allowed to poke fun at them for this.

I like this game alright, I know I rarely had anything positive to say about it here, but I wouldn't be here if I didn't. But just because I like it doesn't mean I can't make fun of the writers silly decisions at times.

To end on, Coc2 is making $30,000 a month on patreon, and even more from steam sales. What they're doing is clearly working. I'm not a patreon so, if the writers want to take half a year to introduce something I like, I don't truly care. I don't have a horse in this race to begin with.
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Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
Hi, what happens if I download and play this version while I already bought and played the steam version? Can I use the saves from the steam version? Also anyone knows any good site to make an avatar for our character?
Yeah you can use saves from steam to the regular latest versions, just save to file and then load said file in the latest game version.

I just look through random art on deviant art until I found a face I like


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Only double dick content in the game is a character that disappears after you beat a story dungeon. But nope gotta add a shitload of Kitsune or Cait content.
It's funny that she even has a great bust art too.

They bothered writing a great scene and commissioning art for a character that you only see once. Was it not possible to write like, 2-3 lines of conversation so we can repeat that scene afterwards?

This is top tier Savin-brain shit right here. Wasting a good scene by not making it repeatable.


May 26, 2021
So, I just spent a bit actually reading this thread in depth; and let me say you guys are hilarious. After I actually read all of the context for the posts; even the ones that can be somewhat "out there" they're a lot different than I initially understood. (Guess I fell victim to my own quote huh, "a waste of time to criticize something but never find out if I have all the information at my disposal" :FacePalm:).

Sorry for my initial introduction to this thread, I do sometimes struggle to read the room (when it comes to text based stuff, cuz intent and all that); the toxicity and snark on the official forums is a lot more present than on here. So I shouldn't of come into this thread with the same perceived notions (expecting to have to justify stances and answers; and also that people aren't just memeing or joking with their critiques for the most part).
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