
May 14, 2017
I was unaware that Berwyn is worth getting this pressed over
Savin and Tobs are going to be inwardly fuming and badmouthing modding the millisecond the 4chan mod evet comes out. Savin will probably make Calla sluttier than Cait and sanction every Tob Kitsune content just to spite their critics, just because their characters are the biggest targets.
Characters are very important to writers. Sure you sign them away to Savin when you work on the project (he learned that from Blizzard/Dota), but this is still the equivalent of Savin saying screw it, and forcing Tobs and Wsan to write Kiyoko and Brienne joining Cait in the Minotaur gangbang. Or asking Bubblelord to write them in that position instead.
Though the alternative was outright deleting Berwyn so it's a bit more grey.


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2017
Hmn, this making me feel conflicted AF, mostly because:
-I AM one of those "Vanilla/Boring" players that'll genderswap Berwyn into a girl and fuck her into submission so i'm happy to hear about this.
-I feel terrible for the writter having his vision shat on because yeah sure is just a fictional character,"nothing but a bunch of pixels" as some would say but well...people have THEIR important "bunch of pixels" and it sounds like they care.


May 14, 2017
Liaden is like the only lesbian character in the entire game and you're salty she's not interested in a threesome with a male MC? How is that "inane and stupid"? Don't be greedy. And Azzy is very affectionate towards MC, has lots of scenes, Liaden has 1 with her and suddenly you're like "ugh I hate being 3rd wheel".
I'm not salty, Skow can do whatever they want with Azzy and Liaden. You don't see me complaining about Janeen having presences do you. What I'm saying is how to access that scene is very weird. That's inarguable. Kiyoko, and to a lesser extent Brienne, were more male-centered companions so it's only fair that females get one. It's still set's the tone of what future Azzy/Liaden scenes could be like. If I'm supposed to support their relationship, tripping at the starting line isn't the best way to do it.
They tell male mc to shove off one time, and Liaden is hesitant of even a fff threesome(and honestly even with a fem MC it's kind of a confusing and disappointing scene), why is that a red flag? And of what? Sounds like a pretty human reaction. And so is her attraction to Azzy, I'm okay with not every single character being all over the MC regardless of circumstances.
"waifu Azzy should be very wary" Yeah oooh chills down my spine. I'm so wary of, uh...what exactly?
What you should be wary of is if you expected Azzy to be a monogamous relationship akin to Ahmri or Raginild. Liaden might become more integral to her development than some would want. You can tell her and Brienne to stop, you can ignore Cait, but she'll constantly ask you to hook her up with Liaden and with the writing team's track record they clearly want you to say yes, because they sure as heck don't like supporting the no.
You might be okay with the possible Menage a trois but not everybody is. Especially when you barely interact with the other member. You're either going to see Liaden as nuisance or an accessory which I hope was not the intention. Nobody liked Rindo/Kinu's loser, nobodies looking forward to Azami/Takahiro, this one's fair game to criticize as well.
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Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
I was unaware that Berwyn is worth getting this pressed over
I see that they banned him on fenoxo forum, guess he went head to head with savin. I think his outburst is a bit justified, vut fenoxo forum dose have a disclaimer that any submitted characters will owned by the project and not the creator once you submit it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
Courtesy of /cocg/
Can recruit Azzy if the hive is corrupt
Can stop Azzy and Liaden flirting permanently
No more Hashat X Ryn
Future plans include replacing Cait with her sister, sexing Kinu, and turning Nakano into a tomboy
Bwahahah, this is hilarious. A mod just to spite the dev team.

I hope it pisses off Savin to no end.


Sep 12, 2020
I must say, never expect to see one of the writers rebel against savin. Any Samaritan who can tell me what they are doing or doing to Berwyn that bothered him so much?

I hope nothing bad happens to him, well although the fact that he faced savin does not seem to bring good things I still wait for the male version of berwyn.


Engaged Member
Aug 14, 2020
I think his "outburst" is a LOT justified.
If he really was assured that nobody will mess with his character like he claims.
I must say, never expect to see one of the writers rebel against savin. Any Samaritan who can tell me what they are doing or doing to Berwyn that bothered him so much?

I hope nothing bad happens to him, well although the fact that he faced savin does not seem to bring good things I still wait for the male version of berwyn.
HugsAlright just never intended for Berwyn to have any transformations including smaller dick, more feminine, to grow breasts or simply become a full woman. He was pretty adamant about that early on in CoC2 development, however he was very late with his projects and just disappeared for over a year and came back only to quit the project. Now you got three npcs including a companion that are abandoned.

When he left the team Savin hired a writer known as B to finish work on Berwyn since the character has not gotten an update in over 2 years due to HugsAlright taking long break and then suddenly leaving the team. There were no plans to have female Berwyn expansion but then HugsAlright returned and wanted to get back into the team but instead of doing it for free like last time he wanted to get paid like B however at that point Savin did not want him. Later on HugsAlright went on a tantrum on fenoxo forum and twitter, pissed off Savin to the point he paid extra to B and have a Berwyn female path added to his story thats where HugsAlright's recent rant comes in.
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Sep 2, 2018
HugsAlright just never intended for Berwyn to have any transformations including smaller dick, more feminine, or to grow breasts. He was pretty adamant about that early on in CoC2 development, however he was very late with his projects and just disappeared for over a year and came back only to quit the project.

When he left the team Savin hired B to finish work on Berwyn since the character has not gotten an update in over 2 years due to HugsAlright taking long break and then suddenly leaving the team. There were no plans to have female Berwyn expansion but then HugsAlright returned and wanted to get back into the team but instead of doing it for free like last time he wanted to get paid like B however at that point Savin did not want him. Later on HugsAlright went on a tantrum on fenoxo forum and twitter, pissed off Savin to the point he paid extra to B have a Berwyn female path to his story thats where HugsAlright's recent rant comes in.
I dislike a lot of the takes and practices around CoC but I cant really blame savin here if thats how it went down. Like If he was working consistently and then evenually said "hey can I get paid I cant keep doing it for free" sure great. But as it stands it sounds like hes a flight risk if you pay him

To throw my hat in the ring about azzy its a multifacted issue. She feels set up as a very much like, lovely dovey kinda girlfriend character. Which is the reason I like her along with ryn. At the same time shes the most classically Feminine companion who isnt ultra slutty like Cait. There is Atugia but has super limited content comparatively. Ethryn has a penis and thats not everyones bag so to speak. Brienne has the issue of originally being Brint, and personally having to like, knowingly turn him into a women and not get him help kinda skeeved me out.

Then theres the whole "If I say no to this how much content is being locked out" situation. I have no interest in cait or the temple, buy Kas' scenes are locked behind it, how much of her future content is about her girlfriend and will I be punished for not wanting it.

Finally,especially as a male character, when they write these relationship characters it makes it feel like thats what they want the "true" story of that character to be and the player is a footnote at best. despite what they claim this is a game about powerfantasies and self inserting I dont really have any interest in playing second fiddle to a random npc who wont give me the time of day with my favorite companion


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2019
HugsAlright just never intended for Berwyn to have any transformations including smaller dick, more feminine, or to grow breasts. He was pretty adamant about that early on in CoC2 development, however he was very late with his projects and just disappeared for over a year and came back only to quit the project.

When he left the team Savin hired a writer known as B to finish work on Berwyn since the character has not gotten an update in over 2 years due to HugsAlright taking long break and then suddenly leaving the team. There were no plans to have female Berwyn expansion but then HugsAlright returned and wanted to get back into the team but instead of doing it for free like last time he wanted to get paid like B however at that point Savin did not want him. Later on HugsAlright went on a tantrum on fenoxo forum and twitter, pissed off Savin to the point he paid extra to B have a Berwyn female path to his story thats where HugsAlright's recent rant comes in.
Yeah, well, it was obvious that there was more to this story than what Hugs was letting on. If you take only what Hugs said for granted, Savin excluded him because of his mental illness apparently. Kinda have to give it to Savin on that one.

For what it 's worth, IF Savin paid B extra to write extra content just to spite HugsAlright, quite frankly, Savin is one petty mfer.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2020
I went through my old writing bookmarks tab and found this site that has a bunch of articles on different topics related to writing that might be good:

Writing prompt websites (there's a writing prompt subreddit as well) are good if you need to work on putting "pen to paper" and getting over writer's block or getting ideas flowing.

Possibly get someone you trust who doesn't mind reading over your work and giving you advice. It's nerve-wracking (if you're like me and shy about it) but it's good to get other people looking at your writing because you'll miss things if it's just you looking over your own work all the time.

A good tip that I received before that sounds simple, is to read. Not to steal other people's ideas but to get a feel for other writing styles, topics, prose, story structure, etc. So if you want to write erotica/smut, read some erotica/smut and keep in mind what makes that story work for you if you like it or what makes it fail if you don't.

For corrections on technical aspects of your writing, I know a lot of people use and the like. Though don't rely 100% on these because they aren't perfect. And I recommend Google Docs as a good place to store your writing electronically if you aren't writing by hand in a notebook. It's free and you can access it anywhere you can log in to the website or download the app, so you can have it on the go which is how I do most of my writing.

I wish I had more good links and advice but that's about it. If you want to find in-person/zoom writer's groups possibly look at your local library, they usually have free writing courses or a community college.
Thanks a lot, really appreciate it.

Ayyy did you get into smut writing?
In short, ayy.

Long answer-
Since I started reading more, my creative side has been rejunuvated like never before. Along with me once again getting into drawing and painting regulary (now on my PC) I wanted to transform my abundance of free time into something more productive. So I started writing. For fun and mostly for myself. But it did cascade into need, well, to show off so to speak. So I needed an outlet. I though about just making account on Ao3 or something, writing futa on female smut for fun.

But then, around early July, with frustration reaching its boiling point with the lack of good male NPCs (before Liulfr) coming to CoC2 and lack of good husbandos that pander to my taste... It just made go "yeah, that does it". So I just started planning out what content I wanted to write. Not that I made much progress mind you. I was traveling a lot and did have to do the job as an intern. But once I finished all of that, around early august, I decided to finally start planning out and working on writing additional victory scenes for hobgoblins and on my pretty boy spider NPC.

The progress was going well. Until, what, a weak ago I read the thread on /cocg/ in which I found out that Elf Boy in the forest had option added to be removed as an encounter. Which made me go "Ahhhhhh shit, was he so annoying that people wanted him gone? Shame I liked him. But understandable since Hugs can not write for CoC2 anymore and no one else seems to be interested. If only...!"

And just like that, all my inspiration just transferred into a drive to do something about him. Not only because, as I said , I like his design and content. But because I hate concept of wasted space. Which, in this game case, is content that makes me go "what is the point" which this game can be said to have in spades. And writing a femboy that has actually meat to him, besides Berwyn , is something that this game sorely needs.

So yeah, big horse dick femboy charmed me.

Also, I see things have not changed much. Feels good.

HugsAlright just never intended for Berwyn to have any transformations including smaller dick/de dicking, more feminine, or to grow breasts and become a full woman. He was pretty adamant about that early on in CoC2 development, however he was very late with his projects and just disappeared for over a year and came back only to quit the project.

When he left the team Savin hired a writer known as B to finish work on Berwyn since the character has not gotten an update in over 2 years due to HugsAlright taking long break and then suddenly leaving the team. There were no plans to have female Berwyn expansion but then HugsAlright returned and wanted to get back into the team but instead of doing it for free like last time he wanted to get paid like B however at that point Savin did not want him. Later on HugsAlright went on a tantrum on fenoxo forum and twitter, pissed off Savin to the point he paid extra to B and have a Berwyn female path added to his story thats where HugsAlright's recent rant comes in.
This still does not tell me why Hugs did not want to get paid for his work. I can guess to some extent that since he was not technically under constant employment, like Tobs used to be, he only get payed for project that Savin himself hired him for. And I guess Berwyn was not one of them. Or he simply did not want to get payed, which I find strange from his end, since he was a pretty well known writer inside of community. Not like Fleep or Birds, who as of now write stuff out of passion for the game.

Now, if female Berwyn was born out of spite, I can see why that can be seen as petty. But since this is something that community at large wanted, I can not really say that it only accomplishes being spiteful. Especially since it seems that B is having fun with it. Helps that he, along with William, is my favorite writer, so more stuff from him is always good.

And personally, since we will be able to go cuntboy route, I am all for it. And considering what I am planing to do with Elfboy, throwing stone at the glass house does not seem wise.
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